Weekend Guide and Open Thread

Bunny on a Bike Ride-15.jpg

Bunnies on bikes
(Photo © J. Maus)

Thanks to BikePortland intern J.R., we have a bunch of new events posted.

And just in time, as the seasonal event explosion is beginning.

Here are some of the weekend’s highlights. Grease up your chain and get out there!

– There used to be a pub crawl every year or so that stopped at many of the non-smoking bars in town. Now that every bar is smoke-free, organizers are planning a “SMUG Crawl” on Friday the tenth (tonight!) — which, in an attempt to cover the entire town, has eight distinct starting points all over town. See the Shift calendar for meetup locations and the acronym spelled out.

– After hours on Friday is the monthly Midnight Mystery Ride. Meet at 11, ride at midnight. This one meets way out at SE 81st and Stark at a place called The Observatory (or you can drink at Roscoe’s next door). Rumor has it that many of the SMUG rides will converge on this point.

Story continues below


– Care deeply about energy issues? Want to learn more about the proposed Liquified Natural Gas pipelines that soon may be installed west of Portland? Head out to Forest Grove on Saturday for Bike the Pipe to learn about the pipe’s potential impacts and opportunities for citizen action.

– Wonder what was behind all the talk at last weekend’s anti-12 lane CRC rally about the Mt Hood Freeway, Harbor Drive, and other freeways that don’t exist? Shawn Granton’s always popular Dead Freeways Ride on Saturday will more than satisfy your curiosity.

– On Sunday, the 6th annual Bunny on a Bike ride is the event not to miss. Ears required.

Use the comments below to plug your own events, discuss your plans, or recap your weekend bike fun.

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Elly Blue (Columnist)

Elly Blue has been writing about bicycling and carfree issues for BikePortland.org since 2006. Find her at http://takingthelane.com

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15 years ago

Where does one pick up a pair of bunny ears?

15 years ago

April 11 2009

group bike ride from Ladd’s Circle to Portland Farmers Market at PSU

Meet at 9 AM at Palio in SE Portland (near Ladd’s Circle)

The ride departs at 9:30 AM

@see http://twitter.com/bike2market

15 years ago

lightweight coat hanger wire and a pair of socks.

Jim Lee
Jim Lee
15 years ago

Use TriFlow on that chain!

15 years ago

To the guy who got DOORED on upper Hawthorne this evening: I was driving the other way and saw your accident. I got the plate # for the beligerent guy who doored you and seemed to be cursing you out. Leave your email in the comments if you need my help as a witness, or perhaps the site admin can put us in touch. I hope you are OK.


15 years ago

Anybody know of a pub that’ll be showing the Paris-Roubaix? I need my cobblestone fix!

Or does anyone get the “Versus” channel? I’ll bring the beer!

15 years ago

rediscovered the joys of BMX with some renovations done in the yard..

Greg Raisman
Greg Raisman
15 years ago

Bunny pictures and video here! What a blast!


15 years ago

I organized the Oregon Randonneurs’ 300 Capes 300K brevet, which attracted over 60 riders from as far south as Corvallis and as far north as Vancouver BC for a lovely challenge to cycle to the coast and back in 20 hours or fewer. Next up, the Covered Bridges 400 K on May 9.

15 years ago

Rode up to Alpenrose on Saturday morning from NE PDX (including getting lost), did a few laps on the velodrome then rode home.

15 years ago

Rode the Fanno Creek Trail out and back on Saturday. I forgot that an out and back ride that starts off with an awesome downhill will be not so much fun at the end…. 🙂 But we had fun regardless.

15 years ago

Jonathan we missed you at this year’s Bunny on a Bike Ride. Here’s a set with some photos, with many from the group that started at Peninsula Park.
