Cyclists say Vancouver/Williams are city’s best bike lanes

Bike lane on N. Vancouver Ave.(File photo) At the Platinum Bicycle Master Plan Steering Committee meeting yesterday, city bike coordinator Roger Geller shared results of feedback received at the recent series of Bike Master Plan open houses. At each of three workshops, the 176 attendees were asked to list what they felt were the best … Read more

Master Plan Ride focuses on city center

Playing streetcar on theway to South Waterfront.(File photo) The sixth installment of PDOT’s monthly Bicycle Master Plan Rides took a closer look at bikeway facilities in and around the central city. A hearty group of cyclists followed the lead of City bike coordinator Roger Geller to the ride’s first stop: the South Waterfront. On our … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Master Plan intro sheds light on potential, challenges

The Office of Transportation has published the first bit of their Bicycle Master Plan online. It’s a draft of an introduction to the Existing Conditions Report and it sheds light on how the city sees Portland’s cycling future. The report starts out stating how far we’ve come since the plan was last updated in 1996, … Read more

Mayor talks bikes on local radio show

Mayor Tom Potter was the guest of Sheila Hamilton on the KINK-FM Afternoon Show yesterday. In an interview that dealt mostly with Potter’s charter reform effort, Hamilton also brought up the Bike Master Plan funding fiasco. It’s rare to hear Potter talk about bikes, so I thought I’d share his words with you. Below is … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Mayor adds Bicycle Master Plan back into budget

Download PDF (232 KB) Mayor Tom Potter has just sent a letter to all four City Commissioners and the City Auditor detailing six additional expenditures he will be able to fund in the budget. Included among them is $100,000 for the Bicycle Master Plan Update process. Here’s an excerpt from the letter: “OMF (Office of … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sam Adams to make Master Plan Ride appearance

Word from City Hall is that Commissioner Sam Adams will make an appearance at the beginning of today’s Bicycle Master Plan Ride. Rumors are that he might make a statement about Mayor Potter’s recent decision to cut funding for the Plan. Cyclists at the April Bike Master Plan Ride. File photo: 4/4/07