Stolen: Red Specialized

[Submitted by “Beckett”]

My bike was stolen a few hours ago outside Costello’s Travel Cafe on NE Broadway between 22nd and 23rd. It was 7:00pm, bright out, and busy on the street. A woman who was parking right beside the thief challenged him when she saw his bolt cutter, and he gave her the finger and rode away. He cut through a wire rope lock that I got in the Netherlands (I don’t know what they’re called) quickly. He was white with brown hair, a mustache, a lump on his neck like a cyst, jeans, a dark t-shirt and a dark baseball hat. He carried a green bag slung across his chest. About 35 years old, 5’10” and about 175 pounds. Very brazen and very quick with his work.

My bike is a red Hard Rock Specialized mountain bike with thick tread mountain bike tires. Regular pedals, no saddle or other bags. Identifying features include duct tape around one handlebar and the remnants of a light (just a black piece of plastic now on the handlebar) which was stolen earlier. One of the silver sticker strips on the frame is peeling off. No back light (also stolen.) Gel seat.

If you’ve seen the man, the bike, or the man on the bike, please let me know. This is the 6th theft in a year in a half between me and my partner (4 car stereos and 2 bikes) and I’m very bummed. My email is Thanks for keeping your eyes peeled.

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18 years ago

your loss sucks but your next lock should be a u-lock that uses a flat-key.

better yet, consider the kryptonite ny lock, about $75, pricey but if used correctly is highly theft resistant (i regularly lock up expensive bikes with one and have never had an issue). onguard makes great locks too.

do not use a cable lock.

18 years ago

I agree. The time has come to spread the word far and wide that anything but hardened steel, flat key, U locks are well nigh useless in most of Portland. The humongous chains are good too, but you have to have the right lock for it.

It breaks my heart to hear about these thefts and they were all using cables.

Dr. Mark Ross
Dr. Mark Ross
18 years ago

any comments on the combination-style (as opposed to key) krypton U lock? (I hate having to carry around yet another key)

are those humongous chain/locks combos at rei any good? ($75) I was wondering if bolt cutters could easily cut that chain . . .

18 years ago

Dr. Mark Ross …

re: combination-style krypton U lock … krypton rates it an 8 out of 12 so it seems solid (speculating). those combo style locks always unnerve me though.

re: humongous chain/locks combos … those are burly. krypton’s are part of the new york line and actually have their highest rating. i see pics of ny messengers using those chain+lock combos. they’re quite heavy, but your bike will still be locked up.

18 years ago

Maybe we can organize a patrol on NE Broadway to catch this guy. Many neighborhoods have bike cops patrolling regularly. I see them all the time on Hawthorne and in the Hollywood District. If we all put in a request, perhaps they’ll patrol NE Broadway too. It would be a good idea to get the businesses there involved as this could have a negative impact on them.

Dr. Mark Ross
Dr. Mark Ross
18 years ago

vrc, thanks for the info!

lianagan, I’m thinking people ought to automatically think of their cellphone camera before confronting (or instead of confronting) thieves (or would be thieves). A thug caught via photo would be far more useful in discouraging future thiefs . . . maybe video survellence at high-prone areas . . . the outdoor bike rack at REI comes to mind.

18 years ago

cable locks suck. sorry you lost your bike but face it, pdx is a bike theft mecca. u lock on the front and a cable/padlock variation on the back should be minimum. i took a hammer and smashed some aluminum foil into my seat post hex key thing to further avoid theives.