Touting new survey, LaHood helps clear the way for more bikeways

“More cars on more roads may not be the best way to move people more effectively.” — Ray LaHood, US Secretary of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is doing more than his part to dismantle our nation’s car-centric status-quo. After his “end of favoring motorized transportation” proclamation last month, LaHood is now … Read more

LaHood statement marks “end of favoring motorized transportation”

“This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.” — US DOT Sec. Ray LaHood US Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has announced a new set of pro-bicycling and walking policy recommendations meant to inform transportation planning at the state and community level. He announced them on his blog this … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

US DOT Secretary Ray LaHood will hold ‘Distracted Driving Summit’

US Dept. of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.(Photo © J. Maus) Obama’s Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today that he’ll hold a summit in September to “address the dangers of text-messaging and other distractions behind the wheel.” The summit is slated for late September in Washington D.C. and, according to a US DOT press release it … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

US DOT Sec. proposes extension, changes to current transpo. bill

U.S. DOT Secretary Ray LaHood.(Photo © J. Maus) U.S. Transporation Secretary Ray LaHood issued a statement today proposing an immediate, 18-month “highway reauthorization” to the current transportation bill. The proposal is being made in an attempt to replenish the ailing Highway Trust Fund that could run out of cash by late August. Also, beyond the … Read more

Blumenauer jumps at chance to hold a “weasel” accountable

George Will, Public Weasel No. 1. Remember just over a year ago, when U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer told the crowd at the Oregon Bike Summit that we need to “Hold the weasels accountable” when their partisan bickering holds up good bike policy? Now, Blumenauer is doing just that in his efforts to take Newsweek’s George … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sec. LaHood: “You have a full partner at the US DOT”

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood addressed the National Bike Summit this morning.(Photos © J. Maus) Ray LaHood, President Obama’s Transportation Secretary kicked off the opening plenary at the National Bike Summit this morning. LaHood, sporting the ubiquitous bike pin, made it clear that he symbolizes a new era of cooperation between the U.S. Department … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Obama at press conference: LaHood has “created opportunities for bikers”

“He has not only helped rebuild our landscape, he’s helped beautify it by creating opportunities for bikers and runners to enjoy our great outdoors.” — Obama on LaHood Congressional Quarterly has the full transcript from today’s press conference where President-elect Obama introduced his choice for Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood. Below are some key excerpts interspersed … Read more