PBOT will break ground on East Burnside bus lane and new bike lane this week

This week, the Portland Bureau of Transportation begin work on the East Burnside Rose Lane project. This project is part of PBOT’s Central City in Motion (CCIM) plan to speed up transit and improve infrastructure for people biking and walking. A Rose Lane on east Burnside is being installed to improve transit times for TriMet bus … Read more

Three new neighborhood greenways coming near Hawthorne Blvd

The Portland Bureau of Transportation disappointed a lot of people with their decision to not add bike lanes to Southeast Hawthorne Blvd last year. But if there was a silver lining, it was that they also promised to make the streets around Hawthorne better for bicycling. At Tuesday night’s meeting of the PBOT Bicycle Advisory … Read more

Columbia Slough and Marine Drive path gaps to be filled with Metro bond funds

There were a lot of exciting Portland-area active transportation projects up for Metro funding through its 2025-2027 Regional Flexible Funds Allocation (RFFA) cycle, and not all of them were chosen. But Metro has other pots of money to dip into for regional projects, and they just announced how they’ll use $20 million from the 2019 … Read more

ODOT wins ‘diversity leadership’ award for I-5 Rose Quarter project

Interstate 5 through the Rose Quarter is a monument to the systemic racism that pervaded the Federal Highway Administration and their enablers at the Oregon Department of Transportation in the 1960s. The path of the freeway cut through the heart of Portland’s Black community like a “meat axe” and displaced hundreds of people. The loss … Read more

PBOT project has potential for parking-protected pedaling on NE Killingsworth

The City of Portland is gearing up to repave Northeast Killingsworth Street between 53rd and Cully Boulevard and parking-protected bike lanes are on the table. The project is similar to the Hawthorne Pave & Paint in that the transportation bureau (PBOT) is seizing an opportunity to redesign the roadway in conjunction with a planned paving … Read more

Eliot residents meet PBOT in the street to air grievances and urge more traffic calming

I’ve seen many interesting city meetings over the years, but nothing quite like what transpired last night on the corner of NE 7th and Tillamook. The Portland Bureau of Transportation was supposed to break ground two days ago on a project to remove the traffic circle at this intersection as part of a larger neighborhood … Read more

A closer look at PBOT’s design for NE 7th and Tillamook

The Portland Bureau of Transportation released their final striping plan for the redesign of Northeast Tillamook and 7th yesterday. For some reason, despite announcing the start of a project to remove the existing traffic circle on this offset intersection earlier this month, they hadn’t released the plans for what they’d put down in its place. … Read more

City will meet with neighbors about planned removal of tree and traffic circle

An unexpected meeting has been scheduled to take place tomorrow (Wednesday, September 14th) between the City of Portland and people who live around NE Tillamook and 7th Avenue. At issue is the tree and traffic circle in the middle of offset intersection that was scheduled to be removed as part of the Lloyd to Woodlawn … Read more

Sorting out the family bike pile problem

Family Bike Parking Problem #1: The Bike Pile Does anyone else have a “bike pile” in the garage? My kids’ bikes, scooters, helmets, tricycles, and whatever else – jackets, nerf guns, jump ropes–always seem to end up in a giant heap, with the desired bicycle perpetually at the bottom of the pile. After months of … Read more