Say hello to our new event calendar!


Nothing happens unless people show up.

That goes for everything from bike parades to committee meetings. And for over 10 years, promoting local events has been a key part of our work here at BikePortland. We do that by posting stories about events, promoting them, hosting them ourselves, and so on. But the ultimate tool to strengthen our event coverage is a robust calendar that we can integrate right here onto the blog. Sounds simple right? Just embed a Google calendar! Ummm, no. We’ve tried several calendar tools in the past but nothing met our high standards. Until now.

I think we’ve found the solution and we’re excited to share it with you.

If you follow us on Twitter (and you should) you’ll notice we’ve been posting links to events for several weeks now. That’s because we quietly launched our calendar about a month ago. We’ve been working with our web developer (Bozz Media) to get it ready for prime-time. And with one final tweak made last night, it’s finally ready. Check it out at


As you can see on the calendar’s page, the default view shows the entire month (hover your cursor over an entry to see an image and brief description):


You can switch the views by clicking the upper right. Your option is to view the events in a list or in a single-day format:


In the single event view, you’ll see a lead image, the event description, a map to the venue, and all the other details:


And look over to your right and you’ll see a list of upcoming events posted in the sidebar —>.

Our calendar allows you to: search for events by date, keyword or location; export the entire calendar (ICS file) or a single event (to Google Calendar or iCal); share an event with your friends via email, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or Google+.

You’ll notice that we’ve populated the calendar with a wide range of events. Just like the mix of stories you read here on BikePortland, our calendar features all the different aspects of the Portland region’s robust cycling culture — from races and rides, to political rallies. With very limited staff capacity, we have to be careful embarking on new projects like this. That’s why I’m very excited about one specific feature of this calendar: It allows us to automatically import events from Facebook. We think Facebook is swell; but BikePortland is about stitching all the different threads of our community together. And to do that, it’s imperative that people can browse events from all types of groups and interests all in one convenient place.

Our mission is to help create “A future where every aspect of cycling’s vast potential is realized.” Events are at the heart of that mission and it’s our goal to get more people to show up to them. What do you think? As always, we’d love your feedback.

If you have an event you’d like to see on our calendar, drop us a line via email or share the link on Twitter, Facebook, or wherever else it’s convenient.

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

This new feature would not be possible without the support of our paid subscribers. You too can be a part of our work. It’s just $10 a month and it’s quick and easy to sign up.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

Thanks for reading.

BikePortland has served this community with independent community journalism since 2005. We rely on subscriptions from readers like you to survive. Your financial support is vital in keeping this valuable resource alive and well.

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Ted Timmons (Contributor)

And there’s an RSS feed- excellent.

8 years ago for iPhone calendar integration.

8 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Seems though as there is a bug in the ical export. Some entries seem to have no timezone and default as UTC. E.g., this sunday’s “Sunday Morning Rolling Rock Road Ride” shows up in google calendar and android starting at 2am!
Also seems to have a very short look-ahead as it gives entries only until next monday (and e.g., none of the JSK events). Using seems somewhat better, at least it gets entries until the end of the month …

8 years ago

I came here specifically to see if I could sync it with iphone or google calendar after seeing the twitter post! So, yay!

8 years ago

How, if at all, does it interact with the Shift and the ORbike calendar?

8 years ago

Hello, new event calendar

Kiel Johnson / Go By Bike

will you be posting all the pedalpalooza rides on here? down the road one feature that would be nice is if events were colored depending on what kind of event they were (pink for bike fun, green for advocacy, blue for community event…) also have you thought about a different spot for log in? seems like that is taking up prime real estate. how about log ins at the end of reach post and instead use that space to promote becoming a member and maybe link to calendar? just a thought but you guys are doing great!

8 years ago

how do I make it start on Sunday instead of Monday?

Middle of the Road guy
Middle of the Road guy
8 years ago

Funny thing…I was just looking for events on BP the other day…timely!