Oregon builders announce handmade bike show plans


A scene from the OBCA’s 2007 show.
(Photo © J. Maus)

The Oregon Bicycle Constructors Association (OBCA) has announced preliminary details for their 2009 Oregon Handmade Bicycle Show.

According to Andy Newlands of the OBCA, their show will happen on Halloween weekend, October 31st – November 1st. The two day show will be open to the public and will feature handmade bikes from around Oregon and beyond. Newlands says “selected bicycle businesses will also be displaying their wares.”

Also planned for Saturday night (10/31) is a costume party with food and beverages supplied by Hopworks Urban Brewery. The venue is TBA but is likely to be in the northwest industrial area.

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And, in case you’re wondering who else is part of the OBCA, here’s a list of their board members:

The OBCA hosted a very successful and well-attended bike show at the World Forestry Center in Washington Park back in November of 2007. See our coverage for a full report and photos from that event.

[Note: This event is not to be confused with the Oregon Manifest Handmade Bike Show which took place back in October (see all our coverage here).]

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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Jessica Roberts
Jessica Roberts
15 years ago

Maybe I’m not paying close enough attention, but how is this different from the Oregon Manifest show?

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
15 years ago

good question. I’ll add something to the story.. but in the meantime…

this is different because it is put on by different folks and as such it will have a different look/feel/vibe.

The Oregon Manifest will also happen again… i just don’t have many details on it yet.

15 years ago

Who cares if it’s similar to the Manifest. It’s another opportunity to look at some awesome bikes that I will never be able to afford.

mechanic Mark
mechanic Mark
15 years ago

Great idea having it Halloween weekend. Now, instead of having a good old time going to multiple parties Friday and Saturday night, I’ll get to work long hours at the show and be too tired to do anything fun. Yes, I am a whiny old man.

Okay, that’s just my initial grouchy reaction. I’m sure I’ll get over it by the time the show rolls around, and I do enjoy seeing all the fine bicycles. We are truly lucky to live in a city that can support this kind of event on a regular basis.

15 years ago

by the time the show “rolls” around.
see that is some funny cause… well http://bikeportland.org/2009/02/15/in-honor-of-the-hamster-ball/

I have this sudden vision of the hamster ball crushing and enveloping all the pretty bikes in some sort of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katamari_Damacy -type thing

Dave Levy
15 years ago

Hey everyone,
This show is being put on by the OBCA, our focus is on manufactures in the bicycle industry. We will showcase frame builders from Oregon and we are extending an invite to the westcoast and beyond. There was so much excitement from Portland NAHBS, everyone is enthusiastic about re-kindling that fire in 2009. Shimano, Cane Creek and other manufacturers have already expressed interest in being a part of the show.

We are looking forward to a great show, thanks to Hopworks for their partnership for this event. Keep an eye out for lots of joint events this year and beyond! Start thinking about those costumes, there will be a contest with prizes!

Dave levy
OBCA President

Ron H
Ron H
15 years ago

Last year’s show was at the World Forestry Center and, while a lot of fun, was way too crowded. Hopefully a larger veune is in the works.


Uh oh
Uh oh
15 years ago

Does someone want to tell them that this is likely the weekend of the Cross Crusade Halloween festivities? Um, 700 hard core racers out of town that weekend might put a damper on the plans. Just a thought…

15 years ago

Yeah, I have to wonder if:
They even thought about Cross Crusade?
They are planning to do something with Cross Crusade?
They are snubbing Cross Crusade?

Also, don’t we have two national events in Bend just weeks apart? Why not then and in Bend?