The Monday Roundup: NYC’s triumph, Honsinger’s finale, a promising close-calls map, and more

Welcome to the week.

Here are the most notable items we (as in, myself and our helpful community of readers!) came across in the past seven days…

Bridges for the People: In a major triumph for NYC bike activists, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced plans to create a protected lane for bicycling on the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. Your move Portland.

Honsinger’s finale: Southern Oregon and Portland resident Clara Honsinger, who rode from Sellwood Cycle Repair last year, capped a brilliant season on the World Cup cyclocross circuit with a strong 4th place finish at the World Championships. Her ascent to the top of American cycling continues with a big feature in the Wall Street Journal.

Parking gets its due: The NY Times highlights NYC’s lack of bike parking with a spotlight on an entrepreneur who has a promising solution.

The truth about Escalades: Latest The War on Cars episode features an automotive journalist who actually dared to tell the truth about a behemoth Cadillac SUV.


More parking, more driving: A “breakthrough” research paper shows a direct correlation between the amount of car parking spaces and the number of people who will buy (and use) a car to fill them. And that’s only one of the important takeaways.

More room to pass: Transportation officials in Spain want to amend existing safe passing laws to require drivers to slow way down when passing bicycle riders.

Buttigieg tracker: If you aren’t paying close attention to US DOT Sec. Pete Buttigieg, you should be. Here’s a great post from T4A that will bring you up to speed.

Cool Site of the Week: looks like a very promising tool that allows anyone to share a close-call or collision. Developed in Canada, there are only a few entries from the Portland area. We’ll be keeping an eye on this as it looks to be a solid step up from BikePortland’s now defunct B-SMART map.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Mick O
Mick O
3 years ago

That cyclocross track in Ostend was intense with all that beach sand. I can’t even imagine it. WTG Ms Honsinger for a great season! I hope more fans can see her in the years to come.

3 years ago

“When you’re measuring greenhouse emissions per person within a country, density is all but destiny”

USAnian cities with increased production of class A luxury apartments typically see net increases in GHG emissions due to displacement of people who use the least CO2e*. Given that Mr. Anderson is an employee of a real-estate-industry-funded firm that lobbies for development of class A housing, it’s no surprise that they would make these kinds of claims (without associated evidence or citation).

“The most likely result of neighborhood gentrification, even if the process is accompanied by modest increases in density, is very modest reductions, maintenance of, or even increases in the area’s household GHG emissions, depending on how many lower-income residents are displaced by high-income residents.4 So, from the perspective of GHG emissions, gentrification is a serious problem. The impact of gentrification on a city’s overall emissions level will, of course, depend on where new arrivals come from (i.e. from within or from outside the jurisdiction), and where those who are displaced move. In so far as densification paired with climate policy remains limited to parts of cites only, rather than the urban fabric as a whole, evidence strongly suggests that gentrification seriously undermines GHG reduction efforts. From this more holistic perspective, we note Jones and Kammen’s (2014) finding that the densest American cities with the lowest GHG emissions have the most sprawling, high emissions suburbs; in Freiburg, Germany, densification and gentrification of the city core has led to increased automobile commuting, and ensuing emissions, in the city’s suburbs (Mössner and Miller, 2016). In short, emissions may be shifting around an urban area, but those neighborhoods with increasing numbers of affluent residents are very likely experiencing an overall increase.”

Rice, J. L., Cohen, D. A., Long, J., & Jurjevich, J. R. (2019). Contradictions of the Climate-Friendly City: New Perspectives on Eco-Gentrification and Housing Justice. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. doi:10.1111/1468-2427.12740

See also:

*Forcing people who consume the least CO2e to the car-centric outer-urban areas outweighs the small GHG reduction associated with modest increases in density.