Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Mayoral hopefuls asked: ‘Will building more bikeways be a priority for you?’

The candidates at a debate in February.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) Three local media outlets — KPAM radio, KOIN TV, and the Portland Tribune newspaper — hosted a mayoral debate today. Among the questions asked by KOIN’s Mike Gianola was, “Will building more bikeways be a priority for you?” Amazingly, for the city most often referred … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Election roundup: The Oregonian picks Hales, Brady in a car, candidate events, and more

A big endorsement for Mr. Hales. Local elections are heading into the home stretch here in Portland (primaries are May 15th). Candidates are going to the full-court press, media coverage is picking up, and non-profit groups are hosting events to introduce you to your future leaders. Here’s an update on things from a bike/transportation perspective… … Read more

Mayoral candidates say they’d fire PBOT Director: Tom Miller responds – UPDATED

Tom Miller in May 2011.(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland) According to The Oregonian’s City Hall reporter Beth Slovic, PBOT Director Tom Miller is not likely to keep his job if Charlie Hales or Eileen Brady win the mayoral election. Both candidates made their intention to make the change in separate interviews with The Oregonian this week: … Read more

Bike Walk Vote endorses Jefferson Smith for Portland mayor

He’s pumped!(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) After a thorough evaluation process that included in-person interviews, a questionnaire and ride-along with all three major candidates, political action committee Bike Walk Vote has announced their endorsement of Jefferson Smith for Portland mayor. Bike Walk Vote co-chair Evan Manvel said today in a phone interview that Smith’s “Commitment, record, … Read more

An interview with mayoral candidate Charlie Hales

Charlie Hales photographed in my office a few weeks ago.(Photos © J. Maus) Welcome to the first in a series of interviews with candidates for Portland mayor. With the primary elections just about five months away, it’s time to start doing your research and learning more about the people we’ll elect to lead our city.

Bikes figure into local politics this Saturday – UPDATED

Mayoral candidate Charlie Hales is organizing a bike convergence ride to his campaign kickoff event Saturday.(Photos © J. Maus) Two events this Saturday speak to how bikes are a part of politics here in Portland. Two Oregon state representatives — House rep Michael Dembrow and Senator Jackie Dingfelder — will lead a bike tour of … Read more