Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

BikePortland Articles by Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Alpenrose clean-up day

Track season starts next week (!) and the annual Alpenrose Velodrome clean up is happening this Saturday, 4/23. Join in and help re-paint the track surface, pull weeds, put up sponsor signs…and do whatever it takes to make the track ready for racing. The clean-up starts at 9 AM. Lunch will be provided. Alpenrose is … Read more

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Wi-Fi and Ice Cream

There’s nothing like a full day of riding through town that mixes coffee, work, friends, family, and of course, bikes! How did I manage all that in one day? Well, for starters I cruised from North Portland to Sellwood to meet a potential client…and the ride to get there had me grinning the whole time. … Read more

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Free ice cream!

Right now, until 8:00PM tonight the Ben & Jerry’s on SE Hawthorne and 36th is giving away free ice cream!…but only if you ride your bike…OK, just kidding. Anyone that shows up will get the free cone…but just think, if you ride your bike you won’t have to look for parking and you’ll burn all … Read more

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Oregonians at Sea Otter Classic

Last weekend I attended the Sea Otter Classic…a "celebration of cycling" that is like Woodstock for bike lovers.  Oregon based cyclists had a great showing.  Most notable was Portland’s own Doug Ollerenshaw who won the Pro Road Race!  You can read more about his amazing ride here. I also ran into Molly Cameron (owner of … Read more

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Pancakes, bikes, and bring the family…

Just got a great tip about a yummy-sounding family bike ride happening in Vancouver on Saturday: This Saturday is the annual Blueberry Pancake Ride in Vancouver. There’s free blueberry pancakes and an easy 8-10 mile, flat, family-oriented ride starting at Vancouver Lake. For more serious riders, they can join the Wheelmen from Wilshire Park in … Read more

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Bad fit = bad news

When you’re not comfy on your bike, you ride less, and that’s not good.  There’s no reason to settle on an uncomfortable position.  The smart folks over at the American Physical Therapy Association have just released a nice bit of info about how to stay happy while riding and avoid common pains and injuries.  Here’s … Read more

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Filmed by Bike III

This Friday night is your chance to see some cool bike-culture flicks at “Filmed by Bike III“…”a festival of bike themed movies” It’s happening at the Clinton Street Theater and it starts at 9:00. The best part is that it’s a fundraiser for The Multnomah County Bike Fair happening later in the summer…and word on … Read more

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Get your fix from the library

If you’re a cycling junkie on a budget and you’ve got a library card, check this out… In a recent post to the OBRA email list, someone explained how they made a successful request to the Multnomah County Library to carry more cycling DVDs. Here’s an excerpt from the post. The Multnomah County Library maintains … Read more

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From a bike messenger’s view

If you’ve ever wondered what traffic looks like from the view of a bike messenger but you’ve been afraid to ask…check out this amazing video (50MB QuickTime). It was shot from the helmet of a messenger racing between cars in gridlocked Manhattan. Want to hire a messenger for your office document deliveries? Try our very … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

An American in Paris

The Paris-Roubaix is a legendary race that’s been held for over 100 years. Riders thrash over ancient cobblestoned streets through small country villages in the French countryside. It’s a race of attrition as riders abandon and crash out from start to finish. The cobbles are unrelenting at times and the race is a true test … Read more