This seems like a big deal.
In order to spur economic growth and help businesses keep and attract employees, the City of Beaverton is set to begin work on a complete rebuild of Western Avenue between 5th Street to Allen (about two-thirds of a mile). The location of the project is an industrial zone southeast of the downtown core.

In a move that might (pleasantly) surprise you, Beaverton’s update to this road will reduce the number of driving-only lanes and add lanes for bicycling and walking.
“For companies to attract new and younger talent as the Baby Boomer workforce retires,” reads the planning document that prioritized this project, “A location adjacent to bike and pedestrian facilities is a distinct competitive advantage.”
While safety concerns were part of the motivation, the project was identified as the top priority of a business-oriented plan known as the West Five Strategy. According to the City of Beaverton, the West Five Strategy (PDF) is a collaboration with existing and new major employers in the area to create more economic activity, retain and attract talent, and build a more vibrant neighborhood. In the plan the city talks about how it wants to avoid “suburban office obsolescensce.”

“The lack of pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the area, coupled with the absence of mid-block crossings, make it difficult to travel throughout the district without a car.”
— City of Beaverton
Beaverton is betting that updated transportation infrastructure will help the West Five Employment District reach its potential. The area around Western Avenue already employes 3,500 people and is close to Nike World Headquarters, Intel, and Textronix and “in the heart of Portland’s ‘Silicon Forest’,” says the city.
When the city asked businesses how best to increase economic activity within the district and position the area to respond to emerging employment trends, “Overwhelmingly, stakeholders identified the need to complete gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle networks within the District… The lack of pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the area, coupled with the absence of mid-block crossings, make it difficult to travel throughout the district without a car.”
Western Avenue is currently a four-lane road with no shoulders or dedicated bicycle access and only intermittent sidewalks. The new cross-section will be three lanes (one in each direction with a center turn lane) and lanes for biking and walking on both sides of the street separated by a buffer of grass and trees. The city also plans to improve the intersections at 5th and Allen, “to ensure safe and efficient access for pedestrians, bicyclists, freight trucks, and passenger vehicles.”
The new bikeway will also help create a connection between the Fanno Creek Trail (south of Allen Blvd) and the existing bikeway on 5th Street that leads to Beaverton’s Old Town.
It’s great to see Beaverton use a pro-commerce rationale to reduce auto lanes, and do with support from businesses. The City of Portland and the Portland Business Alliance might want to take note.
The project cost is estimated to be $4.125 million and is expected to begin in December of this year. Completion is set for October 2020.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and jonathan@bikeportland.org
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The entire westside of this road needs to keep and improve the existing walkway adjacent to Pacific Lumber. Removing dozens of tall Black Cottonwood trees serves no purpose. A giant tree canopy can help encourage people driving cars and operating motorcycles to slow down. Plus, asphalt can last longer with more shade.
This. It’s actually a nice little section there with the cottonwoods. If they cut them down to make this that will be counterproductive.
Have you walked or biked on the path that is adjacent to Pacific Lumber by those trees? I’ve contacted them about getting a layer of barkdust on that busted path.
The loss of trees is always sad. The contrast between the before/after of Cornelius Pass rd. just north of Cornell is stark. It used to be a bike lane with some trees along the side; now it’s just nekkit. But there’s a nice two-way MUP there now, if only the north end of it connected to anything but a freeway onramp. Still wondering why Cornelius Pass needs 9 lanes…
The rebuilt Brookwood Parkway has 3 thru-car lanes. Autobahn.
Sometimes I feel like road planning on the west side is based largely on trying to punish residents for blocking the West Side Bypass in the 80s (and every time it’s been resurrected since).
sad truth
The project goes from SW 5th Street, not 5th Ave. This is a very exciting project ! Possible lower speed limits ?
Unfortunately, it stops just short of the new Kaiser Permanente facility being constructed [and replacing the existing one] at the Bvtn-Hlsdl end – lack of ROW or too much landowner intrusion to deal with for that last block?
Not to mention SW 5th has become the homeless RV park of that area.
Yes. It is greatly dissapointing that it doesn’t connect to BH Highway. Car parking in the way of completing the best project ?
“…Not to mention SW 5th has become the homeless RV park of that area.” jeff p
Only the short, maybe 300′ long, dead end section of 5th, east of Western. There’s maybe six or seven rv’s, trailers and campers parked there. Some neighbors have had problems with the people camped there, and have been trying to get some resolution. Just riding through on Saturday mornings, I’ve never had any problem with the people camped.
Incidentally…access to the Fanno Creek trail is available at the end of this section of 5th, but cutting through the apartment complex parking lot on the north side of 5th.
