Some of our own medicine

Well, what do you expect? We asked for it.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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17 years ago

Oddly enough, I’m OK with it. I hope the owner is being sarcastic, but if not, so what. I share the road.

redneck jerk
redneck jerk
17 years ago

yeeehaw. maybe you can post the license plate? I have a few comments that I would like to deliver to this patriot, personally.

Jim F
Jim F
17 years ago

Ok, that’s pretty hilarious!

17 years ago

I love the shovel and dead animal horns in the back of the truck. Now there’s a true ‘merican!

the serrach
17 years ago

funny stuff. and fitting that this fine citizens enjoys not only polluting, but killing as well.

17 years ago



Val A Lindsay II
Val A Lindsay II
17 years ago

Gee, that looks like idealism. Never seen that from a motorist OR a cyclist.

17 years ago

i love it.

i think it’s hilarious.

when i first moved to portland i thought the “one less car” thing was pretty silly. now, even though i can appreciate the message, i still want a sticker for my bike that says “one less pedestrian”.

17 years ago

I met a guy once who was a big biker and he had it on his truck too. I wouldn’t make too many assumptions about anyone’s politics based on the sticker. I think it’s pretty freakin hilarious!

Hey serrach, maybe you’re a vegetarian, I don’t know and I’d hate to assume either way (as a former veggie myself). Regardless, don’t you think it’s much better for someone to kill what they eat than just buy it in the store, essentially paying someone else to do the killing? Perhaps it’s more appropriate to knock on all your store-buying meat-eating friends before knocking on hunters as “enjoying killing.”

And god forbid someone have a shovel in their truck. Sure sign of a neanderthal.

17 years ago

Funny! A sense of humor is a good thing kids!

the serrach
17 years ago

actually tony, i don’t really care. i just think it’s funny that he so neatly fits a stereotype that i find amusing.

i also enjoy laughing at bikey/liberal stereotypes, piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain.

17 years ago

So they CAN see us….

Options Man
17 years ago

Personally, I’d prefer that this motorist car-pool. And then change the sticker to “Two less bikes.”

17 years ago

what does this person need that shovel for, anyway?

17 years ago

When I lived in Eugene there was a couple that commuted by tandem and wore shirts with that printed on the back.

17 years ago

Well since stereotyping people we’ve never met is the way of the enlightened, he’s probably whacking baby seals over the head with it.

17 years ago

sweet, let’s have a baby seal bbq at his place!

17 years ago

should we roast them over dead bald eagles?

17 years ago

if we cannot find any salmon trapped under a dam, then, yes.

17 years ago

I’ve got some dehydrated trustafarian Greenpeace activists in the back of my Hummer we can use too!

17 years ago

Mmmmmmm…dehydrated trustifarian Greenpeace activists. I just love that smoked herb and patchouli flavor.

the serrach
17 years ago

you nice folks have put a smile on my face.


17 years ago

smoked herb? surely there is a law against that.

of course, if you are wealthy, you can beat the ticket. hahaha.

17 years ago

“of course, if you are wealthy, you can beat the ticket.”

Better than beating a baby seal.

17 years ago

I hate to ruin the party but those antlers are sheds… a real American could tell just by looking at the pedicle. 😉

17 years ago

Hee hee.

17 years ago

I’ve spotted at least two “ONE LESS FIXED GEAR” stickers so far…

17 years ago

Carl: I’ve got one! People love it. I get compliments on my “One Less Fixed Gear” sticker all the time.

I love my gears. All 24 of them.

17 years ago

I saw a pickup truck last summer with the back end of a bicycle seat wedged into the front grill, antler-style.

The truck’s bed was empty except for one (1) child’s tricycle, the old metal red kind.

Funny? Not funny? Craaaaazy town this is for sure.

17 years ago

This is a old concept, one most recently brought back to light in these forums by Magnum.
But, the sad truth is, I agree.
One less bike.
There is too much of a push to get everyone on their bike.
To get overseas and out of state companies to move here.
To get more cyclists to move here.
To get major stage races here (a supreme waste of time)
All of this is and has been going on.
Yet, the City of Portland cannot even protect the important bicyclists it has, that help keep this city running, from the poor judgement and shoddy enforcement of it’s own police force.
Who are we to be looking for more cyclists, when we can’t even protect the cyclists we have.
Once again, I agree.

