Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Over 2,000 Cycle Oregon riders set for coastal journey

Cycle Oregon Day 5 - Glendale to Grants Pass-26

I’ll miss Cycle Oregon this year.
(Self portrait)

The massive rolling spectacle that is Cycle Oregon embarks on it 24th annual journey this Sunday (9/11). For the first time since the inaugural running in 1988, the seven-day ride will spend multiple days on the beautiful Oregon coast.

About 2,200 riders will participate, along with a support crew that numbers well into the hundreds.

Back in February when the route was announced and registration opened up, the ride sold out in less than two days. To get an idea of why, here’s the route description:

After leaving Sutherlin, the ride will head north along bucolic back roads to Cottage Grove on Day 1. On Day 2 the route veers west through Lorane and along the pristine Siuslaw and Smith Rivers to Reedsport. Day 3 heads south down the coast, diverting from Highway 101 to take in Charleston, Shore Acres State Park and Cape Arago before following Seven Devils Road to Bandon. A layover day in Bandon offers an optional ride down a peaceful stretch of 101 to picturesque Port Orford. The route heads inland through lush pastures to the forested beauty and isolation of Powers on Day 5, and then up and over the week’s major climb on Day 6 before descending to the thriving mill town of Riddle. On Day 7 the route winds through a verdant wine region before returning to Sutherlin.

Sounds fantastic doesn’t it?

The best part is that Cycle Oregon is much more than just a ride. The event helps give an economic boost to the small towns it travels through (both in the form of direct investment from hungry and happy riders and in the form of payments by Cycle Oregon for hosting duties), and the non-profit behind the ride doles out over $100,000 a year to various projects and advocacy initiatives throughout the state.

I did Cycle Oregon in 2006, 2007, and 2009. I remember hauling my camera and lenses on my back during each day’s ride and then scrambling around tiny towns looking for wi-fi connections to share photos and post stories. These days, Cycle Oregon has a “blogmobile” set up with computers and wi-fi… my how things change!

I won’t be on the ride this year. How about you?

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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12 years ago

I wish I was able to go 🙁

Paul Souders
12 years ago
Reply to  K'Tesh

The Oregon Coast Route makes an excellent solo tour too. I did it in 2002, my second day I rode 60 mi which was the longest I’d ever ridden in my life.

Erin Kelley
Erin Kelley
12 years ago

I’ll be on the ride this year! It’ll be my 3rd CO (I did 2002 and 2004) and my first time riding down that portion of the Oregon coast. Very excited. Sorry you can’t make it, Jonathan!

12 years ago

i did 1989… it was awesome. best tour i ever rode…

PDX-MT Hood-Warm Springs-Bend-MT Bachelor-Sun River-Crater Lake-Ashland.

12 years ago
Reply to  rootbeerguy

Wow, that’s an awesome route. I did a shortened version (in reverse) last summer: Ashland – Crater Lake – Oakridge – Breitenbush Hot Springs.

12 years ago

Yep! I was on 2004 and 2009 also. This’ll be the second year I ride a recumbent

12 years ago

I was talking to some loggers from Myrtle Creek last night. They were all smiles telling me all about the rattle snakes we’re likely to encounter on the day 6, South Fork Coquille/Cow Creek leg.

12 years ago

I’ll be volunteering again this year. After riding for seven years this will be my seventh year as a volunteer. I think volunteering is as much fun as riding, and as much work for many of the volunteer jobs. Stop by Rider Services and say hi.

12 years ago

I’ll be on the ride this year, the weather is looking perfect and the route is fantastic. Bring on those rattlesnakes, we’ll have them for lunch!!
I was also on 2007, best ride in Oregon!!!

12 years ago

those shades are fresh ! 🙂

Martin M
Martin M
12 years ago

This will be our fourth ride (2005, 2007, 2009 are others). We started as a group of three friends – we’re now up to nine. If you let it, it’s a life changing event. Ride on!!

12 years ago

Never been on CO – out of my price range. Especially when you multiply by two for a couple. Still kind of amazes me how much faster the big rides are selling out lately in these tough economic times. Perhaps the folks who usually jet to Europe find that doing these rides is actually cutting back from their usual fare?

12 years ago

Before cell phones there use to be a truck pulling a trailer full of pay phones! @ bikesalot, CO is pretty cheap when you concider 3 meals a day, plus food at rest stops, entertainment every night, showers, baggage hauling and an opportunity to see this beautiful state.

12 years ago

lol surprised no one has said this yet. I’d do Cycle Oregon if it wasn’t so expensive. Seriosly, it costs me more than a week in Cabo San Lucas partying.

12 years ago

I rode the route 3 weeks ago with a small group. After we split the cost it was about $115 per person (gas, food, and camping fees). Overall it is an excellent ride. Day 6 was probably my favorite.

12 years ago

first time CO rider!!
very excited about the route and looking forward to the climbs!

Jackie Yerby
Jackie Yerby
12 years ago

Excited to be riding my second Cycle Oregon. It’s going to be a warm ride tomorrow.