This is nice. Good repurposing of a road with massive excess car/truck capacity. As a former daily commuter through that area, I would have enjoyed this connection between central Beaverton and the Fanno Creek Trail.
And I am glad to hear they’re going to connect it to the Fanno Creek Trail. Allen is pretty ugly there. Without the trail connection across Allen, the new bikeway would be useless.
Also glad to hear anytime even a mere sidewalk is added to a light-industrial area that lacks them, which is way too common.
I’d like to know how they will connect the Fanno Creek Trail to that area because the only two entrances from Allen Blvd are at the intersection with Scholls Ferry and then at the end of SW Fallbrook Place. Some wander through the bulldozed Greenwood Inn property to get to the Fanno Creek bridge by the massive Oak tree.
Was wondering this too, that area is relatively close to Allen and Western as the crow flies but curious about getting the land they need for it… Also, somewhat of a winding route the head that far south if your destination is to the East (using Chesnut/Elm likely quicker). Giving Allen this same road diet and lanes would be best.
I don’t think this project connects directly to Fanno Creek… But having this bikeway will/should create some urgency to make that final connection happen.
The Greenwood Inn has some jersey barriers at the end of the sidewalk to prevent people driving on the property. However, people currently walk or ride through there to get to the Fanno Creek Trail as it is.
Not exactly inviting though.
Who owns this property? It was being used as at one point as a staging area for ODOT.
The Greenwood Inn property is owned by a man who owns tens of thousands in taxes. It was on The Oregonian site.
Fanno Creek will be overwhelmed by the first serious ##’s of bike commuters. With all the turns, leaf debris, and dog walkers 8 -10 mph is really top speed (and frustrating to all).
Fanno only looks good because it’s either that or the freeway (or garden home).
Try Scholls Ferry to the trail on SW Vermont Street.
This is good as long as you plan on heading North or South on Oleson… east on Vermont is just as bad as Garden Home in the first place…
Have you rode on the greenways and trails in the Maplewood neighborhood to avoid SW Vermont (the part of Vermont between SW Oleson and SW 45th) ?
Have not, although that is a good point. I haven’t ventured that far with my family (when I typically seek out low traffic routes) and most of my trips through that area are either east west on Garden Home / Mult or North South on Oleson / Shattuck.
I don’t see the best alternative to Allen/Western/5th. This is the Elm street bypass. From Scholls Ferry 200 feet north of Allen, enter Elm Street. 200 feet angle left and follow the street up a very gentle hill through a dip, another crest (these hills are only about 25 foot high) then after the road starts to decline slightly go past the stop sign to the next street, turn right then left. follow around the bend to the right and cross the tail end of Elm100 feet to the short MUP, between the posts and short parking access to the end of 5th. Straight on 5th to either Lombard or Hall. Essentially neighborhood access from Scholls Ferry to Murry. No sidewalks or hassle with Peds, SOV’s, trucks or busses.
BTW. I detest MUP’s through woods with high Ped traffic. I have been run off the road by side by side baby carriages several times on the Denny-Scholls MUP and the Allen to Oleson MUP
Denny to Scholls Ferry is ok although quite a bit out of the way if a direct route is your priority (compared to just riding the bike lane / shoulder of Scholls Ferry and Denny. If it connected to the end of Western smoothly this section would be a good alternative to Allen.
The gap between Scholls Ferry and the entrance on 92nd is rough with the awkward turn, wide road, and lack of sidewalk / crossing from the South side of Allen near the path. And then only part of the eastern section is wide enough to support commuting type traffic. Overall this path is very much a recreational oriented route and would need lots of updates and redesign to be a good alternative.
When I head into SW from South Beaverton I typically go across Denny (Sucks), cut through the parking lot / path of the Swim Center on Scholls Ferry that connects you to the end of Garden Home. Then it’s just a mad dash along Garden home till you get to some bike lanes on Multh / Oleson (would not recommend, especially during commute hours). Garden home has a separated walkway on the north side that really should be expanded and improved to a two way MUP.
Have you rode through the property of the former Greenwood Inn to get from the westside path by Pacific Lumber to the Fanno Creek Trail bridge ?
No, never head that direction and would just ride on the road anyway.
What will the width of the shared use path be? If it’s something like 12′ or even 10′, that would be something. Aside from the industrial businesses, there’s nothing much along Western. No housing, restaurants, shops. Reading some of the comments here, apparently there are people that may use Western for part of their commute route. There’s not much for north-south routes between Western and Lombard, about a couple miles apart.
