Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Press Release: Bike Commute Challenge begins September 1st

This just in from the BTA: Month-Long Bike Commute Challenge Begins September 1st August 25, 2008 – Starting September 1st, hundreds of businesses, non-profits, and government agencies across Oregon and SW Washington will compete in the Bicycle Transportation Alliance’s Bike Commute Challenge. The Challenge is a month-long competition between workplaces to see who can bike … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Registration opens for single speed ‘cross championships

The 2nd annual Single Speed Cyclocross World Championships (SSCXWC) have opened for registration. The event is scheduled for November 8-9 and will take somewhere in or near Portland (awaiting confirmation of exact location). Dani Dance of the Portland Single Speed Collective and an employee at Portland-based River City Bicycles is the woman behind the race. … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Metro wants your thoughts on high capacity transit

Metro wants feedback from “the bike community” at their upcoming public workshops on their High Capacity Transit plans: Here’s more information, followed by details on the workshops: Metro begins process to identify next 30 years of High Capacity Transit projects The Portland metropolitan region is home to a pioneering transit system. Over thirty years ago, … Read more