Is the bike shop open? Are the bike lanes icy? An open thread for post-storm intel

I-205 path at SE Foster Road.
(Photo: Patrick F.)

It looks like the worst of the snow and and ice and cold is finally behind us. According to my weather app we should be back to the normal 50s and rain by next week.

But with a foot of snow still on the ground and cold temps sticking around, our roads and paths will be a mess for quite a while. That means it will be tricky getting around town and some of our favorite destinations won’t be open for business. With that in mind, it’s time to share what you know about local routes and destinations.

We know a lot of you have started to bike around town. Or maybe some of you are still opting for MAX and bus? Either way, can you help inform others about what’s open, what’s not, and the condition of various routes?

This is something we’ve done during/after many storms over the years (see Related Posts below). It’s also nice to consider sharing which gear and bike set-up is working (or not working) for you in these conditions.

Thanks for sharing what you know…. Ready, set, go!

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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8 years ago

Would be interested to know what the Springwater and 205 path are like right now if anyone has been out there. 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  JP

I heard a bunch of ATV’s on it yesterday when I was skiing Powell Butte. It’s probably somewhat packed down.

8 years ago
Reply to  JP

Springwater is passable but pretty rough.

There are some packed tire tracks from city service trucks (I rode past one) and deep snow between the ruts. Occasionally there is deeper snow blown across the path. If you can track the tire tracks, no problem, at least until you hit the deeper blown snow.

As Jonathan/Barb said, depends on skill and equipment.

I found surface streets much more rideable than Springwater.

8 years ago

the Missing Link bike shop is open on Woodstock/46th & in downtown Milwaukie

Springwater & 205 paths were chunky but passable this morning – could get interesting as things melt

8 years ago

Crank on se Ankeny and 28th is open today, possibly limited hours. I got some Novara thinsulate bike gloves and they have been the real deal for my normal icy hands this winter! On sale now at REI.

8 years ago

Is there an informal Clearing the Damn Bike Lanes group out there? I would like to shovel/salt on a team.

8 years ago

West End Bikes SW 11th and Stark downtown. We were open yesterday, and are open again today. We may close a couple hours early, so call first.

Dick Button
Dick Button
8 years ago

The separate Bike-path on Moody has been abandoned by the city. However across the street the path is shoveled down to clean concrete and clay, with salt on top. From there, the connection to the south waterfront east-side pass is a little sloppy, and the path itself is compacted and bumpy but ride-able. Downtown streets are okay for riding with slick tyres, but be cautious when changing lanes or turning, as built up ruts are acting a lot like invisible streetcar tracks in many places.

Kelly Aicher
8 years ago

All Bike Gallery locations are open for business. Our new Westmoreland store is scheduled to open by January 22nd (Moving our Woodstock location due to a huge escalation in rent)

8 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Aicher

Where will the new store be located?

8 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Aicher

Welcome to the Westmoreland neighborhood!

Huey Lewis
Huey Lewis
8 years ago
Reply to  Kelly Aicher

I heard the new owners son, a bay area realtor, found out what Bike Gallery was paying and said “they gotta pay more rent, ma!” and so that’s what prompted the move. Yes? No? Was told this by a source in the know. It’s been a bit since I heard this so I could be missing something.

8 years ago

Bike Gallery Clackamas is open and ready for customers. Most other Bike Gallery locations are open as well but some locations may close at 5:00 or 6:00 pm to get staff home without trouble.

8 years ago

Have any Fred Meyer stores cleared the snow and ice from bike lanes and sidewalks? Western Bikeworks is open at their two stores.

8 years ago

Just got home from a spin in N and NE. It was nice, a few cars on the road not giving enough room (what’s new?). It was great to feel the sunshine and wind on my face. I was riding a 29er with xc tires fwiw.

Kyle Banerjee
8 years ago

I was having the exact opposite problem as Alex. On streets with any traffic, cars were refusing to pass me or get anywhere close to me. Riding flats was fine, but due to treads filling up with snow, I had absolutely nothing on the hills. Anyplace I had to plow through snow was a lot of work.

Having said that, back streets on my trike were beautiful though in some places, the tire tracks weren’t wide enough for me to ride in.

There’s no way I’m riding tomorrow. It’s a long ski in, but I’m pretty sure it’s my best option. Looking forward to doing tele turns on the Interstate and Marquam descents.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Banerjee

You may be disappointed to find Interstate plowed by tomorrow, it’s pretty close to the city yards. But you could always ride in the Interstate bike lane, which is full of snowbank, gravel and standing water right now, and will probably be very icy in numerous spots tomorrow morning.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Banerjee

cars were refusing to pass me or get anywhere close to me

Sounds nice.

Kyle Banerjee
8 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Not as great as it sounds.

Vehicles are more predictable when there’s a nice flow and spacing is relatively even. When roads contain alternating gummed up and open stretches, movement gets more erratic and less safe.

If they don’t pass me in a reasonable amount of time despite my repeated motions to do so, I pull off and let them though. It’s faster, easier, and safer if they just go by.

Eric G
Eric G
8 years ago

Watch out for refrozen lumpy bits hidden among long smooth stretches. I was having too much fun and riding too fast on the Burnside bridge admiring the setting moon, when those lumps tossed me to the ground.

Dick Button
Dick Button
8 years ago

Random Idea Alert: Maybe we should make a point to patronize the business who make the sidewalk passable for us? Looking great outside Jake’s Grill, I’ll reward that effort with the vote of my dollars.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dick Button


John Liu
John Liu
8 years ago

Velocult is open and the taps are lonely . . .

Todd Boulanger
8 years ago
Reply to  John Liu

Can I adopt one…or do taps prefer an open but equal relationship?!

