ZooBama and a bike ride in Bend?

Over the weekend, Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly traveled to Bend (175 miles SE of Portland) to cover Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign visit.

In a column he published this morning, Connelly wrote:

Sen. Barack Obama talked wistfully about taking a bicycle ride in the high Oregon desert, but plunged back into what is both a victory lap in the Democratic race and the warmup for a long general election campaign.

I haven’t been able to confirm if he actually went on a ride, or if he was just fantasizing. Did any readers from Bend see Mr. Obama pedaling around?

When Obama and Zoobomb collide.

And, in other Obama bike news, I noticed this funny “ZooBama” graphic on Flickr this morning. It was uploaded by Felix (a regular Zoobomber and BikePortland commenter) and created by an artist named Jason whose work you can see more of here.

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at maus.jonathan@gmail.com, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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16 years ago

I am imagining Barack and his Secret Service agents zooming down the hill on minibikes, in tight formation.

I like it.

gabriel amadeus
16 years ago

…in tights, fornicating.

16 years ago

Isn\’t he a cigarrete smoker? Doubt he rode too far or fast.

16 years ago

Team Cream!

16 years ago

Obama didn\’t bike.

The only time I\’ve seen any of the candidates on bikes was Clinton promoting a youth health thing, but that was over a year ago, so she wasn\’t campaigning at the time (well Politicians always are I guess).

Dunno if that counts.

16 years ago

Obama on a minibike.


gabriel amadeus
16 years ago


Matt Picio
16 years ago

If Obama really wants to romance the local vote:

Climb at Smith Rock
Windsurf in Hood River
Snowboard on Mt. Hood

Hell, even (p)Resident Bush rides a mountain bike (and has crashed spectacularly).

16 years ago

Great list Matt! \”Windsurf in Hood River\” – Kerry tried that but got skunked.

I was at Obama\’s visit Friday morning but alas didn\’t get to ask him my question. I\’ll throw it out here (cuz I rehearsed it a bunch. 🙂

With Portland being a Platinum Bike City and bragging reduced fuel consumption while population increases, the city learned reduced gas taxes cut funding for projects. At the Federal level where you get a tax credit for driving a Hummer, and one of your own backers gets ridiculed for trying to get rid of this and encourage bike commuting, how do you even start to battle the oil, insurance, and auto manufacturer lobbies for alternative transportation funding?

Anyway, I just hope Barack\’s not a wind jinx…

organic brian
organic brian
16 years ago

Dangit, I\’m trying to keep the depressing parade of candidate puppets out of my mind.

There are some great things about Bend and biking (yeah, I\’m in Bend \’til Sunday):
– little to no \”motorist vs. cyclists\” in most neighborhoods
– almost never getting passed too closely by motorists
– motorists frequently give up the right of way in deference to cyclists, which can be annoying but heartwarming
– much less broken glass & crap in bike lanes
– Monday, there were about 25 bikes in front of Deschutes Brew Pub… I asked a server what that was all about… \”There\’s no event going on… that\’s just how Bend rocks Mondays…\”
– monthly bike movie get-togethers at the McMenamins St. Francis Theater

16 years ago