Confirmed: Adams will stay (updated with video statement)

Sam Adams interview-3.JPG

Adams in October 2007.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Mayor Sam Adams has decided to get back to work as the leader of Portland (read and watch him read the official statement below).

After reading speculation about the decision on the Willamette Week’s blog, I contacted a high-level staffer a few minutes ago and was able to confirm that Adams will stay.

The decision comes on a day when The Oregonian published an interview with Beau Breedlove with more information about the nature of his relationship with Adams.

Story continues below


We’ll have more coverage this week. For now. Discuss.

UPDATE: Here’s Mayor Adams in a video statement (text below):

Tomorrow, I go back work as your mayor. I know I have let you down and made mistakes. I ask your forgiveness. I believe I have a lot to offer the city I love during this time of important challenges.

Beginning tomorrow morning, I will be back in my office doing the work that the last 20 years of public service have prepared me for. And my pledge to you is this: I will work harder than I ever have in my life to meet the challenges facing our great city. Tough economic times are creating record unemployment, strained city services, and the worst financial landscape for businesses since the Great Depression.

— in the coming weeks and months, Portlanders will rightfully judge me not by my words, but by my ability to deliver results for them: To prioritize city spending to protect vital services such as public safety;
— to deliver on the 500 million dollar economic stimulus strategy to put Portlanders back to work;
— to improve our schools; and
— to continue to position Portland as the hub of this nation’s green economy;

As we push ahead together on these issues, each and every day – with lessons learned in hand – I will strive to regain your trust and faith in my ability to serve this city.

Thank you.

A video message to Portlanders will be available shortly.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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16 years ago

I think you are high on crack.

Everyone knows that Sam Adams intended to stay on for the next six months. What is up in the air, is if he will legally be recalled then.

So, NOT confirmed.

16 years ago

’bout time. Hopefully lesson learned. Fortunately mobs are like dogs–not much long term memory. I’m betting that by July (when a recall effort would be possible), people will be too busy watching Vanessa Williams on Ugly Betty to bother.

16 years ago

Good one Sam. We can’t imagine Portland without you.

Jonathan, you broke the news first for me after the WW speculation.

Yay, after a week of crazy chaos. I can finally get back to work too.

16 years ago

This is great news!

16 years ago

I think this is the right decision. Now all Portlanders will have a chance to express their opinion in a recall vote – which I’m assuming is pretty much certain to happen.

At this point, I’m not entirely certain how I’ll vote.

Tony H
Tony H
16 years ago

I think this is the right choice. Sam Adams made foolish choices. Still, I think that the costs-financial and otherwise- of a recall or of Sam resigning (and the circus of selecting a replacement) are not worth it. Look: He did a dumb thing, he lied about it, and the truth came out (as it usually does). He knows it and WE know it. Please, Mr. Mayor, don’t allow yourself to become caught in such a compromising situation again. Public forgiveness is not an inexhaustible resource and, assuming that you stay, you’ve used a goodly portion already.

John Peterson
John Peterson
16 years ago

Sadly this mess will be with us for months if not years–There will be a well funded and organized recall effort–Adams will be compromised for his entire term. We bikers would do well to make sure our eggs are not all in Sam’s basket.

16 years ago

Beah has a dog named Lolita! I just about died laughing when I saw that. Oh, and those are some nice, professional done model shots or Mr. Breedlove.

On a serious note, one of the comments over at the Oregonian got me thinking:

“It is unthinkable that he would be a welcome visitor to any of Portland’s schools, public or private, for a good long time. Juxtaposing the Mayor with 17- and 18-year olds is just not going to work….”

I don’t care who sleeps with who, but I’m really wondering if Sam is going to be able to make any decisions b/c many people do care about this topic. I don’t have children but I’m guessing most parents, liberal or conservative, would feel mighty uncomfortable with their kids being around someone who admitted to having a sexual relationship with an 18 ear old. The question I’m asking myself is that even though Sam has great vision, is he going to be able to be an effective leader or will this always overshadow everything he does? If it takes him 6-9 months to move past this and if the city goes down the recall path, would it best for the city if he were just to resign so people’s energy can be focused on real issues?
Even if it is the case that Mr. Breedlove seduced Sam and this whole thing was consensual (as Beau has stated in the Oregonian article), I think too many people have black and white blinders when it comes to sexuality and will continue to see this as “older man takes advantage of kid” story and I’m not sure how he can get past that.

