Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Safe Routes National Partnership reacts to Oberstar defeat

Safe Routes National Partnership Director Deb Hubsmith and Jim Oberstar in happier times.(Photo © J. Maus) Reacting to last night’s election results, the following statement to supporters and letter to Jim Oberstar will be sent out shortly from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership… November 3, 2010 Dear Safe Routes to School supporter, As … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Oberstar’s defeat: Reactions, a look back, and a note of thanks

Oberstar, seen here during a recent visit to Portland, helped craft and passthe nation’s first Safe Routes to School legislation.(Photos © J. Maus) A big surprise from last night’s Democrat drubbing at the polls is that 35-year Congressman Jim Oberstar lost his race to Republican Chip Cravaack. Oberstar lost by just 4,000 votes out of … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike-friendly Dems would lose powerful positions in Republican controlled House

Jim Oberstar (L) and Peter DeFazio,(shown here at Cycle Oregon 2007)would both lose key leadership positions if the Republicans take over the House.(Photos © J. Maus) A big issue at stake with tonight’s elections is how a Republican-controlled House of Representatives — a result many feel is foregone conclusion — would impact bicycling and active … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Kitzhaber to talk transportation at fundraiser in Portland tonight

Sorry for the late notice… Former Oregon Governor and current candidate for the office John Kitzhaber will be in Portland tonight at what’s being billed as a transportation-focused fundraiser. The event will be held at the World Trade Center in downtown Portland and hosts include architectural and transportation engineering firm David Evans and Associates, Clackamas … Read more