Volunteers prep for Friday’s three-day ‘Better Block’ demonstration on 3rd Ave

Boris Kaganovich of Better Block PDX with a half-built planter in the rooms where he and other volunteers have been preparing for a “pop-up” plaza and protected bike lanes on 3rd Avenue.(Photos: M.Andersen/BikePortland) Working every evening for two weeks in a warren of unfinished rooms three stories above Old Town, more than a dozen enthusiastic … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Late night Old Town street closure plan would prohibit bike traffic

A plan being proposed by the Portland Police Bureau (through the Office of Neighborhood Involvement) to improve safety on the streets of Old Town/Chinatown would come with seven blocks of downtown streets being closed to, “all vehicular traffic, including bicycles and skateboards.” The plan aims to create a carfree “Entertainment District”. The plan is “at … Read more