Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Former environmental organizer is BTA’s new Advocacy Campaign Manager

Gerik Kransky(Photo: OLCV) The Portland-based Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) has hired Gerik Kransky to be their new Advocacy Campaign Manager. Kransky, age 30, was previously outreach director for the non-profit land use group 1000 Friends of Oregon and has also worked with SOLV and the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club. Back in October, Kransky … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Alice Awards in June, vehicular homicide, and other updates from BTA Board Chair

BTA legislative committee chair Doug Parrow.(Photo © J. Maus) The BTA’s Board Chair Mary Roberts sent out a letter via email today with updates on “major initiatives” they’re working on. Here are a few bits from the letter that caught my eye: Preparing for the 2011 Legislative Session The legislature will be making critical decisions … Read more

BTA launches “Build It” social media campaign

BTA Advocacy DirectorMichelle Poyouorow at thecampaign launch.(Photo © J. Maus) The Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) has launched a new campaign to hasten progress on the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. The campaign is called “Build It,” and with an emphasis on social media and a new blog at, the BTA hopes it will put … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Guest Editorial from the BTA: Together, we can get this thing built

[Publisher’s note: This op-ed was written the staff and board of directors of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance to kick off their new “Build It” campaign that was launched this morning in downtown Portland (stay tuned for more coverage).] Official campaign logo For years the momentum has been growing.  There have been more bikes 
on the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

BTA will answer questions, share new vision at annual meeting tonight

A scene from the BTA’s Annual Meeting back in January.(Photo © J. Maus) At their annual meeting tonight in Northwest Portland the Bicycle Transportation Alliance will have a lot of questions to answer. Almost a month after they fired their executive director and several months into a re-structuring of their organization, the BTA is undergoing … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

BTA will ask members for input on new leader

Yesterday we shared some names of folks who might be a good fit for the top job at the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA). Now, the organization has announced two meetings where they’ll ask members what qualities and attributes they want in their next executive director. Former ED Scott Bricker was let go in November and … Read more

Bike business group, BTA, look to drum up corporate support for Bicycle Plan

Biking and walking are good for business.(Photo © J. Maus) The fledgling Bicycle Business League (BBL) and the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) have joined forces to garner support from local businesses for the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030. The BBL has drafted a letter of support for the plan and the group hopes to get … Read more