Mix of snow, slush and ice make for tricky biking conditions
Here’s our latest roundup of biking conditions featuring reader submissions, PBOT’s response, and even a KGW-TV news clip.
Here’s our latest roundup of biking conditions featuring reader submissions, PBOT’s response, and even a KGW-TV news clip.
Mother Nature finally found a way to keep Portlanders off their bikes on Sunday: a foot of fresh snow followed by a dangerous ice storm.
The Great Thaw has begun; but challenges remain. Check out our latest report and photos on current conditions.
My chosen tool for bike fun today. With the City of Portland and other agencies telling everyone to stay indoors due to the sheet of ice that has blanketed our town, I couldn’t wait to leave the house this morning and see if I could still ride a bike. So, I went out to my … Read more
Update and open thread on the crazy snowy conditions out there.
An update and more photos of the big (for Portland anyways) snowstorm.
The worst storm in years made for some interesting — and challenging — riding today. Check out our photo gallery to relive the experience or see what you missed.
A snow cycling photo gallery and some thoughts on riding in the white stuff. Add your experiences of our first snow day in quite some time.
It didn’t stick around long, but it sure was pretty. (Photos taken in North Portland near Rosa Parks Way and Interstate Ave.)
The City of Portland has issued a winter travel advisory due to a cold front on its way late this weekend. The forecast calls for “snow showers” starting on Sunday. If it comes to pass, things could get interesting out on the roads. If you’ve haven’t already, now would be a good time to think … Read more
A scene on SE Madison in January 2009.(Photos © J. Maus) There’s snow in the forecast! Weather pros think is very likely to begin tonight (just before the evening commute). With that in mind, I wanted to remind folks that using a bicycle when it’s snowing or when snow is on the roads is a … Read more