(Photo courtesy Johnson family)
Publisher’s note: Let’s give Shannon a hearty welcome as our new Family Biking columnist. You might recall her from a little profile we shared back in June. Shannon is a 36-year-old mom of four who lives in downtown Hillsboro and I cannot wait to share more of her work. – Jonathan
When Jonathan asked if I’d be interested in taking on the Family Biking column, I eagerly said, “Yes!” Then privately thought, “Sh**! What was I thinking?” A friend shared my apprehension: “But you’re not a biker,” she reminded me.
“If it weren’t for this community, I’d probably be giving up right now.”
True. I wouldn’t call myself “a biker.” (Yet.) I know almost nothing about biking, or bikes, or family biking. But I have a Family, and we have a Bike. (So there.) By Family, I mean I have four kids under the age of eight and I’m pregnant with baby number five. Biking under such conditions doesn’t sound like a good idea. Sitting on the couch with my feet up sounds more fitting. I also feel compelled to disclose that I’m not very strong, and rather out-of-shape, though I’m somehow carrying three kids on my cargo bike, plus baby-in-womb. Let’s just say, I’m not the image that comes to mind when I think, “biker.”
I happily blame Emily Finch. If you don’t know about her, prepare to be inspired: She’s the supermom profiled on BikePortland in 2012 who biked six (or more) kids around everywhere, with no motor vehicle, or e-assist. She’s the reason I got this bike. She’s the answer I found while roaming the internet looking for ways to bike with four children, plus more to come. But, unlike me, I think she’s a biking superhero with a lot more guts, and probably way bigger calf muscles than I have. But even Emily was new at this once too, right?
I’m a total newbie. And my family conditions are such that it feels like I should be quitting, instead of beginning. If it weren’t for this site, and this community, I wouldn’t have bought my cargo bike (used, Craigslist, made-in-Portland, passed along from another mama to me). I wouldn’t have had the courage to try it out, carrying three children in the large front cargo basket, rolling around town, gathering gawks nearly as much as if I were dancing through the streets in a bright red dress and six-inch heels (and having just about as much fun as that sounds!). But, as fun as it is, it’s also hard, especially with pregnancy and heat and feeling defeated by the normal trials of motherhood. It’s quite tempting to park the bike permanently for the year, relegating it to the portion of the garage used for impulse buys that never go anywhere (inflatable kayak, I’m looking at you.)
Indeed, if it weren’t for this community, I’d probably be giving up right now.
“But somehow the bike ride makes me happy. And judging by my kids’ smiles, it makes them happy too. And that makes it so worth it.”
But here I am, writing the Family Biking column. And you know what that means? We have to go for a bike ride. Do you have any idea what that means? It means that I need to become a temporary superhero myself! With powers to make a mean picnic, assemble a gaggle of little people, find at least four pairs of passably matching shoes and get them onto resistant child-feet, fill as many water bottles as we can scrounge, gather helmets, assemble the troops, go potty, remember to pack my cell phone, and whatever else we are definitely forgetting — diapers! — and still have energy left over to pedal somewhere.
I mean, seriously, getting into the car takes basically the same amount of work. And even staying home and doing anything takes a whole lot of effort. Even doing nothing is exhausting, when it involves a two and three year old. But somehow the bike ride makes me happy. And judging by my kids’ smiles, it makes them happy too. And that makes it so worth it.
So despite being new and looking absolutely ridiculous most of the time. Despite all of the mistakes I will make. And in spite of a baby that will be making its appearance in late December, we’re here, we’re going for this ride, and I’m really hoping you will keep helping and encouraging us along the way. And maybe, in the process, we can pass a little encouragement on to someone else who needs it. (I mean, if I can get on a bike in this condition, surely some other hesitant, and otherwise encumbered, “non-biker” person can too.) Hopefully we can also throw some light on Hillsboro and the West Side, share tips for fun family-friendly routes and destinations, and even encourage the development of a few more bike lanes, slow speed limits, and crosswalks. We sure need more of those out here.
Well, if I could raise a glass to the good things to come, I most certainly would. Cheers y’all!
— Shannon Johnson
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Oh hooray, welcome! I cannot wait to read your posts <3
Awesome Shannon, welcome from a fellow cargo bike family out this way (Beaverton, but occasionally venture towards Hillsboro). We got our bike when our daughter was still under 12 mo old and I can say you’re in good company when it comes to learning such a counter-cultural thing with little ones!
Good for you! What an inspiration you are. I’m looking forward to your posts.
Hey, it’s great to see a Tom’s Cargo Bike out in the world. I had a flatbed one, and one day rolled up to a light next to a guy with another Tom’s creation. “NICE BIKE!”
We’ve got another cargo bike now with a box and belts and all that. The kids love it, and it’s so much better than a trailer. Lots of good conversations and quality time spent pedaling around.
Hey, that’s awesome that you recognize it! The lovely seller sent me a video of Tom making and riding my bike around. Does Tom still make them? I’d love to stop by his workspace someday and thank him for this fabulous gift.
There was an article on here awhile back about him, last I’d heard he’s out of the biz. He’s got a cool Flikr page with most of them archived on there, might even find yours:
Nice. Not only another family “biker”, but West Side representation as well!
I got a Yuba Mundo as a Father’s Day present for myself when my first kid was a toddler. We started with a “Peanut Shell” seat on the back, moved to sitting on the back with big brother behind and both kids holding the extra handlebars on the seat post, to them both now riding their own bikes. We mostly did school drop-offs in the mornings and occasional sightseeing rides on the “adventure bike”, as the kids named it.
As a pretty confident “biker”, and someone who used to do a 25-mile round trip commute a couple times a week, my biggest fear was always “what will the neighbors think?” I’ve seen plenty of online criticism of “irresponsible” parents who cart their kids around on those “contraptions”, predicting all manner of catastrophe and of course, making sure everyone knows that it will be their own fault if they and their children get run over. In real life, however, I only ever heard comments like, “cool bike!”. I would be curious to know what your feelings are on that aspect of family biking.
I’ll be looking forward to your future articles!
Ah, yes, the terror of “what do the neighbors think?” I have much to write about that, along with the battles against fear in my own head. The fear of being “a bad parent” can keep one up at night, especially as I consider letting my oldest ride to the branch library ALONE (six residential blocks away), or as I figure out how to ride with a new baby next year. It’s so encouraging to hear from positive voices, the ones that say, “Cool!” and make parents feel supported and not-so-crazy. Thanks for chiming in. We need all the encouragement we can get!
“But somehow the bike ride makes me happy. And judging by my kids’ smiles, it makes them happy too. And that makes it so worth it.”
You’ve said the magic words! I deem you a full -fledged biker!
I think your perspective will be invaluable! Congrats on accepting this assignment. I look forward to reading your future columns.