Big weekend push helps Oregon’s ‘Idaho Stop’ bill pass final committee
Just one step remains. A vote on the House floor that will likely go our way.
You can also read about the BTA’s legislative efforts on their website.
Just one step remains. A vote on the House floor that will likely go our way.
A bill that has received unanimous support from the Oregon House and Senate will give counties throughout Oregon a new tool to improve safety on rural roads. House Bill 3213 creates a pilot program that will allow five counties to designate a dangerous stretch of road as a “safety corridor”. The legislation is meant to … Read more
Hopefully the bill can keep moving through the process without coming to a complete stop.
Embarrassment avoided.
Idaho Stop: Easy to do, hard to pass.
House Bill 2682 passed the Oregon House of Representatives by a vote of 48 to 12 last week. The bill seeks to amend Oregon’s statutory definition of bike lane to clarify that, “A bicycle lane exists in an intersection if the bicycle lane is marked on opposite sides of the intersection in the same direction … Read more
Trying to calm the freak out.
Despite confusion from some lawmakers that led to an unexpectedly lengthy discussion prior to the vote, House Bill 2682 passed the Joint Committee on Transportation yesterday by a tally of 7-3. I’ve described this bill as a no-brainer; but because it involves bicycling, you just never know what some Oregon legislators will get hung up … Read more
10 years after it was last debated in the Oregon Legislature, a concept known as “Idaho Stop” has once again found its way into a bill. And it passed its first committee vote yesterday, just hours before a key legislative deadline. Senate Bill 998 wasn’t on anyone’s radar before last week. Up until then it … Read more
‘Traffic violence’ comes of age.
A few bill ideas for 2021.
His latest attempt to put cycling on same playing field as driving and transit.
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more