I’d much rather see the city spend some money to sort out the bike lane situation north of the light rail tracks on Hall Blvd as it goes to Cedar Hills Blvd; a disappearing bike lane situation. There’s a lot of activity in this area, and many destinations for shopping, dining, entertainment. Hall is the straight shot to the mall.
There’s a roundabout route that’s ok, using Lombard, north into a nice little neighborhood, then west on Denfield, but it seems that the city and the people here would benefit more from having good continuous bike lanes here, than it would the MUP over on Western.
More complicated to create continuous bike lanes on this section of Hall, than it is to add the MUP to Western.
I used to live at Allen and Murray, and definitely would have enjoyed anything making it easier to get to Max’s Fanno Creek Pub for a Reverend’s Daughter.
Every time I drive this road I think, why on earth is this road 4 lanes? 5th is the best way to get over/under 217 to the south (Cabot to the North). The only thing missing now is giving Allen this same treatment so folks can get from Fanno Creek Trail to downtown Beaverton on separated paths or at least a decent bike lane (5th) without having to wind through neighborhoods.
It is interesting that real estate interests seem to often drive bike infrastructure ( both positive and negative). In this area there are several empty 60’s-70’s era warehouses and some retail space that time forgot. When business’s crave more free parking they give bikes short shrift ( ne 28th anyone) and when the don’t, as in here they welcome the economic boost from improved cycling.
The Beaverton School District school bus parking lots are gigantic. Three separate parking lots.
Beaverton cycling policy is like having a crazy uncle. One minute they are taking you to watch baseball and eat ice cream, and the next they are beating you with a garden hose. The city will do some great and visionary things like this chunk of Western or the new path from millikan to lombard, but then turn around and leave your with disappearing bike lanes of death, or totaly ignore the necessity of creating some kind of way for bikes and peds to safely cross the Canyon-Farmington Gauntlet between downtown and the developing Westgate district.
Agreed, but I believe most of the major roads in Beaverton—Hall, BH, Canyon, Farmington are all ODOT roads…
Correct, which is why Murray Farmington is now an even bigger monstrosity with the exact same measly bike lanes…
Well, the bike lanes on Farmington do extend a bit farther east now; a minor improvement. Not sure if that makes up for the double-wide intersection at Murray, though.
Yep. The map posted above shows it quite clearly. A few lovely stretches of green that abruptly end after a few blocks with almost no connections to anything else. I realize there are jurisdictional issues with ODOT and ROW, but I really wish BVT would just have the balls/ovaries to make a few decent quality and LONG stretches of good bikeways so people can safely get from one end of town to the other. Establish just a couple of good East/West and North/South bikeways to show what’s possible, then expand from there. This shotgun approach of a few crumbs scattered about doesn’t encourage any meaningful transportation, so all the beautiful but short sections stay empty. With no one using them, there isn’t any pressure to expand the facilities.
Whoops, that was supposed to be a reply to bikeninja’s crazy uncle comment.
Double whoops, it was!
This is the kind of thinking that needs to be encouraged in Portland. Cesar Chavez/39 Av. in Portland could benefit from something like this. Division St. is another. And there are likely others around the area. It’s crazy that Beaverton is showing Portland what leadership really means.
Oh, please. This is one small stretch of an overbuilt road that they are fixing. If Portland had any arterials that had this level of overcapacity, they would have been put on a diet years ago. Bike infrastructure in Beaverton is sparse and for the most part, terrifying.
The crossing for 5th under 217 is a better bicycle crossing of a freeway than anything in SW Portland except for SW Park over the 405. Mountain biking is not allowed in George Himes Park.
…Camelot ct. over 26 ain’t bad either. “SW Portland” only in technicality though…
Yes, but the path on nearby Sunnyhill Lane can get very muddy. There is a new paved path at the Elk’s Lodge on SW 106th Ave that connects 103rd Ave to 106th. It is on the north side of the new TVF&R fire station. It allows you to avoid Canyon Road.
I think you’re confusing “Camelot” with “Cabot”. Cabot is the one close to Sunnyhill, Camelot is the last crossing of 26 EB before Sylvan—it connects to the cemetery.
That is possibly true. But 5th is a narrow road, the bike lanes are definitely less than 6′ (more like 3′ I think), many drivers speed terribly along 5th, and the railroad crossing is awful.
Designing and building a separated bikeway is easy where it runs parallel to a street or highway. Every intersection with a street or driveway is a problem. Until it is clear how every one of these conflict points is being addressed, I don’t see any point in celebrating the proposed separated bikeway as a success.
The hidden walkway by Pacific Lumber is a key that is needed.
Protected infrastructure is the answer.
