Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Your guide to Saturday’s Tweed Ride

I snagged this from the
Goodwill a few days ago!

In case it has slipped your mind, don’t forget that this Saturday is Portland’s first-ever Tweed Ride. To guide you to utmost enjoyment of this affair, graphic artist, freak bike maker, and volunteer Tweed Ride promoter Gabriel Amadeus recently offered these pointers:

  • There are no dress or bike requirements. Show up in spandex, I don’t care. Yes you will probably be mocked.
  • Riders are encouraged to bring food, beverages, and merriment for sharing.
  • Tea and Crumpets will be provided by Black Sheep Bakery at a midpoint.
  • Adam Arnold will be judging the fashion show!
  • We’ll have cheap New Belgium beer for sale post ride at Backspace with proceeds benefiting Mercy Corps.
  • Les Triplettes de Belleville will be shown following the ride.


Tweed Ride Portland
Saturday, 1/30 at 11:00 am
Skidmore Fountain, Old Town

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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14 years ago

After all this goes down there will be a great show at Backspace later in the Eve.

Tha brilliant Leb Borgeson’s solo act Quiet Countries will be playing, always a pleasure.

Joe Metal Cowboy Kurmaskie

Fighting a cold but can’t miss the chance to dress my family in tweed and corduroy and look like a proper british gent. See you therre.

Rex Marx
Rex Marx
14 years ago

I got my tweed jacket and pants at Value Village for $6.89!

14 years ago

I hope the weather cooperates, but hey, who doesn’t carry a waxed cotton rain cape with them?

Jim Lee
Jim Lee
14 years ago

Must I eat a frog?

14 years ago

Is your bow-tie supposed to match your bartape or your socks?
What a conundrum.

14 years ago

Please let’s do this ride again!