Blumenauer jumps at chance to hold a “weasel” accountable

George Will, Public Weasel No. 1. Remember just over a year ago, when U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer told the crowd at the Oregon Bike Summit that we need to “Hold the weasels accountable” when their partisan bickering holds up good bike policy? Now, Blumenauer is doing just that in his efforts to take Newsweek’s George … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Blumenauer makes Portland bike boulevards a “High Priority” project

U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer has made his transportation project requests public.(Photo © J. Maus) [Via Mapes on Politics] U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer has made his list of “High Priority” transportation projects public, and several of them are for bike-related projects in and around the Portland metro area. According to Blumenauer, the list was created to … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Blumenauer legislation would bulk up and clear up bike commuter benefit

Rep. Earl Blumenauer at a reception this morning on Capitol Hill.(Photo © J. Maus) When the Bike Commuter Benefit Act passed back in October, it was somewhat of a shallow victory for advocates who had pushed for its passage for seven long years. Not only did it pass as a ploy to build support for … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Earl Blumenauer on Streetfilms: Bloggers and the bike-partisan revolution

Rep. Blumenauer and Streetsblog’s Aaron Naparstek. – Watch video below – Streetfilms nabbed a few minutes with Congressman Earl Blumenauer during his recent visit to New York City. In the film below, Streetsblog Editor-in-Chief Aaron Naparstek asks Blumenauer how livable streets advocates can most effectively engage their leaders and influence national transportation policy (a very … Read more

Senate amendment would strip bike funding from stimulus bill; Blumenauer responds

Senator Jim DeMint Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) introduced an amendment last night that would prohibit funding of “bicycle routes” and paths from the economic stimulus package that’s working its way through Capitol Hill right now. According to staffers in Representative Earl Blumenauer’s office who are following the bill closely, Sen. DeMint’s amendment was supported in … Read more

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Blumenauer in NY Times: A “bicycle evangelist”

Blumenauer in front of his office in D.C.(Photo © J. Maus) The New York Times has published a profile on Portland Congressional Rep. Earl Blumenauer. The story, A Bicycle Evangelist With the Wind Now at His Back appears above-the-fold on page two of the paper’s weekly “Science Times” section. Unlike the recent anti-bike comments by … Read more

Portland’s transportation planning to be featured on PBS series

Mayor-elect Sam Adams in a screen grab from an upcoming PBS series. Portland is set to be featured in an episode of a PBS television series about the “economies of being environmentally conscious”. The series, e2 transport, is in its third season. The Portland segment is titled: Portland: a Sense of Place. A trailer for … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

National attention for Blumenauer’s “Greener Commute”

Blumenauer on his “green commute” down Pennsylvania Ave.(Photo © J. Maus) Portland’s favorite pedaling politico got his views on biking into the hands of 72.6 million Americans on Sunday. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) was featured in a Parade Magazine column titled “Greener Commute”. In the article, he was asked three questions, including one that featured … Read more