Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

It’s official: Portland gets Dutch bike distributor

[Dean Mullin of CleverCycles demonstrateshis bakfiets.] I have just confirmed that the Dutch Bicycle Company — a Florida-based importer of bakfiets and Dutch city bikes — has named a Portland distributor. According to Dutch Bicycle Company owner Dan Sorger, Northeast Portland resident Dean Mullin will represent the complete range of Dutch city bikes offered by … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Portlander starts Bakfiets Blog

[Screenshot from Richard’s blog] Northeast Portland resident Richard Wilson is on a Dutch bike kick. Like myself, he’s especially smitten with cargo bikes, or “bakfiets.” In fact, he likes them so much, he’s started a Bakfiets blog that he hopes will become the, “…go-to resource for bakfiets and to stimulate serious interest in the bike … Read more