Event: Beer for Bikes at the Oregon Brewers Festival (7/28/11 – 7/30/11)

Event Name: Beer for Bikes at the Oregon Brewers Festival
Event Date: July 28-30 2011
Start Time: 11:45:00 AM
Web Site: http://washingtoncountybikes.org/events

Join us for 2 hours watching bikes for attendees at the 24th Annual Oregon Brewers Festival and get a beer mug and tokens for your efforts.
The shifts start at 15 minutes before the hour and the last will continue until about 30 minutes after closing or the last unlocked bike has left the lot, whichever comes first.

Shifts are:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday July 28,29 & 30.
11:45AM – 2:00PM
1:45 – 4:00 PM
3:45 – 6:00PM
5:45 – 8:00 PM
7:45 – Close (Approx 9:30)

Sunday, July 31
11:45AM- 2:00 PM
1:45 – 4:00PM
3:45 – CLose (Approx. 5:30PM)

Contact Volunteer[at]washcobtc[dot]org to register for your shift.
Remember, 1st come, first served! They go fast, so sign up now!

Tom McCall Waterfront Park