One Less Bike!

17 years ago

And Carl,
The one less fixed gear stickers were made by Zorn of the Dead Babies Bike Club, and Seattle bike polo.
I have a handful of them here in my room.
My stash.

17 years ago

Reminds me of a bumper sticker from a few years back, something like:

“Because of me and 249 other drivers, there’s one less bus on the road”

17 years ago

This Pickup truck is owned by a PDOT employee. he live a couple of house down from me.


redneck jerk
redneck jerk
17 years ago

haha, maybe we can put some more stickers on it?

17 years ago

how about one less dabby

17 years ago

you can put that one on…I will add my “many more dabbys” sticker just for confusion. and, how does one pluralize that name, properly?

also, dabby, I would like to, one day, see this stash of yours. my imagination bikes wildly…

Willie Biffit
Willie Biffit
17 years ago

“To get major stage races here (a supreme waste of time)”
Care to elaborate? Or are you just trolling?

Yes, you can spend the 100K on a homeless shelter (as you suggested here: as a one-time expenditure, and then have no revenue stream to support the staff and facilities required to run it. Or we can get a stage race to the area, bringing in the tourism dollars, hotel taxes, goods and services required to put it on and actually get a higher return on our investment. Maybe even employ some of those homeless folks to help with the labor required to put the thing on.

Aw crap, now I’m feeding the troll.

17 years ago

ya I hate to feed the troll, but here goes. read this dabby

I says that the tour de georgia had 800,000 spectators and generated 36.2 million is revenue for the the state and local communities.
it also employed about 500 people, and recieved exposure that would have cost 4 million.
but of course all of this would only get more people interested in riding bikes.

17 years ago

Have some respect for Dabby (, even when he’s not making much sense. He’s not a troll. He just lets his passionate road-weariness outweigh his logic and restraint sometimes.

I’ll believe that Dabby is truly against Portland’s current bicycle trajectory when he stops riding. Please don’t prove me wrong, here, Dabby.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
17 years ago

Yeah guys, Dabby may lose his marbles now and again, but he’s far from a troll.

And Dabby, please try and keep things on-topic and constructive….I’m watching you like a hawk! ;-).

17 years ago

In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, most often in the form of posting inflammatory, off-topic, insulting, or otherwise inappropriate messages.

Wouldn’t someone on a “cycling” forum, posting that they believe there should be less bikes on the road and posts against promoting cycling fall into that.

17 years ago

I like pie.

josh m
josh m
17 years ago

I think it’s funny.
and for the “one less fixed gear” crap.
Can someone get me some “one less roadie” stickers?
I need to stencil on my bag, “YES, ANOTHER FIXIE”.

17 years ago


17 years ago

If understanding that the community around you is getting too big for it’s britches makes you a troll, then I am getting up in the morning, putting my stuff in my bag, and moving to that nice spot under the steel bridge I have been eyeing.
But, I don’t think that there is a wireless signal there, and that isn’t going to work.
How could I inspire thought and discussion with out a wireless signal?

17 years ago

one less wireless signal?

please invite me to your underthebridge warming, dabby. I am lonely and cold.

17 years ago

Dabby, understanding that the portland transport infrastructure isn’t working and is going to get worse isn’t why you are a troll. and nobody said that, you just made it up. we all understand that and are trying to make improvements so that riding around the city gets safer and gets more riding. I think both with go hand in hand.
If you truly believe what you preach, then you should become one less bike.

17 years ago

Well, Ian, I don’t think dragging out the Wikipedia definition of troll(in internet terminology!)really helps your comment any.
Dabby should not in fact become one less bike, the man is made for bike riding.He has been riding bikes, several different types of bikes even, for years and years. He has been a member not only of the broader bicycling community but also specialized sub communities of bike world by being a professinal courier, a commuter, a racer at times, and a supporter of fun bike things such as bike polo.He rides for himself, but he also rides with friends and in community based rides such as the mystery ride, Etc,etc. He has been active on this forum for quite some time and not only has every right to speak his mind on whatever topic but should actually be encouraged to do so. If you think his voice is one of dissention on specific topics,well…so what? He does not have to conform to any one else’s thoughts. I am assuming that you don’t know him personally and thus that is why you feel ok to be so rude on the forum.If you did know him I am confident that you wouldn’t make such thoughtless comments.