Fish warns of auto congestion as Council passes ‘Livable Streets Strategy’
The debate about livable streets and its potential impacts to auto use has begun.
The debate about livable streets and its potential impacts to auto use has begun.
The city is giving us our streets back.
Screenshot of the new Streetsblog Network home page. The team behind the New York City-based Livable Streets Network that includes the blog, Streetfilms, and other tools, has launched their latest project — the Streetsblog Network. The network aims to bring together and present the best online sources for transportation and livable streets content on … Read more
The city famously known for blaring horns, torrential traffic and crazy cabbies has become a national leader in creating livable streets. Leading that charge is Janette Sadik-Khan, head of the NYC Department of Transportation. Sadik-Khan is fast-becoming a rock star in transportation circles. Supported by effective advocacy, Sadik-Khan has begun to establish a new transportation … Read more
Comment of the Week: What the police say (and don’t say) in crash statements