“I didn’t realize I had such hatred for these people… All I know is I have a weird desire to make quick right hand turns in my Honda without checking the side-view mirror. Just kidding.”
— Stover E Harger III, staff writer for the PSU Daily Vanguard
Portland State University’s Daily Vanguard newspaper has published a very negative review of the new film, Veer: A documentary film about bicycling culture.
Vanguard staff writer Stover E. Harger III gave the film 1 star out of 5 and wrote that, “it’s really awful”. Harger also wrote that filmmaker Greg Fredette has created “a self-indulgent piece of fluff that plants its feet way too close to its subjects to be anything but clichéd and boring.”
Reading his review, it’s obvious that Mr. Harger III is no fan of some aspects of Portland’s bike culture, or the people who are a part of it. Here’s a snip from his review (emphasis mine):
“Veer…attempts to follow the adventures of those quirky, oft-mustached, bespectacled, weirdly-skinny bikers that populate Portland with the ubiquity of rats in a subway tunnel.
…I didn’t realize I had such hatred for these people until I watched the movie, and I can’t pinpoint exactly why. All I know is I have a weird desire to make quick right hand turns in my Honda without checking the side-view mirror. Just kidding.”

And here’s what Harger thinks about the Veer’s portrayal of some of the Portland bike scene’s more colorful social groups:
“The idea of a bicycle-themed dance troupe, like the Sprockettes, or a bunch of daredevils flying at dangerous speeds down a highway, like the Zoobombers, could be of interest to someone with no previous knowledge of the subjects, but only if they [the filmmakers] really got into what makes these people tick. Instead we are treated to drawn-out, slow-motion scenes of them riding around town, or doing their clunky dances, while we watch and wonder what these people are all about.”
Harger’s review isn’t all harsh criticism. He does write that he wishes Veer would have gone more in-depth on some of the storylines and characters (which he liked, but wanted more of).
I was interested to read Harger’s review because it was clear he sees the bike culture scene in this town from the outside. I’ve been wondering how it would look to someone like him, who does not bring a love for bikes and/or a personal and emotional connection to the stories and and the people in the film (which myself, and many other people in Portland’s bike scene have).
But really, what’s with the hate? And I think he went a bit overboard with the side-view mirror comment.
— Read the full review at DailyVanguard.com.
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This is no surprise. Hate, obtuse ignorance, and little to no journalistic integrity are long-standing hallmarks of the Daily Vanguard.
I appreciate him letting me know my moustache is showing. self indulgent op ed is more like it.
imagine how upset he would get if people started “kidding” around about cutting his brake lines or threatening his life in some fashion.
dude obviously has no skill when it comes to critiquing. he’s just trying to get a few shocking/snarky comments in to get a reaction.
he probably figures it’s easier to get his name out there that way.
well, if thats what he wants:
The side-view mirror comment is really uncool. Grow up.
Mr. Harger is entitled to dislike the movie. He is entitled to dislike the people. And he is entitled to write about it.
But his side-view mirror comment is irresponsible. “Just kidding” doesn’t excuse it. This is especially true in light of the all-too-frequent traumatic accidents of this nature seen in Portland and elsewhere.
I hope the PSU Vanguard management understands this as well and tells Mr. Harger that is it time for him to find another outlet to vent his anger.
Kidding or not, the threat of violence in a movie review is uncalled for and should be brought to the attention of PSU administration (although I’d bet they are already looking into it), I am anxious to see the film, having mixed feelings about Portland’s cycling culture myself.
I gotta work out some deal with this other person who is on these boards as “r.” maybe I need to go with a capital letter or just change my name altogether.
that having been said. I saw the preview at the Hollywood awhile back, and, I mean, the truth is that the film does take an insider’s perspective on a lot of things, and frankly gives the impression that the Portland bike “scene” consists of a rather small number of people who all know each other.
