Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Police budget cuts cripple bike theft response unit

The leader of the Portland Police Police Bureau’s Bike Theft Task Force (BTTF) says the unit has lost its only source of funding and will have to significantly scale back its work for the foreseeable future. Officers with the task force had been doing regular bike registration events in partnership with Portland Parks rangers over … Read more

Downtown bike shops on hunt for dozens of bikes stolen during protests

While Portland’s protests in the name of the murder of George Floyd and ongoing police brutality in America have gotten more peaceful in recent nights, several downtown bike shop owners are still recovering from thefts that happened last week. We’re aware of over 30 bikes that have been stolen so far. Most of them were … Read more

Bike Theft Task Force launches registration drive with U-lock giveaway

Earlier this month we shared that the leader of the Portland Police Bureau Bike Theft Task Force said we could “end bike theft overnight” if everyone registered their bikes online. Now Task Force leader Officer Dave Sanders is putting u-locks where his mouth is. Thanks to an ongoing partnership with Abus Locks, the Portland Bureau … Read more

5 years after launch, PPB Bike Theft Task Force leader says problem remains ‘very bad’

Bike thieves do not care about the pandemic. In fact, it’s probably encouraging them to steal more. According to the Portland Police Bureau Bike Theft Task Force, bike theft in March was up 25% compared to last year. Task Force leader Officer Dave Sanders says it’s “very bad” out there right now. The BTTF was … Read more

Portland Police online crime reporting system now includes bike theft

In a bid to make crime reporting more convenient and free up officers for other calls, the Portland Police Bureau announced this week they’ve expanded the types of crimes that can be reported online. Along with identity theft, telephone scams, shoplifting, and other crimes, you can now use the PPB’s Citizen Online Reporting System to … Read more