Update on Tigard Get Together (it’s Wednesday!)

A tour of the West Side-23

Trails and how they (don’t) cross big
roads is likely to be one of many
topics we’ll discuss.
(Photos © J. Maus)

Our Get Together in Tigard this Wednesday (1/27) is shaping up quite nicely. We’ve got a slew of interesting folks joining us and there will be no shortage of important issues, projects, and big ideas to learn about and discuss.

As per usual with these events, the idea is for citizens, bureaucrats (and I mean that in the best way possible) and politicians to mix and mingle and learn from each other. On that note, here are a few of the confirmed attendees so far.

Dick Schouten

Dick Schouten: Washington County Commissioner
Mr. Schouten is a wealth of knowledge about how to make the West Side more pleasant for non-motorized travelers. One particular issue he’ll address is one brought up by our West Side correspondent Jim Parsons. It has to do with public safety and emergency response on popular trails like the Fanno Creek. Oh, and I should mention, Mr. Schouten is running for Chair of Washington County so he might have something to say about that as well.

Mike McCarthy: Senior Transportation Project Engineer, City of Tigard
Mr. McCarthy can give us an update on the Tigard’s newly formed Bicycle Advisory Committee as well as explain a recent decision by City of Tigard to not provide bicycle lanes on some downtown streets (both of which he chimed in about here on BikePortland back in July). McCarthy might also share information on the Burnham Street project and other exciting infrastructure developments going on in Tigard.

Karen Frost

Karen Frost: Executive Director, Westside Transportation Alliance
Ms. Frost is working on several initiatives to promote fewer drive-alone car trips on the West Side. In particular, she’ll ask for your feedback on a new bike rack program they’re launching.

Susan Peithman: Statewide Advocate, Bicycle Transportation Alliance
Ms. Peithman is new with the BTA and her charge is to expand their influence beyond Portland. She’ll update us on her progress.

Vehicular homicide law press conference-2.jpg

Mary O’Donnell

Mary O’Donnell
Ms. O’Donnell lost her husband Tim back in June 2007 (read our full coverage here). Tim was riding on a rural road in Washington County and was struck by a woman driving a car. The incident sparked a lot of attention, including a renewed effort by the BTA to pursue stronger punishments for people who kill others while illegally operating their vehicles. O’Donnell has remained a steadfast advocate, most recently traveling to Salem to give testimony on a new Vehicular Homicide bill expected to be taken up by the Legislature in 2011.

In addition to these fine folks, there are sure to be lots of concerned citizens and local bike experts who you’ll get to meet. If you care about biking in and around Tigard and the West Side, I hope you’ll join us (there’s also an open house for Tigard’s Transportation System Plan the same night — do both!).

This will be an informal and casual event. Great food and drink are available and the venue is all-ages.

    Tigard/West Side Get Together
    Wednesday, January 27th
    6:00 – 8:00 pm
    Max’s Fanno Creek Brew Pub* (12562 SW Main St – map)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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15 years ago

Hey, that’s where I crashed last night! I fell down the slope.

15 years ago

dang… hit enter before I meant to…

I mention it because if I had needed medical attention, I’ve had problems getting Non-Emergency Dispatch to know where I am when I say:

“I’m on the Fanno Creek Trail”

15 years ago

I wouldn’t say it’s as important as connectability east/west through tigard and aloha, but images like this just constantly tear at my heart
a car-free path is no good if you have to cross a 4lane highway

Paul Johnson
15 years ago

I find it irritating that they put that sign up… back when I was living off the Downing Drive access to the Greenway Park Greenway, Beaverton was talking about putting in a signal and center median at the corner of Hall and Greenway Park, making the intersection on-par with the signalized intersections on the Springwater. Guess that never happened…yet another example of Beaverton dysfunction and what makes Beaverton an extension of North LA…

15 years ago

i used to ride that trail from Tualatin to Nike everyday.

A few observations…

The homeless alcoholics congregate just after the dogleg bridge in downtown tigard…slow down on the bridge or you will scare them and they will tell you all about it.

A group of highschooler typically hangs out south of downtown tigard..give them a wide berth or ride fast..they like to mess with bikes.

beware the strollers..there are tons of them and even if you give them a slow, wide berth, they will glare at you. true, looks never hurt, but any sense of belonging is destroyed here.

watch for slippery stuff on the trail under the greenberg underpass. at peak rainstorms, this is unpassable and you will have to brave the 6 lanes of traffic above ground.

to cross hall blvd, go up the hill to the light…crossing in the middle is suicide as traffic zooms along at 60 plus in the mornings.

in short, you may feel like you do not belong here and that people do not want you here.

which is why i don’t live there anymore 🙂

15 years ago

that little ramp at the end dosn’t look ADA accesible. someone should bring that up

15 years ago

Actually, Jim, Tualatin Parks and Rec installed signs directing all trail traffic to go through the Albertson’s parking lot (to the left of the photo), and cross Hall at the traffic light up the hill a bit, and then come back down the sidewalk to the trail on the other side.

That “ramp” isn’t official by any means.

15 years ago

Chris, you’d be surprised at the changes that have happened since you left.

I ride the section of the trail between Main St and Hall in the morning as part of my commute. I haven’t seen the alcoholic homeless guys down there this year. I’ve talked with City folks and they says that the cops have really focused on “encouraging” those guys to go somewhere else.

Besides, I don’t think Max’s enjoyed them there, either, and talked to the City about the problem.

The teens I see near downtown Tigard are at the skate park on Hall, and I haven’t had a problem with them on my commute home in the evenings.

The underpass at Scholls is a nightmare when it rains– but I don’t think there’s anything they can do about it besides find a new place for people to cross. It was poorly placed in the first place.

Did you glare back at the strollers? COT considers the Fanno Creek Trail as part of their transportation system. You have as much right to be there as they do. Were you polite about passing, or did you come zooming up behind them and cut around them without any warning? If you did, thanks for making it more difficult for the rest of us riding on the FCT, now those people will equate us with you. Jerk. 🙂

Anyway. I was only able to be at the get-together for a short time last night, but got to hear the first 4 speakers and chat with some great people. It was a packed room, and more people were coming in when I left at 10 to 7, and all the bike racks were packed– bikes were parked wherever they could get locked up, and I saw at least one bike parked inside, which was cool of Max’s to allow it. 🙂