16 years ago

Nice work breaking the story, Jonathan! And good on ya, Sam Adams, for not quitting your job when the going got rough. Now GET! BACK! TO WORK! 🙂

16 years ago

well, it’s up to the community to educate people.

Sam did not take advantage of school kid.

16 years ago

While I’m tentatively happy about this news, I’m seeing that the Oregonian article with Breedlove this morning has changed a lot of supporters to non-supporters. It seems like the good work the rally did has been undermined and that upsets me.

My mind is unchanged and I am still in support of Sam. I don’t think, if he does in fact announce he will stay, that this is the end of it. Not by a long shot. I can HOPE that the commissioners will realize this is a dumb thing to care about and give him the chance I think he deserves to serve as mayor, but that’s up to them.

Those of us who support him still need to be loud and unwavering, which is my plan.

16 years ago

I am most disturbed by the blatant homophobia that the interview with Beau has stirred up. If you read the comments to that article, I am left with the impression that people are “okay” with having a gay mayor, until details of his encounters with Beau were released, and then the whole thing is “disgusting”. Score another one for our Puritanical heritage.

On another note, as we go down this Clintonian path, is that now it is apparently up for debate whether kissing is “sexual activity”. I’ll let you guess what the people I just referred to have to say about it.

16 years ago

I don’t think he ever was going to quit, like blogovich he will have to be forced out. Problem is if we wait 6 mo’s people will forget what it was all about and he has a stronger standing. Lets hope the court forces him out sooner

16 years ago

Are charges going to be filled? Is there any proof that the 18 year old was 17 when the sex started?

Mitch Conners
Mitch Conners
16 years ago

Until all of the allegations are comply vetted, this isn’t over. This never was just about if he slept with an underaged child. If Adam did provide a planning position to keep someone silent, I will happily vote to have him removed. We need to get all the data before we decide.

John Russell
16 years ago

Well, for the record I am a 17-year-old guy and I am glad to have him back. I’m still greatly disheartened over what he did, but I still think that it’s not beyond ourselves to forgive him and get back to work in making Portland the great city that it can be.

16 years ago

Good on you, Sam! We still support you.

Uh Huh
Uh Huh
16 years ago

I look forward to seeing you all back here in six months when they start the recall process.

16 years ago

Like I said before on another tread, he’ll cling like a tick to the dog politic. Portland just needs a good dip and grooming to rid itself of unwanted parasites.

16 years ago

Man, this quote gives me the creeps!

“This never was just about if he slept with an underaged child”


Uh Huh
Uh Huh
16 years ago

Also – a 42 year old man who is a public servant making out with a 17 year old kid in the men’s room of City Hall? Real classy. I can see why everyone is defending him.

Spencer Boomhower
Spencer Boomhower
16 years ago

Beau Breedlove’s dog is named Lolita?

Good to know the universe hasn’t lost its sense of humor.

Jim F
Jim F
16 years ago

Well, could be worse. We could be stuck with a sleazy, lying, morally bankrupt mayor who DOESN’T like bikes.

16 years ago

why do I feel like I’m reading the comments over at The Oregonian instead of Bike Portland.

Sam Adams is an unwanted parasite? That doesn’t even make sense given that he won a majority of votes in the primary and didn’t face a run-off.

Uh Huh
Uh Huh
16 years ago

why do I feel like I’m reading the comments over at The Oregonian instead of Bike Portland.

So everyone who supports bicycles should automatically support Sam Adams? I don’t understand your comment.

Sad for Portland
Sad for Portland
16 years ago

Bad Judgment
Numerous lies to cover his ass
More truths unveiled
More lies
Abuse of power
Extremely divided public
500 or so supporters who are very vocal, while a factor or ten times more detractors

All of this and you are happy? I know he’s all about biking, but does nothing else matter in your lives? Is it truly all about uncompromisable biking ideals? Is this the only thing you have going for you in life?

Can’t you get behind a bike supporter who is not sleazy? Can’t you see he’s only got himself in his own interests? He’s only in it for Sam. He always has been. I never voted for him, because I always thought this to be the case. I never cared of anyone’s sexual orientation. It’s never been in issue to me and never will be. You know he’s so screwed, because of mounting evidence, criminal investigations and a complete lack of respect he has with anyone outside the extreme biking community.

Most of Portland do not think it was OK what he did. Most of Portland also really resents being lied to and duped into voting for him.

