Comment of the Week: GHG and drunken sailors
“The idea that Portland, a city that produces little and consumes like a drunken sailor, should base its emission targets on the ‘production’ metrics used in the above report is pure bull feces.”
“The idea that Portland, a city that produces little and consumes like a drunken sailor, should base its emission targets on the ‘production’ metrics used in the above report is pure bull feces.”
“A close acquaintance asked me if I was on ‘hard times’ or wondered if I needed any financial assistance because I was frequently seen walking.”
“I’d appreciate if our electeds [would] say something like: the elk is an important symbol for Portland. It’d be good to restore it in its entirety. The world has also shifted… if it literally stands in the way of climate progress then it risks becoming an impediment to our vision for Portland.”
“If we want Portland to be taken seriously as a pedestrian and bike-friendly city, we need people to feel safe walking and biking, wherever they may be.”
Our story based on a report about public sentiment and perception of transportation and the Portland Bureau of Transportation led to some interesting reader feedback. One part of the report several readers related to was the feeling expressed by focus group members that the city’s bikeway designs are not always consistent or intuitive. Reader “chris” … Read more
“Time [the Portland Freight Committee] was sent packing or at least reconfigured”— Lenny Anderson My visit to the Portland Freight Committee (PFC) earlier this month led to an interesting revelation: Turns out, members of this influential committee think the use of large freight trucks on North Lombard should be prioritized above everything else. To say … Read more
Don’t just pop them onto the sidewalk
Glenn disagrees with Commissioner Hardesty.