Endless happy hour if you arrive by bike

Just caught this interesting announcement in the BTA Digest:

The Waypost, a European-style bar/cafe at 3120 N Williams (a few blocks south of Fremont), has declared December “Bicycle Love Month.” There will be endless happy hour for customers who arrive by bike, and a showing of the film “A Sunday in Hell” on December 14th. On December 7th, Brian Manning from the Community Cycling Center will be lecturing on “Bicycle Maintenance During Wartime”

And according to their website they’ll show everyone’s fave bike movie, Quicksilver on December 5th.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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17 years ago

oh, great, drunks on bikes 🙂

But seriously, I think it’s a nice idea, and I’d go if they also showed “Breaking Away” . . .

17 years ago

well I never ever drink and bike (cough, cough)

17 years ago

“A Sunday in Hell” OMG, I’m so there. That’s a great movie that I haven’t seen in so many years. Cobbles, Merckz, Moser, w00t!

17 years ago

DUI whether in auto or bike is the same thing so far as “the law” is concerned. Encourging alcohol use with road use seems irresponsible. If a tavern featured unlimited “happy hour” for your SUV ( just show your registration) would that be OK?

17 years ago

I believe happy hours are all about congressing with friends – not getting stupid drunk.

if you don’t like it, don’t go. I like it, I will go at some point.

thanks for caring.

maybe we could have a team safety to help drunks bike home safely? all you teatotallers can be helpful, for once. now, get me a drink.

17 years ago

Well said Adam.

17 years ago

As usual, adam missed the point.

People should be aware that the penalties for DUI in Oregon are the same whether you’re on your bike or in a car. Now if you want to go out and have one drink, or twenty, you at least won’t be surprised by the severity of the penalties after the fact.

17 years ago

Small correction: the website says Quicksilver is on the 5th (a Tuesday, at 7:30pm).

17 years ago

As a non-drinker, happy hour is (to me) all about cheap eats. I don’t think there are a disproportionate number of people getting sauced during happy hours versus late Friday nights.

Also, as far as bike movies go, I have a special place in my heart for the steaming pile of cheese which is American Flyers.

17 years ago

I’d have to agree with Scout; as a starving student, my first though was “Cheap eats!”

17 years ago

Well though my first thought was (like Rix) ‘cheap eats’.
Regarding all the DUI talk. Does anyone protest outside of regular bars which have happy hour? Especially suburban bars where the only way to reach the place is by car. They are much more irresponsible in promoting unsafe behavior. Like stop-sign running, I’m much safer with a law-breaking bicyclist than an equivalent law-breaking car driver.

17 years ago

I wouldn’t say protest this bike-friendly happy hour. I’d just say be aware of the law.

17 years ago

My roomate, having seemingly spent time in eastern Washington relayed this info to me.
It appears that in many parts of Washington state, if you are found drinking and bicycling, or maybe even drunk bicycling, the polices job at that point is not to ticket you, but to ensure you get home safely, ie; drive you and your bike home.
So, as you can imagine, in relating this story to me, he pointed out that you will not get pulled over for drinking and biking in many parts of Washington state.
This makes perfect sense, for a car weighs thousands of pounds, while the average bike and rider would total 200 pounds, this being no danger to anyone but him or her self.
I mean really, are you people going to give someone a hard time for riding a bike home from the bar, as opposed to driving?
And, by the way, if you have drunk that much, and are that loaded, it is also much of the time impossible to even ride a bike.
But, that same bike can help keep you upright as you walk home.

Get off your high horse, out of your SUV, and buy me a drink.
Oh, and get one for Adam too…

17 years ago


I’m glad there’s interest attached to this month-long theme. I operate the Waypost and also travel primarily by bicycle. I know the Portland winters can be discouraging to the average rider, so I thought I’d offer another incentive.

Nobody ever walks out of this place in an unsafe condition. But I know many bicyclists who enjoy drinking beer and I got beer for sale. We want more Portlanders to know we exist, so we’re offering our place to stay warm, watch films, and learn some things.

Happy Hour is going to apply to beer and wine only ($1) off, as our food is already inexpensive.

Maybe I’ll see you there.

17 years ago

Dabby, you’re right. Every state treats it differently. In California, there’s a separate BUI law that makes it an offense, but not the same offense, as DUI. In Washington, it’s not an offense, but the police are allowed to impound your bicycle if you pose a threat to yourself or others. In Oregon, DUI applies to bikes and cars; it’s the same offense, with the same penalties.

I’m not saying that makes sense, I’m just saying people should be aware of that.

Here are some articles on the subject:



Michael, if I can ever scrape together two nickels, I’ll stop by.

josh m
josh m
17 years ago

I’m pretty sure everyone knows you can get a DUI on a bike. You can get one on a riding lawnmower, too!

