Local filmmaker takes bike porn on the road

The Reverend Phil Sano is at it again, and surprise, it involves nakedness and bicycles; only this time, he’s taken it one step further.

You might be familiar with the term “bike porn” — it’s become a sort of slang for photos of gorgeous bikes — but trust me, this is something completely different.

After his Pornography of the Bicycle screened at the Clinton Street Theater in front of a shocked (yet appreciative) standing-room-only crowd during last Summer’s Pedalpalooza, he has decided to take his beguiling combination of sex and bikes on road.

He’s got four cities planned for the tour, and, although the first stop fell through (a conspiracy perhaps?), Phil says that Monday’s show in Seattle went “brilliantly”.

Reverend Phil Sano

Bike pornogapher Rev. Phil
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

With a few friends in tow, Phil is doing the tour by bike and blogging along the way. I’ll catch the last show in Vancouver (BC) this Friday night, so expect a review coming soon.

I was at the June screening, and I’m curious to see how the Canadians react. Should be fun.

In the meantime, here’s a little blurb about the films…

“A series of short films from various artists on the theme of bike porn. People often talk about the “pornography of violence” as a way of describing the graphical nature of violent content that seems gratuitous. Some say that something is pornographic when we get a visceral reaction to the material, when we are either compelled to turn away, or find ourselves so transfixed by what we see the images are burned into our memories. I don’t know if it is art, but I know what I like!”

And if you’re ready for even more, but can’t make one of the screenings, check out the trailer (warning: Not safe for work!).

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car owner and driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, feel free to contact me at @jonathan_maus on Twitter, via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a supporter.

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16 years ago

He better be careful crossing that border…they don\’t take too kindly to pornography crossing the border

gabriel amadeus
16 years ago

I hear the the bellingham show was such a success that both shows sold out and they\’re staying to do another show tonight!


16 years ago

How long unil this gets co-opted by the mainstream porn industry? Then we\’ll all gripe that it was better when real cyclists and tall bikes were used rather than carbon frames and lots of silicone. I predict that you can rent \”Giro de Jenna\” and \”Cyclocross Sluts\” in stores within a year.

But please, in the name of all that is good, don\’t ever film anything featuring a naked Ron Jeremy riding a time trial set-up. You probably can\’t pour enough Clorox in your eyes after seeing something like that.

16 years ago

Yeah, I\’m sure Canada has plenty of its own pornography, but is this really porn? I doubt it. These guys thinking they\’re pornographers seem to be like all the people today that think they\’re pirates.

What is porn anyway? This must be porn by people that think their can be such a thing as \”family values porn\”. Whatever, I guess.

16 years ago

In response to wsbob:

The show is actually a series of film shorts contributed by many filmmakers. Your question, \”What is porn, anyway?\” is apt, and the filmmakers each tried to answer this question in their own way. The films range from bike porn a la \”look at that sexy, sexy bicycle\” to graphic, more hardcore content.

I hope you get to see the show, and that you become inspired to define what porn is for you by making a film the next time there\’s a call for entries!

BTW, the bike porn tour decided against a second night of shows in Bellingham (boo!). Instead, they\’re biking straight up to Vancouver, BC for another showing and Velomutation weekend (yay!).

16 years ago

I also hope that they have followed 2257 regulations. It may be \”art\” but if you call it \”porn\” there is a potential for someone to try to make a stink about it.

16 years ago

I think what I have to say we can all agree on. Thank goodness we are not reading about it on HorsePortland.org.