Mayor Hales has advice for bike advocates: Get louder and get organized
Important advice? An explanation of Portland’s slow progress? Or both?
Important advice? An explanation of Portland’s slow progress? Or both?
Facebook is the most important organizing tool in the world right now.
It’ll be an up-or-down vote on the BTA leadership’s top choice.
796 people died in Oregon road collisions in the last two years, a 42 percent increase.
“It’s all coming together and it’s going to come together fast.”
But the draft policy stops short of saying that walking and biking are always higher priorities.
A tectonic shift in Portland bike advocacy.
Metro continues to consider an increase in money for road widening rather than for safety improvements near schools.
The May 9-15 design will add temporary crosswalk markings and traffic islands as well as in-street cafe seating.
The ultimate month to give biking a try.
The signs look legal, but aren’t.
“It’s not about the bike, it’s about community building.”