Um, I presume this is a kid, right? Kids make mistakes. ‘Tis why we call ’em kids. Patience, goodness-gracious. I fail to see how this out-of-context excerpt can be construed as a threat of violence anyway. Poor taste perhaps? Fanciful thinking…? Again…kid. Whatever one’s opinion here, I definitely don’t see the need for personal insults, and patronizing tone.
I find it interesting that a Portlander with little in the way of a personal-stake, a fellow human unfamiliar with the so-called, “Bike Culture”, in Portland, could be so quickly, and so thoroughly alienated by it. Certainly, blame the kid. Don’t for a second consider whether aspects of the review have merit, or not. Quickly now, divert attention away from the possibility that Portland’s, “Bike Culture”, is off-putting and border-line ridiculous.
Nope. Better to dogpile some poor college-kid and accuse them of heinous, and insidious crimes against society et al.
I had a woman pretend that she was going to run me over in a parking lot earlier this year because she didn’t think I was walking fast enough. As I said to her at the time about her joke, which she thought was hilarious, “You’ve never been hit by a car have you?”
Unfortunately there really is a big divide in this world between people who have spent time in the hospital because of a car and people who haven’t, hopefully someone will figure out a way to get the ideas into their head without having to have them get mowed down too.
@Vance #9
Kids do make mistakes, but Mr. Harger is the staff writer of a college newspaper which means he’s probably old enough to know better and be responsible for his comments.
college newspapers are not known for quality content; staff writers are just learning their discipline.
it’s not surprising to see. as much as they are adults, college kids haven’t yet matured, go easy on him. my guess is he’s not fundamentally or politically committed to his position. the larger message is he didn’t like the film…big whup
I’ve been doing 90 to 95% of ALL my transportation by bike, year-round, for about 17 years, and I have no interest in so-called bike “culture” either. I’ve been to these events; I even drank beer, and still, they were BORING. Making this BIG DEAL about “hey wow, we’re on bikes!” seems like either
a) the natural and understandable reaction of someone who has been starved of the opportunity to be on a bike in whatever bike-unfriendly city they just moved here from,
b) maybe more importantly, just another “scene,” another chance for young people who haven’t yet truly established their identities — and I mean no insult there, I only mean that your true identity only comes from working hard at your true life’s work, which is rare to find when you’re 23 — to do something fairly easy (buy a bike) and instantly have a way they can identify themselves (“I ride a bike”), a scene they can fit into (“I’m a Zoobomber”), an instant cadre of friends, and maybe a chance to get laid (which is what motivates 90% of all human activity, and since a bunch of deadly-serious nerds will probably jump all over that “statistic,” let me say, that is what is known as, a “joke”).
It’s like being a Trekkie (except the getting laid part… HA!) or a punk rocker or a hippie or a mod or a frickin chess fanatic or a fan of whatever band-du-jour. It’s a peer-group you can be part of. For 40-year-old farts like me, all that shit wears off. I don’t need a peer group because I have long-term friendships, I’m not trying to get laid because I’m in a long-term relationship, and meanwhile I have my life’s work and I know more or less who I am and who I want to be. I happen to be a fuckin hard-core biker in the midst of it, but it’s simply my chosen way of traveling between points A, B and C where the important stuff happens. In short, I’m over it. I’m secure in the fact that I’m on a bike every day and I don’t need to prop it up with a lot of hoo-haa. Half these people so into the “bike culture” will buy fucking minivans and SUVs the minute they have their first child.
I read the review. The writer is being a little flip. Normally it’s ok because people in the audience are able to take a joke. (The minute you lose that ability, you’re doomed.) But anyway, it’s just a college paper, so the tone is more-or-less appropriate. Yeah the right-hook comment goes too far. The tone of Jonathan’s response and these comments is reactionary though, and fails to read between the lines. “He hates us all!” Well no, he’s trying to say, clumsily I admit, that the film shows this “bike community” superficially, without going into enough depth to make anyone in the audience identify with the people onscreen who didn’t already. Hence it’s nothing but a big wankfest. That’s a valid criticism of the movie. Probably he should’ve confined his attention to reviewing the actual movie though.
