Friday Cartoon: On Williams, we want justice

NOTE: 5 and 1/2 years later, I have decided to delete this cartoon because now I fully understand how inappropriate its contents were. In hindsight, I regret publishing it. I’m sorry to everyone that was offended by it. — Jonathan Maus, 2/10/17.

— For background, see past coverage of the Williams project. For past cartoons here.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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13 years ago

Equating the civil rights struggle with the struggle for bike lanes? I hope I’m wrong…

Hart Noecker
13 years ago
Reply to  sabernar

Transit equity is most certainly a struggle for social justice.

13 years ago

I think it is more about the progressing, continuing struggle for civil rights, as the surrounding environment changes.

Joe Adamski
Joe Adamski
13 years ago

I live in a neighborhood that remembers insult and injury from 4 generations ago. St Johns had a troublesome history of annexation into Portland, and many still remember Grampa cussing up a storm about it.
It’s Grampa’s history, not mine.
The history of Williams is a bit more current than St Johns, but only a bit more so.
At what point do we relegate the past into history, or hang on to it as proof positive that we are being messed with?
The larger issue on Williams is finding that right balance between different modes all vying for the same real estate. Making sure passers through needs are met, as well as locals wanting safe passage around their neighborhood.
Throwing everyone else’s baggage into the mix is their baggage, not mine.
Missing in this is the understanding that its the volume of traffic, not the color of anyones skin.

13 years ago
Reply to  Joe Adamski

I’d like you to consider that the issues being raised by people like Ms. Huxley are not problems that are exclusively from the past.

13 years ago
Reply to  Joe Adamski

we can relegate the past to history right after we stop lying to ourselves about it.

13 years ago

What is the point here. Is this site not called bike portland?

13 years ago

I usually look for political cartoons to give a fresh outlook or a different twist on a controversy. This one just seems to be restating it.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)

Thanks for the feedback.

The idea was to show that there are past and current injustices on that street that have yet to be fully dealt with. I wanted to show that some of the same people who fought for social and civic justice back in the day are still asking for it… and now people are asking for traffic justice… and as of yet have not had their voices turned into action.

13 years ago

Thanks for explaining. But if you have to explain a cartoon, it ain’t working.

Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  OnTheRoad

Came for this; leaving satisfied.

Dan O
Dan O
13 years ago

Yeah, I got it: “fifty-odd years later… meet the new boss, same as the old boss… ” (etc.)

13 years ago

This is offensive.

Paul Johnson
13 years ago
Reply to  George

No doubt. Seems like BikePortland needs folks like you and me to simply balance out the white here.

Yo Mama
Yo Mama
13 years ago

Yes, it’s very offensive. The struggle for civil rights in Portland and the call for a new bike lane on Williams are not even close to being comparable in scope, magnitude, necessity, immediacy, history, legacy, or impact.

Civil rights to a bike lane? Really? Civil rights broadly addressed lynchings, voting rights, Jim Crow segregation… did you know there were legal exclusions against Blacks owning property in Portland… written explicitly in house deeds?

This cartoon’s appearance on one of the most well-recognized mouthpieces of the PDX bike community makes me embarrassed to be associated with cyclists.

This cartoon is racist.

2 things I would like to point out here:
1. The struggle for civil rights in Portland is obviously not over.
2. The artwork on that cartoon betrays a mindboggling amount of ignorance.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
Reply to  Yo Mama

Yo Mama,

Where did I say or write that this cartoon is equating the “struggle for civil rights” with the “call for a new bike lane”?

And you even say at the end of your comment, that the “struggle for civil rights in Portland is obviously not over” — that’s exactly what I intended the point of the cartoon to be.

Would also like to know why you feel the artwork shows “ignorance”.

Thanks for the feedback.

Paul Johnson
13 years ago

The visual analogy makes the comparison intrinsically implicit because that’s the only message in the drawing.

Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson
13 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

I appreciate and hear that you created the concept for this cartoon out of good intentions. I hope you also can appreciate the old idea that there is a road paved with good intentions that leads nowhere good at all.

I’ve only been a casual reader over the years, but even I have noticed that the white privilege attitudes prevail here whenever subtle racial issues are discussed. Admittedly, a lot of bicycle culture handles privilege poorly. There has been a pretty recent shift to address white privilege in environmentalism in general as well.

I often think about how transportation justice and environmental justice are the only civil rights movement where I am not only an ally but I’m also fighting for my own rights. That’s a seductive thought to a white boy born and raised in SW Portland, but it’s also one I basically keep to myself because all it really shows to the outside world is that I’ve been extremely fortunate to not have to fight personal institutional discrimination during the 23.5 other hours of my day. Many of my friends and associates over the years are not nearly so lucky because institutionalized racism, sexism, hetero-centrism, and ableism work in our culture in visible and invisible ways.

I show respect for the journeys of others around me by listening more than I speak (another old idea) and by not jumping to a defensive and accusatory stance at those times when someone calls my attention to my own privilege. You should listen to the voices that are saying that this cartoon is in poor taste, if only because environmental justice can’t afford to lose any more potential allies due to misunderstandings.

The best that can be said about this cartoon is that it makes absolutely no sense because it was given no context. I believe this is actually the case. But it also shows ignorance (that’s okay, we’re all ignorant at times) because the most clear interpretation to people outside the author’s worldview is that it’s trying to appropriate the civil rights struggle to serve the cause of a struggle for a mere bicycle lane.

In any event, it’s very clearly appropriating the imagery of the civil rights movement for one reason or another. If you’re going to steal from someone else’s culture, you should make sure that it’s not offensive from their point of view.

This isn’t the first time bikeportland has been tone-deaf on racial issues. Have you considered any ideas on how to engage people of color more prominently with the editorial side of bikeportland? Certainly better inclusion of people of color is an important goal for transportation and environmental justice. Do you think it’s an important goal for bikeportland?


— Mark