No ‘Short Track’ series at Portland International Raceway this year

Racers and fans at a PIR Short Track event in 2011.
(Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)

Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic the 2020 bike racing season was nearly wiped out completely. This season has gotten off to a very promising start with huge field sizes and lots of enthusiasm; but this morning we got some bad news. The Oregon Bicycle Racing Association has announced that the Portland Short Track Series will not happen.

2021 would have been the 17th season for the beloved, weekday, off-road races that are held at Portland International Raceway (PIR) just north of downtown Kenton. Short Track is a discipline where people use mountain bikes to compete on a course that offers a mix of grassy double-track, tight singletrack through roots and trees, and the big highlight: whoops, berms, and drops on a motocross course. One of the best things about Short Track is how close it is to Portland, which means many people are able to bike to the event after work.

Interestingly, Short Track organizer Tony Kic said the cancellation happened due to a mix of factors (not just Covid). “After a long month of planning and deliberation PIR management has decided not to allow STXC [short track cross country] this summer,” Kic shared in an email to OBRA members. “Various issues and conflicts with the venue and other users have compounded over the years, the pandemic and some changes in leadership prompted new restrictions and priorities that squeeze out our little bike party.”


“Little” might be selling the event short. At its peak, the seven-race series boasted about 400 racers per week and nearly 3,000 entries every season.

It’s unclear what other specific issues led to PIR management not allowing the races this year. PIR is owned and managed by the City of Portland Parks and Recreation bureau. While its focus is primarily as a venue for car-centric events like drag races, car shows, and its goal to be a “world class racetrack,” PIR has been a crucial venue for bike race organizers for many years. In addition to Short Track, PIR has hosted many major cyclocross and road cycling events.

In his message this morning, Kic said PIR won’t allow them to use the paddock or motocross course, but there is some hope for use of the northern section. “The Heron Lakes side of the track could potentially be utilized after some negotiation and development.” But even that wouldn’t come until next season.

Hopefully this decision isn’t a sign that cycling events are no longer welcome at PIR. That would be a massive blow to our community, especially since we’ve also just lost the Alpenrose site, which was another key, close-in venue. We’ll update this story when he find out more from Kic and Portland Parks.

UPDATE, 5:45 pm: Portland Parks Public Information Officer Mark Ross says:

Portland International Raceway (PIR) engaged the STMB [Short Track MTB] racing series promoter and asked him to consider an alternate race route we proposed, one that would be less impactful to the PIR property. The promoter chose to not pursue this opportunity. However, we are hopeful to have STMB back at the track in 2022.

PIR offered STMB a new location for races on the west end of the park that would be better suited for all parties. It would allow us to clear away any debris to help ensure better safety for other races and events, require less maintenance, and provide a fun racing area. In fact, PIR is looking forward to developing west side of the race track to improve it even more for racers, and is excited for that possibility.

We at PIR know how important the series is, especially after more than a year of challenging times for all of us. PIR values the relationship with the cycling community that we have cherished for many years. We have other bicycle races throughout the summer and fall and are proud to offer these opportunities for participants and spectators.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor)

Founder of BikePortland (in 2005). Father of three. North Portlander. Basketball lover. Car driver. If you have questions or feedback about this site or my work, contact me via email at, or phone/text at 503-706-8804. Also, if you read and appreciate this site, please become a paying subscriber.

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3 years ago

This doesn’t bode well for Tuesday Night PIR….?

3 years ago

Soooo disappointing. I love all the cyclocross racing in the PDX region but STXC still tops my list as the most fun bike race/series to compete in. The track, the community, the summer evening vibes, it’s truly magical. What a loss- I hope this isn’t a permanent decision by PIR.

Alain L.
Alain L.
3 years ago

One could argue that nothing in PIR’s design makes it car-moto specific, as it’s already shown to be open to flexible use. Seems odd to scuttle the few bicycle events which occur at PIR, particularly given Parks role in managing the resource.

3 years ago

I’ve only been to a race at PIR once when my nephew was racing. I distinctly remember the sounds of the racers as they went by. I think Jonathon tried to capture that sound on the Tabor piece. Brought back the memory for me.

SE 34th
SE 34th
3 years ago

Oh no, this news is hitting my family hard. I sure would love for Portland Parks to detail what the issues are. This has been a highlight of our family’s summers for years.

3 years ago
Reply to  SE 34th

Seriously, I’d appreciate if Jonathan would be able to get a follow up with the parks department. Otherwise, if anyone knows the people in charge of these decisions I’d be curious myself.

3 years ago
Reply to  SE 34th

It’s the motocross promoters. They draw a lot of water with PIR management. If they don’t feel like sharing the MX track anymore, then that’s that.

3 years ago

Really bummed about this. My girls had done the free kids races several times and were looking forward to doing them again this summer, and I was hoping to finally try out a short track race myself (had only done the road races before).

3 years ago

Bummer. I haven’t raced a short track race in 10+ years but they were still cool. Also a nice break from the track noise. When I lived in Kenton, PIR car road racing days and drag race nights were a bit of a…drag. Ebike motocross racing will happen on the dirt track there soon enough… Maybe PIR can build some MTB trails in the northern section?

James Calhoon
James Calhoon
3 years ago

Sorry to hear about this event being cancelled. Like many I would love to know the circumstances. I did check the calendar and found the Tuesday Night Bicycle races return July 13 and run till Aug 31. Cyclocross returns Sept 14. Not all hope is lost.

3 years ago

Jonathan, can you follow up with Parks about where specifically they are talking about to the “west of the track”? (interestingly on Google maps you can see the CX course imprint on the Heron Lakes side!) I’m having trouble visualizing that, and doesn’t make a lot of sense that it would benefit the bike races to move the event away from the established stands, bathrooms, etc.