- A reader sent me a link to this very cool tool that displays only the photos of Craigslist categories. Check out what the bike listings look like.
- A solid Sacha White interview from a Swedish clothing company.
- PediGreen makes bright, reflective safety products for bicyclists and pedestrians and they’re based in Hillsboro.
- Came across this interesting recap of a flame war started by local veteran bike activist Sara Stout after an article she wrote in Oregon Cycling Magazine back in 1999. It touched off a huge debate between Critical Massers and vehicular cycling advocates.
- Dan Kaufmann of Crank My Chain! got a nice write-up in the Tribune.
- A StreetsBlog reporter went to Copenhagen and wrote this fantastic article about bicycling in a city where 36% of the people commute by bike.
- “Document your bike, or you can kiss it goodbye,” from The BEE newspaper in southeast Portland.
- Another good BEE article about PDOT’s new bike program for seniors.
- Commissioner Adams’ policy director Maria Thi Mai wrote a recap of her trip to Vegas for the Interbike trade show.
- A new bike shop called Cycling Center is open for business in North Portland.
Thanks to all the readers who sent in these links!
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While the subject of links and interviews with framebuilders, check out Large Fella on a Bike’s FBQ (Frame Builder’s Questionnaire).
Ther is one with Sacha White there as well.
Recently someone here posted that he’d had a bad experience at the Cycling Center and questioned their legitimacy.
I saw this product on the sidebar of PediGreen’s site. It wakes drivers if they happen to fall asleep at the wheel.
It is truly dumbfounding that such products are even on the market. Are people so completely innept that they’re not willing to pull over? Well as one NY Times article shows, it’s much more common to simply blame someone else.
oops, this is the correct link to the ‘blame another’ article
Um, does anyone else find it a little bit lame that the owners of “Cycling Center” not only located there shop in the same neighborhood as the “Community Cycling Center” but also couldn’t be bothered to NOT completely rip off their name? Have a little respect people.
I really enjoyed the article about bicycling in Copenhagen… thank you very much for the link!
Me too – specially liked this comment at the end (can’t imagine it happening here):
“Actually, there is a strong culture of obeying traffic signals. Not just cyclists, but cars and pedestrians too. It wasn’t a law enforcement imposed situation either. I don’t know if they are taught it in school or what, but I remember old people yelling at me in Danish when I would cross against the light. I would see people standing at “don’t walk” signals in the middle of the night with absolutely no cars around. Very strange at first, but after a few months I completely stopped jaywalking because it was socially unacceptable.”
I liked the article too. PDOT could learn a thing or two from Copenhagen, such as spending their bike budget on substantive changes and improvements rather than marketing BS.
I liked what one commenter said about the Dane’s propensity to obey all traffic rules. To paraphrase: I’ll respect traffic laws when traffic laws respect me.
So long as it’s open season on us and you can get away with killing us by saying “the sun was in my eyes” why should we?
Did you notice that bike in the lower right-hand corner of the photo showing the “entire row of bikes toppled, domino-style, one on top of the other”? Haven’t seen one like that before…