Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Blumenauer asks for help with Bike Commuter Act

(Note: The title of this post was originally, “Benefits fraud may stymie progress on Bike Commuter Act.” I changed it to better reflect the situation.). I just got an email from Congressman Earl Blumenauer’s legislative assistant Katie Drennan. She said that although there is considerable momentum for the Bike Commuter Act (42 co-sponsors so far), … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Vulnerable Roadway User bill passes committee

Rep. MacPherson, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee.Photo: State of OR The House Judiciary Committee voted 5-4 (along party lines) in favor the Vulnerable Roadway Users bill (H.B. 3314) this morning. The bill was passed with some significant amendments. The amendments change the base infraction from a Class A misdemeanor to a traffic violation payable … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Police, citizens testify on Vulnerable Roadway Users bill

“What we are very interested in is moving the violator into a driver improvement program, which would include training, completion of community service, and a physical test for competency.”–BTA Board Member Doug Parrow, testifying in Salem yesterday. A bill backed by the BTA and the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition (WPC) that seeks to increase the penalty … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

BTA pushes for pedestrian hand signal law

Bricker demonstrates the proposed pedestrian hand signal.File photo: 2/15/07 The BTA is working the halls of Salem right now to build support for Senate Bill 573. According to an action alert sent out by BTA lobbyist Scott Bricker yesterday, “The bill would allow pedestrians to use a hand signal to employ their right-of-way, rather than … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

State Bicycle Recreation position faces cut

Iris Riggs at theOregon Bicycle Summit.File photo: 4/14/07 Important news from the Oregon Bicycle Summit… Iris Riggs (in photo) is Oregon’s first ever Bicycle Recreation Coordinator. She was hired last summer by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to help communities develop bicycle recreation resources, promote bicycle tourism, and more. According to the BTA, the … Read more