However, as Dabby pointed out… For the most part, the only danger and intoxicated cyclist poses, is to themselves. You can say that they could cause an accident w/ a driver trying to avoid them…
but, give me some examples of this happening?
The only time I know a intoxicated cyclist has caused and accident w/ a car was when the driver of the car was intoxicated themselves, so who knows who really was to blame, the cyclist is dead, so.
Let’s just take the lesser of two evils and get over it.
Some of us live far out(IE, 70th and Halsey), so walking is out of the question, and many of us can’t afford cabs(that’s why we drink at happy hours!).
Everyone needs to stop jumping on their high rise horses every chance they get, on here. It got old fast.

17 years ago

What high horse?

Telling somebody what the legal pitfalls are isn’t a “high horse.”

It’s one thing to come here and philosophize about how we “think” the world should be. That philosophizing, however, doesn’t get you anywhere in the legal system. If somebody is arrested, it’s not a defense to say that a bike isn’t dangerous; in fact, there are almost no defenses for DUI. And shooting the messenger off his “high horse” doesn’t change that.

17 years ago

rixtir probably also thinks it should be illegal to ride the max after having a beer. Prohibition was tried and failed, clearly increased enforcement of drinking and driving a dangerous vehicle does not solve the problem, they still arrest people all the time. Here we have someone trying to encourage people to make choices that make life safer for all of us, discouraging this program is along the same vein as saying we shouldn’t run buses and the max later at night because in encourages drinking and drinking is “bad” Many thanks to michael, I’ll be coming by to sample the fare.

17 years ago

What part of reading comprehension are you having trouble with, stereo?

josh m
josh m
17 years ago

I don’t think anyone is trying to say a DUI for riding while drunk is unfair. We all know what happens if you get caught, however, I am asking, do you know of anyone who has been caught? Because I haven’t. I’ve talked to many cops drunk off my ass and proceeded to ride off on my bike. well, swerve…
I’ve had a cop drive into the oncoming lane to avoid me while I was riding down the street drunk.
I am pretty sure everyone knows what can happen.
The point being, get over it. we are. We know what we’re doing. Go do what you want… we don’t care. Let us do what we want w/ out your nagging like someone’s mom.

17 years ago

First, josh, I’ll post what I want. Does that clear it up any for you?

Second, several here have said it’s unfair, so that line of reasoning ain’t going anywhere, josh.

Third, I don’t believe for one minute that everybody on a bike knows that a DUI on a bike is the same as a DUI in a car.

Fourth, for those with reading comprehension issues, I didn’t say *anything* about agreeing with the law. I merely stated what the law is for those who might not know.

Fifth, for those of you who don’t like that I stated what the law is for those who might not know, too effin’ bad.

Sixth, for those of you who want to go out and do what you want regardless of the potential consequences, I said it in Post 7, and I’ll say it again: Now if you want to go out and have one drink, or twenty, you at least won’t be surprised by the severity of the penalties after the fact.

17 years ago

Everyone needs to give Rixter a break here – he (she? I can’t tell from the name) was merely providing a public service by providing information. If you want to be pissed off, be pissed off at me, because I was the one who initially expressed dismay over the the increased potential of drunk people on bikes (post #1) and I remain dismayed – no high horse here, I have been drunk on a bike many times (hell, I went to the #1 college for drunks on bikes – at least it was in 1982-1985, UCSB may have cleaned up its act by the time Jonathan got there )and I will be the first to admit I was a threat to others as well as to myself. Would I have been bummed if I got a ticket? Yes, but I would have deserved it. Especially those times that I couldn’t even remember riding home from Goleta to Isla Vista.

17 years ago

I’ve added some films to the series, so I’m mentioning them here.
“Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure” will be showing on Sunday, the 17th at 3pm.
And, as requested by Cecil at the very start of this thread, I’ll be showing “BREAKING AWAY” on Saturday the 30th at 7:30pm.

Enjoy the cold, friends.

17 years ago

People! Hello! Let’s focus:new bar, supporter of cyclists, shower of bike movies? Hip Hip Hurray! Stop squabbling over stuff and go have fun.

17 years ago

report from happy hour.
what a nice place! well done.
I managed to drink 2 drinks while talking to some good friends. I also ate a delicious sandwich. I don’t know how much they cost, someone paid for me.

also, the staff was very friendly. a lovely man and a lovely woman were able to pour beers, chat about stuff and kick us out in time for the movie to start.

there is also a piano there – which I tried to remember chopsticks on…uhhh.

but, yes, all in all, 2 drinks up. give it a try yourself.

17 years ago

Yay!!!! Breaking Away!!!!! I am SO there!!! Can you serve uncooked corn on the cob, wonder bread and margarine, so we can all (or at least just me) do Paul Dooley imitations?