Proposed law would reduce speeds on narrow roads
[Without a new law, this is what some people must resort to.]
You can also read about the BTA’s legislative efforts on their website.
[Without a new law, this is what some people must resort to.]
[The Capitol building in Salem.] If you’re interested in this year’s bike legislation in Salem and beyond, you won’t want to miss an upcoming discussion being hosted by PDOT. As part of their ongoing Bicycle Brown Bag series, they’re bringing in Scott Bricker of the BTA and Karmen Fore from U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio’s office … Read more
A few weeks ago, the BTA unveiled their Senate Bill 299 (PDF here), an “omnibus” bill that includes several new provisions. The last section (Section 6) of that bill included amendments to ORS 811.440 which deals with laws pertaining to, “When motor vehicles may operate on bicycle lane.”
There’s a notable addition to the BTA’s 2007 Legislation page. In a section titled “Other Bicycle Bills” (meaning ones they’re not working on themselves) is a mention of a local effort — which I reported on a month ago — to consider changing how bicycles treat stop signs.
[A road in North Plains.] Yesterday, the BTA’s Senate Bill 299 — which includes a provision about requiring a minimum three-foot passing distance — got its first debate on the floor of the Judiciary Committee in Salem. A reporter from the Associated Press was there and filed a report that was picked up by the … Read more
[Scott Bricker hustles in the hallways between meetings.] After posting my first Salem report, BTA bike lobbyist Scott Bricker and I set off for two more meetings. The first was with Representative Jeff Barker, a Democrat who represents Beaverton and Aloha. This meeting (as usual) would only last about 15 minutes and with three full … Read more
[BTA’s Scott Brickerinside the Capitol.] It’s been a busy morning. After negotiating Portland’s icy streets, BTA Policy Director Scott Bricker and I made our way down to Salem. For Scott, it was just another day at work, but for me it was an opportunity to learn more about how a bike lobbyist works the system … Read more
There seems to be a lot of interest in the community about the bike-related legislation going on in Salem this year. I’ve been doing my best to stay in touch with all of it and I will write about developments as they come in. Here’s what I know so far. BTA Policy Director Scott Bricker … Read more
If you think bicycle commuters deserve the same tax benefits from employers that already exist for drivers and transit users now is the time to make your voice heard. I just got this urgent call to action from Jessica Roberts at the BTA.
[I received this information from an inside source in the Oregon bike advocacy scene, I will post a link to the full press release when it is available online.] This just in from the office of Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore): ‘Conserve By Bike’ Provision Included in Energy Bill $6.2 Million Pilot Program Designed to Spur … Read more