He will not be effective. Every day he is in office, is a bad day for Portland. Sam doesn’t care though. He wants his job. Being mayor has always been his goal. HE WANTS IT. He probably can’t afford to quit financially, and he realizes that he really doesn’t have any real world skills outside politics, as he’s never worked a real job.

16 years ago

@ #9, Crunchysue

Jonathon did *nothing* to break this story. That’s not a slight towards Jonathon at all, just the truth. What he did, and this should be commended, was to provide a space for those in the PDX bike community to have a little discourse on the issue.

But to give credit, Nigel Jaquiss at Willamette Week broke the story.

Additionall, and not to lecture, but if you thought Jonathon did break the story, you might want to expand your list of news sources beyond this excellent, but fairly myopically focused bike blog.

Curt Dewees
Curt Dewees
16 years ago

So who is going to fund this “well-funded” recall effort? What do they have to gain by ousting Sam Adams? Follow the money, folks.

We already know that the Portland Police Union jumped hard at the first opportunity they [thought they] had to get rid of Sam. The Tribune and the Oregonian also immediately called for his resignation, but they are both so broke they can barely afford to pay attention. Who else would be willing to dump loads of cash into a recall effort? And why?

16 years ago

An unanswered question in my mind is what is Bob Ball’s take on this. After all, he was slammed in public for ‘lying’ about Sam, to the point where he withdrew from his running for mayor. It seems Mr. Adams had a direct influence on what should have been a free and open democratic election. And yet I have seen nothing on this.

16 years ago

I agree with you . I have been curious as to why the police union jumped on this so fast.It seems as though I smell a wiff of coup . Or maybe that’s the coop next door.

Spencer Boomhower
Spencer Boomhower
16 years ago

I continue to hope this scandal doesn’t end up sliming Amy Ruiz. She did good reporting at the Mercury, she seemed perfectly qualified for the communication-centric job she was hired to do for Sam, and she seemed poised to do good things for sane transportation options in Portland. Back when, you know, we were all so hopeful about the future.


Is there a Pulitzer Prize for dashing hopes and dreams?

16 years ago


Not to waste any more of my time or effort defending Sam, but this is the same police union that defended the pepper spraying of babies, the shooting of Kendra James, and the fatal beating of James Chasse.

The PPA has ZERO credibility on any subject.

16 years ago

Back when, you know, we were all so hopeful about the future.

Barack Obama….

16 years ago

Awesome. Get back to work, Sam! We’ll never let you be recalled.

Spencer Boomhower
Spencer Boomhower
16 years ago


“Barack Obama….”

Thanks, that helps a bit. Yeesh, this Adams thing has really taken some of the shine off Obama’s first days for us Portlanders, hasn’t it?

Also, I mostly meant hope for the future of transportation options here in Portland. I mean, I really saw Ruiz’ joining Adams’ team as boding well for his position on the CRC. Maybe a hope not too firmly grounded in political realities, but what the hell.

16 years ago

I’ve said it before, I think he should step down. I’m disappointed by the decision. I am among those people who is of the view that it is not about the sex. I

As a.O has been saying in these comment sections, if we don’t hold our elected officials to a high standard of conduct and integrity, we’re never going to get elected officials who live up to what we deserve. Things that have been said, and appointments that have been made must now be seen through a veil of suspicion; the essential business of the city has been disrupted, and will continue to be so for some time; and Sam has suffered a loss of stature and reputation that will make it difficult for him to accomplish his agenda going forward. He has to go.

Having said this, should he not step down, as appears to be the case, I do hope that the recall effort loses momentum and does not materialize. After all this commotion, we do not need the protracted and expensive circus sideshow of a recall to distract us further.

16 years ago

I’ve had a ‘Sam Adams for Mayor’ sign in my yard since he was elected. I knew I kept it up for a good reason.

16 years ago

During the 2004 general election cycle Congressman David Wu faced a firestorm of media attention of what was described as a “sexual assault” from his college days.

Rep. Wu went on to win the election by a larges margin: 58% – 38%

During the 2008 primary election cycle, Republican Congressional Candidate Mike Erickson, a social conservative, faced allegations that he fathered a child and dropped-off them mother at the abortion clinic without paying his share.

Erickson went on to win the Republican primary – but lost in the general by just over 5%.

Similar to Adams situation, both those cases did not suffer under any legal complications. Wu was never charged, and Erickson’s behavior, while hypocritical and chump-like never verged on illegal activity.

