UPDATE: Check it out online.

Watch your favorite newsstand or web browser tomorrow for the release of the Portland Mercury’s Bike Issue.
Mercury news writer Scott Moore, who recently wrote that he bikes because, “it’s fun and I love it,” gave me a little preview of what to expect:
- An essay on the intersection of politics and biking
- A few locals share their favorite rides
- A look at everyday bike fashion
- A peek inside a Portland bike “gang”
- An events round up
- A short roundup of bikes on film.
Moore says it’s targeted for the “non-biking” or “occasionally biking” crowd.
It’s always good to see local media writing about bikes. Be sure to check it out.
Thanks for reading.
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If all goes according to plan, you should be able to get it online sometime after 5pm at portlandmercury.com.
Thanks for the plug!
And there it is.
Hey! They aren\’t wearing a bike helmet!
\”concocting fantastic ménages of aluminum and rubber out of scrap\” -mercury
where he got that from is a mystery
we weld steel
we also have learned how to weld rubber into bikes but how he found out about that i will never know
(ok ok he\’s probably taking about tires?)
anyone know what ménages is?
Hey Chops,
Menage means \”household\” in french. So you are creating some very unusual households on wheels? Well maybe, but it makes no sense.
I think the writer meant \”melange,\” which would be a spicy mixture of rubber and steel, yow!
So a \’ménages a troi\’ means \’three houses?\’
I don\’t think so. Try again! 🙂
Hey, I apologize for that. I didn\’t realize you guys had a material preference; I was shooting for more of a general description of a mess of different bike pieces coming together. I deeply regret the error.
Oh, and zilfondel probably hit the nail on the head there for the word\’s intended effect.
Nope, Menages a troi means \”household of three,\” and I guess I get Mr. Lundby\’s point. A freak bike is an unconventional arrangement to be sure.
its cool thomas
you were very good about trying to get it right
the write up isnt so bad (ive had stuff ive never even said or even close to it in quotes in the oregonian)
it would be nice if someone who wanted to do a story maybey took the time to hang out with us , build a bike , go on a ride or two, and get to know all the little ins and outs of what we are about
but for just a half hour phone chat and a few emails i can speak for myself and say i was expecting to be angry but im not
and hope you can move forward to become a voice of the people no matter what your boss tells you.