Meh. I cycle everywhere, but I don’t care for the Zoobomb/Critical Mass crowd either. I’m annoyed that they are considered by some to represent me or cyclists in Portland. They do, however, represent the obnoxious perpetual adolescence that so many people throughout this city seem to have embraced.
“bike culture” is not owned by any one or two groups in portland. The film also happens to focus on the Community Cycling Center, the BTA, and another non-profit.
Also, R-diddly. you wrote:
I don’t agree with that. Please re-read my story and tell me what parts lead you to believe that my tone is “reactionary”.
I simply pointed out the first negative review I’ve read for Veer… and I made a comment that I didn’t think hate or a flip remark about hitting someone on a bike was such a good idea.
I can see how his comment wasn’t the best choice of words, but who are we kidding, it’s not a legitimate threat. Dumb, but that’s it.
Just based on the trailer (I have yet to see the film so correct me if I’m wrong) my guess is this film spends most of its time following zoobombers, dancing bicyclists, bike parades, and people otherwise dressed up and riding around on two wheels. While I do think the writer’s “hatred” comment is pretty harsh, I do kind of resent the idea that the impression of this film might be that “this is biking [in Portland]”.
I think it’s great to celebrate bikes. Bikes are awesome. But I keep hearing “bike culture” and many of the events linked with it are costume parades or riding down a hill on a kid’s bike or a film like this one. Yes, these are aspects of bike culture, but no more representative of it than clowns in clown cars represent ‘car culture’. If this sounds really negative it’s because I think a strong focus on this stuff, at the expense of people just riding around or getting to work without getting run over, kind of paints ‘bike culture’ in a goofy way that won’t be taken as seriously as it should (in terms of getting good bike measures passed, better infrastructure, etc.)
Release the hounds!
I never new what the term “Bike Geek” meant until moving to Portland. It is literal. Let us bring cool back.
I think Doug (#16) is right on. I won’t release the hounds. He pretty much hits the nail on the head from my perspective. I’m also a part of Portland Bike culture. And while I appreciate the fact that the culture is a diverse one, I also somewhat resent the fact that groups like the Zoo Bombers and the Sprockettes have somehow become the face of it. What they represent is not me.
And Jonathan, I also think that the Portland bike culture, or community, or what ever you want to call it, is big enough now that we can stop reacting to or rebutting every blurb or statement that comes out from someone about us. Cripes, this is just a student newspaper. Who cares?
Stover, prepare yourself for one million hate emails.
So sad! I worked for the Daily Vanguard for three years and was the sports editor my senior year (1995-1996). I wrote a big article about being a team captain to the first-ever 24 Hours of Moab and wrote about Paris-Roubaix one spring. But I don’t know how he was able to print an obvious threat, even if “just kidding” followed. Someone should put his Honda on blocks in the park blocks…. NOT KIDDING!!!
The social construct we live in today infers that it’s okay to “joke” about directing violence against bicyclists and pedestrians with a motor vehicle. Remember the talk show incident a couple of years ago?
Those who fall prey to this line thinking are worse than pathetic. This writer is only following the herd. Baaaaa…..
Perhaps he could to benefit from the same lesson that talk show host was forced into; by riding a bike downtown on risky streets with a guide. Maybe then, an understanding of what “vulnerable” feels like would clear some of the fog in his head.
I could not agree with you more.
Folks. Please understand. I did this story to share a review of a film about biking and Portland…. not as a response to the negativity of the review itself.
as for “Who cares?” about what the reviewer wrote. I do. Snark and criticism is great… but when someone jokes about hitting another person with their car — especially when they do it in a newspaper — I think it’s important for the community to know about it.
For a review of how serious i think it is when someone makes a joke out of bike/car safety, browse my coverage of the infamous Jammin 95.5 saga. In that case a local shock jock laughed on-air about hitting people on bikes with his car. The community did not take it lightly at all.