So, if the question is whether a sex scandal is campaign killer, per se, I think Oregon has recently enough demonstrated the libertarian / what you do in your own home is your own deal – ethic to make it plausible to think that Adams could well survive a recall.

While this is a big deal as scandals go, and this might be along way from being finished, we might get to keep our Mayor.

For me, it’s a good reminder that the politics that concern us need to be larger than our faith in any one leader. We’re all responsible for making our community what it needs to be. It’s tempting to think that the political season is over once the elections are behind us, but we need to raise our voices for the change we want every day.

Go Sam. Go biking. Go us. Go.

Matthew Denton
Matthew Denton
16 years ago

If Portland was a country, (instead of city,) then the police would be the military. Now, think about what the PPA has done, in the context of that analogy. I expect the military to make public statements about wars and stuff like that, and certainly, individuals in the military are free to express their political views. However, when the military as a group starts making statements about how the leader should step down, I’d start packing my bags because I’d be worried that there was going to be a coup…

You don’t have to look too far back in Portland’s history to find a clearly out of control police department, (spying on peace groups, even when there was absolutely no evidence of a crime.) We don’t need to go back to that, and the PPA needs to issue an apology. It was totally inappropriate of them to take a stand on the Mayor stepping down or not, especially publicly.
16 years ago

Could Potter actually go down as a more effective one-termer? Leonard & Fish are not going to let Sam do squat. Portland is on the same path as DC when Marion Barry was re-elected after the crank smoking hooker binge.

16 years ago

well good, I was hoping he’d stay in and sooner or later hopefully this will be old news. I think Sam is better than what he did, I think we’re better off with him getting back to what he does best.

I’m willing to bet 90% of the people calling for Sam’s recall don’t even live in Portland. Like the guy pictured in the SnOregonian with the clever sign that was a take on “Sam I Am”. he was from Lake Oswego. Um, if you don’t even live here, stay away from our city hall!

16 years ago

I’m willing to bet 90% of the people calling for Sam’s recall don’t even live in Portland.

Not only that, they need television and newspapers to tell them what to think. This is just like the Mt. Hood Freeway project. Everybody who wanted it didn’t even live in Portland, they just wanted a quicker, dirtier, louder way to get to work from Gresham and Beaverton.

16 years ago

My wife and I have had discussions concluding that the CRC may be a part of this as well. I have a feeling some anti sam comments are coming from vantucky.

16 years ago

Moving on – it’s over. Sam did something dumb, he isn’t resigning, time to move on.

In 6 months no one is going to give a damn about this and a recall isn’t going to happen.

The aftermath:

Sam – no more wasting political capital fucking 18 year olds.

WWeek – Screw you, all you seem to want is a scandal. How about the state’s inability to fund education?

Oregonian – Still irrelevant, and your editorial board is a bunch narrow minded cowards.

Amy Ruiz – you win!

16 years ago

Good news!

16 years ago

Hey Hart –

You aren’t alone in that opinion. Here’s a petition telling the media that it isn’t appreciated how they rushed to tell us what we should think:

I think this is worth signing regardless of your opinion about Adams. The preaching by the city’s major media outlets has been deplorable.

16 years ago

Thanks for the link, I signed the petition. The Boregonian and Willamette Weak are as bad as FOX “News”, but until this fake scandal I used to have a lot of respect for the Tribune. Unless they publicly apologize to Adams I don’t see how they can regain credibility.

dan Kearl
dan Kearl
16 years ago

I am not surprised he is staying although I am not sure how much he is going to be able to do from now on. I am surprised how much Jonathan put his business on the line for this one person. It seems even the bike community is pretty split on this and putting all are political capital on one person doesn’t seem like a great strategy. The gains made in the last few years were made without Adams as mayor and I am sure there are other people out there who could represent us. That being said I wish him good luck and hope everyone gets past this. There are too many other big things to get done.

16 years ago

I’m excited that he has decided to begin focusing on the issues and needs of the city once more. I’m sure the juvenile finger pointing and slippery-slope arguments will continue but I have confidence Adams will do his best to improve the city of Portland despite those given to petty inclinations.

Adams Carroll (News Intern)
16 years ago

“I am surprised how much Jonathan put his business on the line for this one person”

Mr. Kearl,

Please explain to me how you feel I’ve “put my business on the line”.

I hope you are able to separate the voice of the commenters from the stories above them.

Thanks. I look forward to your reply.