Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Q & A with rider who inspired “Kill this Bicyclist!” post

Paul Higgins, as seen from the window of a TriMet bus.(Photos: Screen grabs of Dan Christensen’s blog) At the end of last month, TriMet bus operator Dan Christensen published a shocking essay on his personal blog. The essay was titled “PORTLAND! KILL THIS BICYCLIST!” It went into detail about how Christensen was so frustrated with … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

TriMet bus operator who wrote offensive blog post returns to work

(Photo © J. Maus) Dan Christensen, the TriMet bus operator who wrote an essay titled, “Portland: Kill this bicyclist!” on his personal blog is back behind the wheel. After learning of the post on July 22nd, TriMet placed Christensen on administrative leave and notified the District Attorney and the Portland Police. According to TriMet spokesperson … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Exclusive: TriMet bus operator placed on administrative leave following blog post

Screen grab from Christensen’s blog post (before it was taken down). TriMet has placed a bus operator on administrative leave after they determined a blog post about an interaction with a man on a bicycle that was published to the operator’s personal blog earlier today was inappropriate. TriMet has also referred the issue to the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

For the love of lights, bus driver wants to throw us a party

TriMet bus operatorDan Christensen.(Photo courtesyDan Christensen) [The following guest essay was written by TriMet bus operator Dan Christensen. You might remember Dan as the guy who started a petition among bus drivers in opposition to the new bikeways through the Rose Quarter Transit Center. Shortly thereafter, I shared a letter he wrote explaining his position. … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

“I don’t hate bikes”; Rose Quarter petitioner reaches out

(Photo © J. Maus) The TriMet bus operator who started a petition hoping to stop a plan to allow bike access through the Rose Quarter Transit Center has just left a comment here on BikePortland.org explaining his views. Dan Christensen wrote that he loves to bike and that “one of the best times” of his … Read more