“I didn’t realize I had such hatred for these people until I watched the movie, and I can’t pinpoint exactly why.”
Sounds like he could use a couple hundred hours of therapy or a few good long rides in the hills.
The editor of the Vangaurd needs to take a serious look at the author of this paper. What this author is condoning is assault with a deadly weapon. As a journalist you have a responsibility, that has been crossed and there needs to be a movement for your immediate removal from this publication.
Am I the only one thinking this PSU writer just wanted to ruffle some feathers and get his name out there?
As for his threat, I don’t really view it that way. I think freedom of speech is a good thing and there’s a clear line between a solid threat and some dark humor, and his comment was the latter. I don’t think we should censor everything that any group/minority/”culture”/whatever can take offense with (not that Jon is insinuating that).
I will say, though, I have little interest in seeing this documentary. As a bicycle riding resident of Portland, I’m affiliated with none of this contrived “culture” business, I just hop on and ride, no image or politics needed.
Like I said, I agree that the right-hook comment went too far. In a court, that might even qualify as “hate speech” against a particular group. College paper or no, I think he ought to apologize or maybe face a lawsuit! Thereby learning how to be a journalist/critic.
There’s already enough misplaced bike-hatred around. But the ironic thing is, hate can only remain or increase when people don’t identify with the people they’re hating. Veer had the chance to bridge that gap and, according to this review, kind of blew it. And if that’s so (and I haven’t seen the film BTW), then we all lose a little, whether we’re all wacky going “hey look at me!” on a bike or just getting somewhere.
I agree.. and that’s what I’m most curious to see as this film spreads out to a wider audience. Will it succeed in connecting with non-bikers? Or, will it fall flat with all but a bike-loving audience (like it has with this reviewer)?
I would just encourage everyone to see the movie for themselves and read more about it before making any judgments.
I think some of the most moving and memorable parts are of the BTA working to pass laws in Salem and how local non-profits work hard to keep their dreams alive.
Dude drives a Honda.
How sick is that?
Rats Rule!
I have to say, irrespective of the Vanguard review, really, that I don’t “get” Portland’s bike culture, either. On the one hand, you have Zoobombers, kids at heart adults, primarily, who function largely as what seems to be an anarchic, semi-artsy risk-taking group (who don’t have a full respect for the very laws that other bikers want to fully support); on the other hand, you have hey, what the heck laid back fun people who are doing that, having fun, no harm, no foul. There are other groups and different shades of bikers, of course–fixies (emo on wheels?) to cross crusaders, to cruisers to tall-bikes (um, ok?), but in Portland, the group has maybe turned into a clique open to easy ridicule. I count myself with those who just want to get to work and back on a bike. I don’t have a huge desire to connect with others on bikes because the “culture” isn’t important to me, especially when I see SO MANY RIDERS without helmets, who STILL don’t stop when at lights/signs, who STILL DON’T GET IT–I keep to myself and try not to lump myself in because, sadly, the public’s view of bikers, like the Vanguard reviewer’s, is too often formed when the bad apple makes the group look plain silly.
Disclaimer: I haven’t seen the movie but plan to. And I’m not about not having fun, but I get it when folks who don’t ride see “us” as hipsters who are trying too hard to form an identity out of a mode of transportation.
Hargar can’t tell from the Honda’s mirror if a cyclist is a beery bike cultist or a cycling business professional, but his mean spiritedness and eagerness to commit violence is detestable. Fie and a pox on his house.
Bjorn: I get this on a painfully frequent basis despite having the tattoos from a number of hospital stays:
Doug: I just saw Veer last night and if I recall correctly, it devoted time as equally to the Community Cycling Center’s school program, BTA lobbying in Salem, Nick Bucher’s parents and ECT as it did to Zoobombing and Sprockettes.
