Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Latest on-street bike corral coming “within the month”

Portland’s latest on-street bike parking racks await new home.(Photo © Jonathan Maus) While riding home last night up the Mississippi/Albina Hill, I noticed some familiar looking staple racks in PDOT’s equipment storage yard. It was two, three-staple rack assemblies welded together; the same configuration used in the on-street bike parking corrals that are popping up … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Portland inspires bike corrals in Canada

On-street “bike corral” in north Portland.(Photo: Jonathan Maus) It looks like Portland’s on-street bike parking program has inspired the city of Victoria, British Columbia. An article published Sunday in the Victoria Times Colonist reports that, due to a demand for on-street, high-quality bike parking that outstrips supply, Victoria has modeled a bike parking program after … Read more