John Liu
John Liu
8 years ago
Reply to  Todd Boulanger

#9 is my betrothed but you can ply your charms on another

Barb Grover
Barb Grover
8 years ago

Splendid Cycles is open its regular hours!

We’ve been watching cyclists, runners, and skiers on the Springwater Trail all day. As noted already, the trail is mixed snow and ice and cyclists are navigating it with mixed results. Some riders cruising at normal speeds, others walking their bikes. It appears that skill and equipment choices make the difference.

8 years ago

SW 2nd Ave bike lane-ish clogged with snow. Some downtown streets plowed. Harsh icy ‘moguls’ building up anywhere buses travel, do not attempt. Sidewalk clearing where present takes little note of curb cuts, and less note of bike racks! –most of the bikes present appear to be abandoned.

The streets are generally rideable but watch for transitions from sun to shade. (It’s gonna be sporty when things start to freeze up).

The city plowed the Broadway Bridge this morning. Somewhat helpful. All but the most skilled probably had to dismount to get on it though.

Todd Boulanger
8 years ago

Jonthan – its worse – cycling in the snow is always better during the storm and the day after…until the compacted snow turns to ice AND all the traffic returns with frantic (cabin crazy) drivers….

Rachel Cameron
Rachel Cameron
8 years ago

I will be at 3928 Bike Shop/Portland Bicycle Studio on N Williams tomorrow 11-6.


8 years ago

Last night the Esplanade (W side) was ridable but lumpy, the switchback to the RR bridge was kind of sporty singletrack, and the bike lane through the transit center by the arena was totally unmaintained for bike passage–sporty minus, or maybe first date from hell.

Dan A
Dan A
8 years ago

ODOT’s TripCheck site is showing road conditions as reported live by people driving. I’ve never used Waze before, but apparently you can report ice on the road as you’re driving and TripCheck adds it to their map.

8 years ago

ppl plow snow into the bike lanes?

8 years ago

I have been getting around with studded bike tire. Not such a novelty this year. But here in Beaverton, the skewed world of the city is out in force.

Most people are snowed in and the side streets are impassible to cars, so lots of people out walking. Great, but when you get to the main street there is 2 feet of snow pushed up on the sidewalk.

Then they close pedestrian paths because a leaning tree may fall. In their world it is much safer to walk six blocks in the icy street than walk by a tree.

Then they put up barricades to keep people from using a pedestrian bridge where the railing was damaged by a falling tree. Wouldn’t a person of reasonable intelligence use the boards from the barricade to repair the railing?

8 years ago

Tim, I figured that was you leaving bike tracks on the trail. I agree about the bridge and I would have felt safer skiing across the bridge rather side step down the hill to cross on the street. On Wednesday, I recorded a first by skiing into work. I don’t get many opportunities for that so I had to take the opportunity.

8 years ago

Things I learned today. The earliest Northbound bus that leaves Sellwood/Westmoreland doesn’t get to my stop until 8:15, and is the bus which requires a 15 minute walk on uncleared sidewalks from the nearest stop to my work, which makes it impossible to get to work by my 8:30 start time on Monday’s holiday, at least via bus. Other option is to walk 15-20 minutes on either end to catch the MAX.

But you asked about current conditions. First hand report that the sidewalks (MUP?) on SE 8th that cross the MAX/UPRR tracks between SE Division and SE Division Pl have not been cleared. By anything other than foot traffic. (The sidewalk from SE Powell to SE Division Pl along SE 9th has only been cleared where there’s a car parking lot, so basically not cleared).

I find this ‘rule’ that the sidewalk clearing to be the responsibility of the property owner to be ridiculous. Especially when TriMet owns the property — that agency has never cleared a sidewalk/MUP on my route to work in my memory. My vision is that the city directs PBOT to clear sidewalks FIRST as snow priority routes. MUPs second. Then the car roads.

8 years ago

Sidewalk on Water Bureau property frontage on N Larrabee/Interstate from N Hancock to N Tillamook is not cleared, still in terrible condition as of Friday evening; sidewalk on adjacent PPS Banchard Center property IS clear.

8 years ago

I did a loop ride on Jan 12th. It was sunny and slightly breezy. Headed out from Woodstock to Springwater Corridor to Sellwood and on to Sellwood Bridge which was completely clear of snow and ice! And then up on Willamette Greenway ( the small section of apartment construction is still closed to biking) to Hawthorne Bridge which was only clear of snow and ice on the bike lane and back to Woodstock on Gladstone St. The bike lane on Gladstone St was not possible to ride on and had to take full lane. All the cars gave me a lot of space and no honking. I took only residential streets and bike path except Gladstone St.
I am a year round bike commuter and had winter bike touring and single track mtn biking experience. So that gave me confidence to do the loop. I rode my GF 29er hardtail with 45 psi on my Schwalbe Supreme 2″ tire.
It was hard going mainly due to focusing on picking a line on hard snow and icy path and standing and trying to enjoying the view and the same time. Had to ride a bit fast and coast standing when snow is softer which was often. 2 miles in I was already sweating. Stopped every now and then to take pics and enjoy the view. I started late afternoon so I can catch the sunset of Mt Hood from the Waterfront on the way home.
All in all I would say if you stay on strictly side streets and not get too anxious to go fast or disregard traffic and head out with the right gear you will enjoy the ride safely. I’ve been out riding since then and its much easier now because the roads had turn to ice.
Wish I know how to post pics.

8 years ago

Hi Jonathan and others- I’d love to get a report from folks who commute extra early tomorrow (tuesday) to see if the ice is really as bad as the saber rattling tells us it will be. I remember checking bikeportland a week ago from bed after the last weekend ice storm to see if there was a thread with commute trip reports. Maybe this time (fingers crossed).