Krampus: I agree with you about language and thought policing. I do think it is disappointing and frustrating (and frankly, just kinda evil) to joke about right hooks, especially in light of Tracy Sparling’s death, but I’m not going to lose too much sleep over the PSU Vanguard, which I’ve never perceived (or heard of anyone else perceive) as more than fishwrap.
However, I think it’s somewhat specious to say you just hop on and ride…when the tireless political and visibility work of bicyclists like those featured in the movie have made the roads much much much safer, and have made riding that much more exponentially enjoyable over the years.
“Yes, these are aspects of bike culture, but no more representative of it than clowns in clown cars represent ‘car culture’.”
Absolutely beautiful!!!
# 21 Drew said,
“The social construct we live in today infers that it’s okay to “joke” about directing violence against bicyclists and pedestrians with a motor vehicle. Remember the talk show incident a couple of years ago?”
I don’t have to remember the talk show incident. I’m living this right now. An SUV driver buzzed us, then told me if he ever saw me on the road again he’d run me over. I hit his mirror with an open hand and told him we’d need to talk to the police. He then intentionally ran into me as I turned to leave and then drove away.
We called the police.
I got a ticket for Criminal Mischief 2, a misdemeanor with up to $5000 fine.
The driver was not cited for hit and run.
The drive was not cited for assault.
I have a court date for last March.
full story at http://tinyurl.com/bluesuv
Esther: point taken
Kevin: Yes, but you should not have hit his rearview mirror. If he’s crazy enough to take a swerve at you for nothing, he’s crazy enough to hit you with his car if you hit his mirror. Some people are just crazy. While he had no right to do what he did, you had no right to hit his mirror. That doesn’t make you safer.. if anything it puts you in greater danger and only agitates the driver. Plus now he has a defense, at least one as good as yours.
My problem is less with the quick-right-hand-turn comment and more with the particular iceburg of which it’s the tip.
As a society, we’re so infatuated with cars that we’ve become inured to their dangers. It’s easy to forget how dangerous they are until you ride among them without the comforting protection of two thousand pounds of armor. Or read stories like the one yesterday about the cyclist being scraped along the pavement by the idiot who couldn’t be bothered to remain conscious and/or sober behind the wheel.
Cars are really dangerous. They can kill as effectively as guns, and plus do things guns can’t do, like crush human bodies.
Pointing a car in a threatening manner at a vulnerable road user is like pointing a gun at someone. Revving the engine is like cocking the hammer.
That flippant comment doesn’t stand out among a lot of American discourse, but translate it into gun terms and you can see the ugly: “All I know is I have a weird desire to walk into a room full of (random subculture of your choosing) and start firing my pistol at random. Just kidding.”
Not really “ha-ha” funny, is it?
Revving the engine is like cocking the hammer?? what? That’s a bit much. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read or heard cyclists joke about running over pedestrians who don’t get out of the way, but I treat it the same as this PSU story, just talk. I think if cyclists become known as being excessively whiney about every little thing perceived as a ‘threat’ it’ll make us all look worse. Just ignore the guy.. he’s a writer for the Vanguard and you’re giving him center stage.. it’ll only inspire more ‘threats’.
As someone who dons spandex to go on long rides on my racing bike, and who also uses my city-style bike to get around town while dressed in regular clothes, I tend to agree with the comments above about the unfortunate tendency to focus on the zoo-bomber, hipster crowd as representative of cyclists in Portland. I think the real key to getting more people on bikes is to focus on everyday people who are using bikes for many different reasons. That way, people who are reluctant to cycle more can’t so easily write it off as something for the young, underemployed, tattooed crowd.
i would say that the author reads bikeportland.org a lot and intentionally crafted the review based on the content of this site. where else in portland media are right-hooks discussed in depth? he is making a joke out of Brett and Tracey’s lives. I’d reckon there’s some PNCA/PSU student crossover and somebody’s going to be pissed after reading this.
I agree with the posters above about falling into the crowd of using my bike to get around. I don’t particularly like that the Zoobomers or “hipster” crowd is what people usually think of when they think of bikes. That being said there are a lot of things I like about other aspects to Portland’s bike culture even if I don’t’ feel the need to be a huge part of it.
