‘The Cyclameleon’ massive rolling reptile coming to Northeast Sunday Parkways

The Cyclameleon.
See it in all its glory below
(and/or at Sunday Parkways).
(Photos: Tyler Fuqua)

There’s always lots to see at Sunday Parkways; but local artist Tyler Fuqua might have saved the best for last with his giant, four-person, pedal-powered creation he calls The Cyclameleon.

Fuqua won a grant from Burning Man to create The Cyclameleon and just returned from the event a few weeks ago. When he’s not creating human-powered puppets, Fuqua runs Tyler Fuqua Creations which specializes in fabricating giant puppets and props for concerts and festivals. At 16 -feet long and 8-feet tall, The Cyclameleon is the largest project he’s ever done. Check it out below…

Rollin’ on the Playa at Burning Man.

“We are planning on bringing it to this month’s Sunday Parkways to entertain and dazzle the crowd as the giant reptile crawls down the streets,” he shared with me via email, “Portland is a city that beams with art and bicycles, so it only seems fitting that the Cyclameleon takes part in the festivities.”

According to his website, Fuqua’s creation boasts an articulating head, legs, mouth and tongue and it lights up at night.

If you see The Cyclameleon on the street, Fuqua says, “Feel free to hop on and start pedaling!”

Sunday Parkways Northeast is September 25th from 12:00 to 5:00 pm.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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John Lascurettes
13 years ago

Can’t wait to see it and the smiles it generates.

gregg woodlawn
13 years ago

This mobile piece of art is SOOO cool, and SOOO Portland. It’ll be a huge hit at Sunday Parkways.

13 years ago

ug… burning man crap gives me heartburn.

Vanna Mike
Vanna Mike
13 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Me too Jacob. My heart is filled with a burning love for collaborative projects in the name of pedal power. So glad we are both so positive, and not just sitting home online passive aggressively moaning what we dislike instead of like. That would be so unattractive. We should meet!

Perry Hunter
Perry Hunter
13 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Lighten up, drink a beer or three and then go for a ride on it – then tell us you didn’t smile.

Tyler Fuqua
13 years ago

@Jacob, you must be referring to the kind of heartburn that you feel when you see some giant, amazing, one-of-a-kind, out-of-this-world art you probably won’t see anywhere else on this planet. I feel ya man. I have that heartburn too. ; )

Perry Hunter
Perry Hunter
13 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Fuqua

Nevermind the cranks…nice piece of kinetic sculpture, I look forward to seeing it!

13 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Fuqua

Yeah, ’cause I like to use up precious resources to promote… nothing. Please, this kind of crap is indicative of Burning Man(s) environmental excess. This “art” as it’s called does nothing but revel in “white” artist aristocracy. Burning man, and its ilk, are likened to 14th century noble excess.

Perry Hunter
Perry Hunter
13 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

You mean, you can tell if he’s white or not by the artwork he creates?

mark kenseth
mark kenseth
13 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

I don’t get it. It’s beautiful art made by beautiful people. What kind of art do you prefer?

13 years ago

This will make kids cry. I like it!

13 years ago

I’d totally roll around in that…

middle of the road guy
middle of the road guy
13 years ago

But can it change colors?

Tyler Fuqua
13 years ago

Why yes, it can. Each side of the body had 700 totally programmable color changing LEDs on it. It also features over 250′ of Cool Neon wire. At night, this thing lights up big time.

Paul Hanrahan
Paul Hanrahan
13 years ago

To take full advantage of the creature’s light display, wee need to extend Sunday Parkways to 8pm!

13 years ago

now if only we could get this guy to come to Sunday Parkways!

Tyler Fuqua
13 years ago
Reply to  mle

Who needs Michael Curry Design when you’ve got us! (Note: I am a huge Michael Curry fan.)
If this run with the Cyclameleon goes well then we will DEFINITELY be bringing some more stuff for next year!

Tyler Fuqua
13 years ago

Yeah, ’cause I like to use up precious resources to promote… nothing. Please, this kind of crap is indicative of Burning Man(s) environmental excess. This “art” as it’s called does nothing but revel in “white” artist aristocracy. Burning man, and its ilk, are likened to 14th century noble excess.
Recommended 0

Uh Jacob, please do me (and the rest of us) a huge favor by not using this public bicycle forum as a place to trash people’s art as “crap.” I am sure you make wonderfully beautiful pieces of art that inspire the masses and change lives daily, but this is just not the place to vent your anger. My crew and I worked ridiculously hard on this project and not once have we received a negative comment, until you came along. So you don’t like Burning Man. Ok, whatever, that’s fine. But unless you grow all of your own food, walk or bike everywhere, and create your own power, you are just part of the problem. At least Burning Man inspires thousands of people to build beautiful art, to focus on community, and to go back into society and treat each other better. And besides, the Cyclameleon is made from a lot of reclaimed and recycled materials and is completely pedal powered so your argument of “this kind of crap is indicative of Burning Man(s) environmental excess” is completely invalid. It would probably be best if you left this forum for positive comments only. Thanks!

13 years ago

Guerilla marketing for a certain auto insurance co. whose green reptile campaign is getting tiresome.

Tyler Fuqua
13 years ago
Reply to  captainkarma

I believe you are referring to Hemidactylus frenatus, or the common house gecko. The Cyclameleon is of the species Chamaeleo calyptratus, which is the Veiled Chameleon. The two are easily confused by the common layman, but there is definitely as huge difference between the two creatures. Thanks!

13 years ago

it’s a shame how chameleons are mistaken for geckos…almost as tragic as a phoenix being confused for a peacock!

Vanna Mike
Vanna Mike
13 years ago

…or a fun bike project likened to some conjured “‘white’ artist aristocracy…and its ilk… likened to 14th century noble excess.” Couldn’t make it up if you tried!

12 years ago

I’d race all my triathlons in this mother-
So proud of you brother!