‘Circulus’ mini-velodrome finds a home in Portland

The Circulus is moving to Portland.
(Photos: Emily Lace – More images here)

The Circulus, a 132-foot circumference wooden velodrome made as a senior thesis project by an art student in California, will get a second life thanks to a Portland-based bike company.

Artist Samuel Starr is a graduate of Pomona College who created the unique track as a senior capstone project last year. When Dan Powell, one of the founders of Portland Design Works saw a video of the track online this past summer, it left a lasting impression. When he heard it was for sale, he got in touch with Starr and the rest is history.

Here’s another photo of Circulus:

“When I saw the video that Samuel Starr posted,” Powell told us via email today, “I connected with it. I realized that Circulus was art, but totally functional at the same time… It was one of the coolest things I’d seen in a while, because it was obviously built by someone with passion. It was authentic, it was outside the box and it was unique.”

Powell has arranged to fly to Los Angeles to pick up the track, then he’ll load it into a rental truck and drive it back. When all’s said and done, he’ll have a mini-velodrome for about $3,500.

Just what exactly does he plan to do with it? “Ride it of course!” Powell says. What’s it like to ride? An article in the Los Angeles Times described Starr after a riding session:

“Whipping around the 132-foot circumference in less than five seconds a lap, he clocked about 1,600 circles, or 40 miles, one recent morning and, apart from a sore neck, seemed hardly the worse for wear.”

So far, the plan is to set up the track at the Portland Design Works Mothership (15 NE Hancock, same location as BikeCraft VI). Later this spring or summer, Powell plans to host an event with Circulus as the main attraction. “Personally, I’d love to see it under a circus big top on a summer night here in Portland. Revival style!”

Circulus from machine project on Vimeo.

Learn more about Circulus on Starr’s project website.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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13 years ago

I want to ride this so bad!

13 years ago

I’m okay with this in principle, as long as bears aren’t forced to ride it on a motorcycle.

13 years ago

1600 laps in one go. Wow.

13 years ago

That is an amazing creation!

13 years ago


13 years ago

Yes yes and yes.

michael downes
michael downes
13 years ago

Sublime……….where do I sign up?

Lane Kagay
13 years ago

YEAH!! CONGRATULATIONS DAN! Here’s to taking big chances and making big moves in 2011. Sign me up for help, support of any kind, etc…

I trust Dan will employ this track as a fresh center for straight-ahead debauchery and bedlam in the ever softening and well-behaved Pacific Northwest.

13 years ago

“ride it”? This is clearly the latest greatest roller derby venue.

13 years ago

Apparently I’m old. My first thought was how awful it would be to accidentally ride over the top.

After more thorough consideration, I want to ride it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Don’t you mean “how awesome” it would be to ride over the top? 🙂

This is truly fantastic. I wonder if PDW needs any help setting it up when it gets here? I’m in.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jack

just need a lot of old mattresses laying around outside the track.

Joe Kurmaskie
13 years ago

Or a netting fence around the top unless you wanna go more rollerball and make it a chain link fence. At any rate it’s beautiful can’t wait to join the fun!

13 years ago

Hilarious. Like a giant hamster wheel for humans!

13 years ago

I need to get my Metrofiets on that thing

13 years ago

Sounds like the perfect venue for Fat Cyclist’s 100 Miles To Nowhere fundraiser event http://bit.ly/eRAvZz

13 years ago

how about a 24hr relay race 🙂

13 years ago

Men …truly aspiring to be Hamsters

Paul Tay
Paul Tay
13 years ago

I’m gonna reverse engineer this G.E.M.! Thumbs….UP.

Marcus Griffith
Marcus Griffith
13 years ago

The Pedalplooza possibilities are endless….

Vince R
13 years ago

Dan! We gotta bring back the 6-Day races from the glory days of track racing!

13 years ago

Hey, put those bike chariots in there, throw in some lions and some seating around the circle. You’d be all set. Survival of the fittest I say. I can’t wait to give my thumbs up….or down, to the looser.

13 years ago

Can someone explain to me how you actually get started on a track like this with such a steep incline? Do you start in the center and get a bit of momentum before you mount the track? It seems like it would be difficult to stand on the slope in clipless shoes and start from a dead stop. My apologies in advance for being a n00b.

13 years ago

I believe you could actually get dizzy riding that – lol

13 years ago

Thanks everyone!


No thats a great question! I aim to find just that out in a couple of weeks. 45 degrees is way too steep to get started on. I’m thinking a couple of loops on the ground and then you just go for it. We are certainly excited to have Circulus.

13 years ago
Reply to  dp

Wow… good luck on that first try!

13 years ago

While this velo-track will be cool, I sincerly wish that the Department of Skateboarding was still in the location that PDW is in. PDX has the most vibrant scene of skateboarding and truly uniuque culture that thrived in this place. PDX has no problem being a bike town, and a million opportunities await for such projects. The biking community took a valuable part of the skating community away with this change, and it will take much more than a cirular bastard child of a velodrome to fill the energy and passion that this place once held. As a cyclist of all types and a skateboarder, I see the value in each, but will really miss what the former use of this location was. I doubt it wil ever do for cycling what the space did for skateboarding.

13 years ago


You should feel free to stop by and speak with us or Kyle at Cal’s about this.


13 years ago

Nice score! $3500 seems like a great deal – considering you can’t even get a bike made in Portland for that.

Karl McCracken (twitter: @KarlOnSea)

Pah! That’sa huge velodrome! In the UK, we’ve been working on miniaturisation of cycling facilities for years (just try our roads & bike lanes…), and have definitely got you beat on this. Just take a look at this itty-bitty velodrome, as ridden by Charlotte Barnes.