Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Help TriMet name their new bike parking facilities — UPDATED

TriMet has launched an online survey to help come up with a name for their new bike parking facilities. The facilities, funded with $1,000,000 in federal stimulus funds, will provide secure bike parking at the Sunset, Beaverton and Gresham Central transit centers. The survey includes several names to choose from, including “Bike & Ride,” “Bike … Read more

New Fed policy would fund more bike projects around transit stops

(Photo © J. Maus) The Obama Administration has taken a solid step in matching their “livable communities” rhetoric with action. A new proposal from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) would increase the radius around transit stops and stations where bicycling and walking infrastructure could be funded. The proposal showed up last Friday in the Federal … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike parking on the new Mall: The good, the bad, and the confusing

Some folks are confused about these rack-shaped objects on the new transit mall.(Photos: Victoria Gilbert) Here’s a bit of good, bad, and confusing news about bike parking on TriMet’s transit mall in downtown Portland (we’ll get to the issue of actually riding on it in a separate story). Back in January, we reported on how … Read more

An update on bikeway design for TriMet’s new light rail bridge

Bridge concept design by Donald MacDonald. Once it’s built, TriMet’s Milwaukie Light Rail bridge over the Willamette River will be the first in the country to carry only light rail and people on bikes and foot (no cars). What will the actual bike and pedestrian facilities look like? TriMet is currently working out design details … Read more