It’s sticker and spoke card night this Wednesday at Bike Happy Hour

Part of my collection. Some gems in there!

Stickers and spoke cards are bike culture currency, and given Portland’s amazing bike scene, it should come as no surprise that the creative and fun people behind ours are experts at making and distributing them.

Let’s bask in these graphical gifts and spread printed propaganda far and wide: The theme for Bike Happy Hour (tomorrow, Wednesday 9/13) is stickers and spoke cards! Have stickers to share? Bring ’em! New to town and need some stickers? Grab ’em! Want to impress us with your amazing collection of rare items? Show ’em! We’ll swap and talk and share memories of great rides, cool clubs, and fun ideas.

And in keeping with the theme, I’ll have more of those fun panda stickers to mark off your attendance so you can move ever-closer to a free drink at one of our three participating watering holes — Gorges Beer Co, Ankeny Tap & Table, and Crema.

Also this week, a team of urban planners hired by PBOT will be hanging out with us to hear your feedback on the city’s Street Plaza Program. When Gorges Beer Co. owner Travis Preece first approached me about working together, one of his main priorities was to establish the plaza as a popular community gathering space — let’s make sure PBOT knows that we value these carfree blocks!

And don’t forget, all this month we’ll have live music in the Rainbow Road plaza. See my little video recap below of last week’s Happy Hour for a taste of what to expect:

Can’t wait to see everyone, and all your neat stickers and spoke cards!

Bike Happy Hour #25 – 9/13
Every Wednesday, All Year Long
3:00 to 6:00 pm at Gorges Beer Co patio (SE Ankeny & 27th)
$2 off drinks at Gorges, Ankeny Tap, and Crema (non-alcoholic and coffee too!)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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11 months ago

I’m so happy to see this. I thought that bike happy hour ended a few weeks ago at the end of pedalpalooza.

Tom Howe (Contributor)
11 months ago

It was eight years ago today that the Tilikum Crossing opened, and I’ve got some left-over stickers/spoke cards from the group bike ride that day I’ll bring to the happy hour (getting to HH after work a bit after 5:30).

That group bike ride went to every station on the MAX Orange Line, and these stickers convey the message that the Tilikum is for pedestrians/bikes, but not for cars.

Shannon Johnson (Family Biking Columnist)
Shannon Johnson (Family Biking Columnist)
11 months ago

Ah, I want to come so badly! I get a silly joy from fun bike stickers! And with a cargo bike, I have lots of sticker space.
Alas, I haven’t been able to make these happy hours with five kids in tow–I can’t take my box trike on the MAX and I don’t want to drive to Bike Happy Hour!
I had big plans: I bought a used “Mamachiri” Japanese Bridgestone Angelino bike with front and back kid seats… it’s compact enough for the MAX and can carry my youngest two, while my older kids can wheel their own bikes or scooters on board BUT I got a “good deal” and unfortunately neither my husband nor my local bike shop has been able to repair the internal gears (bike isn’t shifting properly) I currently have a really cool bike we haven’t been able to fix or safely ride, foiling my big plans to take us all on Bike-MAX-Bike adventures. And that’s my long sad story why I can’t come to bike happy hour, even though I really want to!
Save me some stickers?

11 months ago

Dang, I am going to miss it andI have lots of sticker to swap. I hope this sub-event happens again.