Sights set on the Summit

National Bike Summit

[From my trip last year.]

The National Bike Summit is just five weeks away.

The Summit is a four-day, annual event in Washington D.C. that brings together America’s bike leaders to network, learn, and most importantly, to ask members of Congress to consider bicycles in their decisions.

I attended last year and it was a revealing and important experience. It gave me a new perspective on bike advocacy and a much-needed education on how the system works.

Imagine walking up to Capitol Hill for an appointment in the halls of Congress. Suddenly there you are, in a meeting, the White House is in view through the pulled-back, ornately-tassled, velvet curtains, busts of America’s forefathers line the mantle, and you’re talking about how important bicycles are to this country.

For a dreamy-eyed political newbie, aspiring advocate, and amateur journalist like me, it was an unforgettable experience.

Since it was my first year, I was a bit nervous about speaking up in some of the meetings. Luckily, I was joined by fellow advocates who presented themselves with aplomb.

[A group shot during last year’s Summit. From L to R: Jerry Norquist (Cycle Oregon), Me, Mia Birk (Alta Planning), Evan Manvel (BTA), Congressman Peter DeFazio, Jay Graves (Bike Gallery)]

I hope to attend again this year and take part in the provocative and timely workshops and speeches on the schedule.

Last year, I was honored that readers of this site donated all the funds for my trip. I reported live from the event and given everything I’ve learned since then, I know I can do an even better job this year.

I plan on going but I could really use your help in paying for the trip. With airfare, hotel, and event registration, the trip costs just a bit over $1,000.

That may not seem like a lot; but this site is my full-time job and while it’s a big success in many ways, so far financially is not one of them ;-).

I have a PayPal button in the sidebar or you can get in touch for my mailing address if you’d like to send a check.

Thanks for your support and I look forward to reporting from D.C..

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

Thanks for reading.

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17 years ago

OPB will just have to wait until the next fund drive!

The coverage from the summit last year was just fantastic, and Portland is lucky to have you as a representative and advocate.

BikePortlanders: It is work like this that benefits us all. Even if its just a few bucks, please consider helping Jonathan get to D.C.

17 years ago

Paypal activated!

Mr Maus goes to Washington . . . What an amazing force you and your site have become. It is truly staggering for Bicycling to be on the media map is such a big way. Our mainstream news and even other bike organizations have come to rely on BikePortland to know the pulse and happenings in the bike community, and for good reason.

I cannot imagine you absent at the table in Washington DC. You probably speak to more people in more parts of the cycling community than anyone else in the state, who better to represent us in the halls of power. Keep up the good work.

God Speed Jonathan, and a safe return.