Mayor’s office releases results of bike-specific storm survey

68% of survey respondents saidthey biked during the storms last winter. 78% of them said bikeways were in poor condition.(Photo © J. Maus) Mayor Adams’ office has released the results of a survey they conducted to learn more about the experiences of people who rode their bikes through our spate of severe winter snow storms. … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Mayor’s office releases new storm response survey after they “failed to consider bicycle transportation”

The City wants to know more aboutbiking in the Storm of 2008.–Take the survey–(Photo © J. Maus) Mayor Adams’ office has just released a survey titled, Bicycle Transportation During the Storm of December 2008. The survey (take it online here) comes after their initial Winter Storm Response Survey, released back in January, failed to mention … Read more

Storm response follow-up: City will release bike-specific survey

As these tracks show, many people still rode during December’s snow.(Photo © J. Maus) Earlier this month, the Mayor’s office released a storm response survey. The 15-question survey (it’s still online) asked citizens about their travel behavior during the storm and asked them to rate the city’s response. Every mode (transit, motor vehicles, pedestrians) was … Read more

An update on gravel in the bike lanes

Gravel on N. Interstate Ave. Photo taken yesterday (12/6).(Photo © J. Maus) Since the outset of what has become an epic Storm of 2008 (stories, photos), we wondered how the Bureau of Transportation would handle the perennial problem of gravel on the roadways — and especially the gravel that inevitably ends up all over the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

PBOT Press Release: City Crews Begin Street Cleanup

Here’s the latest storm advisory from the Bureau of Transportation. The release below has updates on road conditions, maintenance priorities, and so on (also available online here). City Crews Begin Street Cleanup Released: December 29, 2008 (PORTLAND, OR) – The Portland Bureau of Transportation is transitioning work crews to cleanup operations as the city recovers … Read more

Gravel and other storm detritus: What’s it like out there?

Snow piled high in the bike lane on SW Broadway on 12/26.(Photo: Rex Burkholder) I’m down in California, but judging from reader emails and a story this morning on KGW-TV, it looks like Portland’s bike lanes are in bad shape following an unprecedented storm that has left streets with mountains of snow, gravel, and other … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

PBOT Press Release: Changing Conditions Create New Challenges

Here’s the latest storm advisory from the Bureau of Transportation (online here): Changing Conditions Create New Challenges for Road Crews, Travelers, and Property Owners (PORTLAND, OR) – Severe winter weather conditions continue to work against City crews as they continue to plow priority routes 24 hours a day since Sunday, December 14, when an arctic … Read more

Beyond studded tires; the ultimate snow bike and bike tire chains

Now that Portlanders have experienced a “real” winter storm (not the occasional dusting of snow we usually get), some folks are beginning to think about how to equip themselves to ride through anything. If studded tires aren’t enough, maybe it’s time to consider the Ktrak. This morning Jack Bog reminded me of this bike, which … Read more