Though I have to say I’m interested to see how many people are still riding fixed gears around town in 5 years as I’m curious if it’s just a fad. 🙂
Just as films like Woodstock helped perpetuate the myth that all of American youth culture was comprised of mud covered hippies, it appears that Veer may be doing the same for bike users in Portland.
Ok so here’s my 5 cent review (I saw it last night and I’m an almost everyday commuter). I think that the “Portland bike culure” should includ everyone who bikes, but instead of being inclusive, the movie was very exclusive, only showing a small percent of what I think biking in Portland is all about. Sometimes the sound was bad and the editing could use some help. The movie doesn’t reach out to a broad public but preaches to the (small) choir. Yes, I was a bit dissapointed. maybe it will inspire another filmaker to do more!
Now when I see a Honda i’m gonna want to put my handlebar right through it’s side mirror.
I think that the people who were riding fixed gear 5 years ago will be the ones still riding fixed gear 5 years from now.
Also, the majority of Zoobombers commute by bike, and the serious (fast) ones wear helmets. Let’s remember who took 2nd and 3rd at the Maryhill Festival of Speed.
And if you don’t feel that were “represented” please make your own documentary.
In other words, “Until somebody makes a truly convincing documentary aimed at getting motorists out of their Hondas and in the saddle, I’ll continue to belittle their efforts and threaten their livelihood.”
Sort of makes me wish for a Every Cyclist Drives to School Day to show Stover E Harger III how much he & his Honda benefit from those who choose to ride in alleviating congestion, freeing up parking, etc. Not kidding.
Krampus, I’ll take my lumps for smacking his mirror, but if you have read my blog you have read my reasons. I couldn’t tell you that I might not do that again in the same circumstances. The driver and I will both get our say in court. Without that, it would be my word (and my witnesses’) that this guy was even in the area that day.
Hardly a revving of an engine, this guy violated the law and put our lives in jeopardy by his close pass. Truly in the law’s language, “a reckless disregard for life”. He showed even more reckless disregard for life when he ran into me intentionally.
Yup, I hit his mirror with my hand, his answer? Assault with a deadly weapon along with hit and run.
Just add those two felonies to the long list of misdemeanors this guy will be looking at.
And yes, when I’m done with this cycling will be safer for you too.
I’m a super bike-fanatic, and love what Portland is all about… I have to admit I haven’t seen the documentary yet, but I can understand the sentiment by some that the “bike culture” that keeps getting so much attention is the zoobombers/sprockettes/ironclad/team beer sect. That side of Portland bicycling is great, but it’s really getting old. As much as I like this blog, it is also guilty of focusing too much on that one side of the bike culture here. As an avid cyclist I want to get involved with what is going on, but often I show up at events and because I’m not in the small circle of P-town bicycle heroes, I usually feel out of place and end up leaving. There’s a lot of people with great bicycle stories in this town that do not involve eagerly attracting attention to themselves in some way… why don’t we hear more about them?
dan, we just do what we do. We would still be doing it if nobody noticed or cared. The idea that I (or anyone else) build and ride freakbikes for anyone other than myself is laughable, it’s too much work, and there is just as much negative attention as there is positive attention.
“We wanna be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride our machines and not get hassled by the man…and we wanna get loaded!”
(quote from “Blues”, played by Peter Fonda in the Wild Angels)
Veer focused on zoobombers and dancing bikes because that is more interesting than watching me commute uneventdfully to work every day on Lincoln.
Stover E. Harger used colorful language in his review because that is more interesting than reading a colorless 2 dimensional piece. Maybe he didn’t hit it right, but that was clearly his intention, and not running over cyclists.
My take on this is that if there really is a singular PDX bike culture out there, they take themselves WAY too seriously and need to relax.
I did not care for the movie as a whole. Some fun and interesting parts, but sporadic at best.