“A love story on two wheels”: ‘The Bicyclists’ premieres tonight

Conrad Miller (Jayme S. Hall) and
Steve Jones (Elle Poindexter) in
a screenshot from the film.
-Watch the trailer below-

The Bicyclists, a new movie based on The Bicyclist webisode series, premieres tonight at the Hollywood Theater.

The entire film was shot in Portland and is steeped in local bike culture. The story revolves around Conrad Miller (played by actor Jayme S. Hall), a small-town guy from Wisconsin who moves to Portland for two months of fun before he has to return home to run the family cheese factory.

Here’s a bit more from the film’s website:

Story continues below


“Conrad journeys to Portland, attracted to its vibrant urban bike culture and beautiful scenery. Conrad makes valuable friendships and has a decidedly modern love affair with Steve Jones [“the prettiest bike mechanic Conrad has ever seen”]. The friends learn to love and live like never before, but this simple story reveals unexpected turns and darker elements as the sixty-day timeline counts down.”

Drama! Love! Bikes! Portland! What’s not to like?

If you want to show up to the red-carpet premiere in style, producer Sharon Jameson tells us there’s a ride from the Belligerantes’ hideout at NE 9th and Emerson that leaves at 5:30. Tonight’s screening starts at 7:00. The Hollywood Theater is located at 4122 SE Sandy Blvd.

Check out a trailer of the film below:

— TheBicyclists.com
— Check out the film on IMDB.com

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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15 years ago

Man this looks really lame.

15 years ago

wow that really sucked. I’ve seen some movies suck before but that is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked.

15 years ago

Frank, your review was very descriptive but I’m wondering how you saw the movie? It doesn’t play ’til 7 tonight.

15 years ago

Frank, have you ever ran a casting audition? Have you ever called up insurance companies to get location liability? Have you ever written a screenplay? Have you ever written grants to get funding for a film? Have you ever had to find discount Kodak stock? Have you ever made a shot list, or a shooting schedule? Have you ever done a line item budget that includes in-kind donations? Have you ever had to change all the light bulbs in a room to match the color temperature of the outside light coming through a window? Have you ever made a film, Frank?

15 years ago

Actually, that looked kind of interesting.

15 years ago

Have you Frank, have you?!

Let’s all get a grip here.

People have opinions, no need to get all smug about them. I’ll at least say Frank’s comments (and Hart’s for that matter) made me laugh about as hard as the trailer did. And isn’t that all we can ask for from art, to make us feel something?

15 years ago

how cheesy!!!!!!!!!!!! haha I feel embarrassed just watching that 🙁

15 years ago

“Cheese factory” about sums it up.

Ed Wood may have some competition.

15 years ago

I started to cry!

15 years ago

Oh man…not even fun local films are safe from bikeportland.org commenters. Ouch.

15 years ago

Agreed that making a film is tough, tough work. So much going on behind the scenes combined with budgeting and deadlines and well, it usually just becomes one big clusterf**k. However, that doesn’t mean films OR trailers get to be free of criticism. I’m sure you’ve all had a good laugh at Fast & Furious, etc…those were hard work too. Sorry, but that trailer is unintentional comedy at its finest. It was like watching a lifetime movie with bikes. I love it.

15 years ago

I’m totally excited about it. I love me some cheese & bikes. And I love supporting local filmmakers.

Jonathan Maus
15 years ago

I’m at the premiere now. Big crowd. Looking forward to the movie.

15 years ago

I’m as cynical as they come (yes, that was me saying that Portland doesn’t need singletrack to be a great biking city), but I found the Bicyclist webisodes (http://www.thebicyclist.tv/) to be totally enjoyable. They’re a fun, slightly tongue-in-cheek look at the local bike scene.

Don’t know a thing about the movie, but I’m looking forward to checking it out.

15 years ago


Maybe Frank has never done any of those things, but the movie still looks lame.

15 years ago

Ok- I said ‘it looks lame’ it does not mean ‘it is’= Been watching some of it and it has some interesting things

15 years ago

Having seen the movie I will say (without spoiling it for anyone) that it was not what I expected at all. It was a pretty hard-hitting movie but not in the way you’d expect from the trailer. It’s not what I’d consider a “chick flick”.

15 years ago

Jordan #10 + 1