IMO, connection is the answer (see my comment above). With a few crumbs of good stuff scattered about, and little to nothing in between, there isn’t any way to safely get more than a few blocks. I’ll take a 2 foot buffered lane that stretches all the way across Beaverton over a few yards of protected stuff that don’t go anywhere. Regardless of our differing opinions, Phil, I think we can agree the status quo ain’t good enough.
Alan, you and I don’t disagree. Connectivity is ALSO the answer or as you point out arguably more important. Because I live near Multnomah and usually go to Kaiser in Beaverton this infrastructure is one of the most noticeable gaps I notice between Multnomah (Village) and Kaiser Beaverton. Much of the distance is now conveniently on the separated Fanno Creek Trail, which continues to improve and provides a valuable connection between the two points.
This looks fabulous! Of course, doing anything to Western is a huge improvement. Too bad it T-bones into the office wasteland that is Allen. If only they’d connect Allen to Garden Home … Then we’d be talking!!!
When somewhat decent bike infrastructure (Multnomah) hits Beaverton, “Bikes in road,” it really hamners home the sorry state.
What do you mean by connecting Garden Home to Allen Blvd? Are you talking about the trail at the western end of SW Garden Home Road or about the Fanno Creek Trail at 92nd Ave at Allen Blvd ?
I have been waiting 40 years for some/any bike infrastructure on this street. Is this project a signal of progress or the inevitability of change.
I think positive, healthy changes.
While I am glad that bike transit is under consideration in Beaverton, selling thus because it is close to Nike is a joke. Nike is miles away. And Fanno Creek as a transport route? In that area, its a 1970s style trail in a park, even if it was only recently built.
This project was developed not just because it is close to downtown Beaverton, but also because of the proximity to the existing 5th Street / Jamieson Road / Elm bike corridor. The Fanno Creek Trail and SW 86th Ave, both adjacent to Vista Brook Park, were recently repaved. ODOT planners wanted to build the Multnomah Expressway freeway through the neighborhood in order to connect Sellwood to Beaverton many decades ago. The neighborhood fought back and won the Fanno Creek Trail.
This is a horrible idea. That road is already close to being too narrow for the trucks in the area and with the addition of a new UPS location it will be even worse. I have no idea what businesses in the area would benefit from this. My wife works in the area and I have seen and heard very often how the truck traffic in the area often blocks the entire road or much of it.
It looks like the proposed lanes will be slightly wider than the existing ones. Will you have to occasionally wait behind a truck or drive more slowly? Yes. Will the road be safer and more accessible for all users? Yes.
Just wait until the trucks start using the bike path for overnight parking, at the expense of the plastic posts.
Many businesses want this massive improvement to Western Ave. I’ve never seen the semi-trucks illegally parked on the adjacent walk / bike path on Western Ave or on the bike lanes on 5th Street between 217 and Western Ave.
This improvement to Western Ave is a fantastic idea. There are many empty parking lot deserts and under-utilized properties there. Each current lane on Western Ave is 12 feet wide. There is not a business in the area that will see a decrease in customers and businesses. From Bi-Mart to Kaiser to Pacific Lumber, everyone will benefit. The numerous crashes in recent years blocks and delays traffic.
No doubt, the city has big hopes that property along Western will be developed far more substantially than it is now. Meaning a lot more traffic on this road than there is now, and more people walking and biking.
The mph speed motor vehicles travel on this relatively short length of road (not sure what it is…maybe 1.5 miles total length?), has always seemed to me to be excessively fast. Don’t offhand know the posted speed limit. Why so fast for such a short stretch of road with signal managed ‘T’ intersections at each end? A posted and managed speed of 25 mph or even 20 mph would likely be sufficient to reasonably meet everyone’s travel needs, regardless of their mode of travel.
I’ve kind of liked the two lanes in each direction. Lots of people driving do switch to the left lane if someone is biking in the right lane. Re configuring the road for just two lanes in each direction, despite the MUP, seems a bit of a compromise for people driving and people biking, but if the average mph speeds traveled with motor vehicles goes down to the aforementioned mph speeds, that could be a nice outcome.
I’ve always been able to bike the road, ok, north uphill or south downhill, but I could never say it was a good experience.
All of Western Ave is 35 mph. Most of BH Highway in that area is 35 and PBOT will request a lower speed limit (currently 40) for most of BH Highway on their side.
Thanks…I thought 35 might be the posted, but I didn’t want to say, not being sure from memory. Actual motor vehicle traffic speed, even if it’s 35 or 40 as Tom says, often seems very fast there when I’m biking. I think that’s partly because of the low level, narrow range of development currently existing along this street. If there were more retail and restaurants here, it might be slower. Or maybe not.
Kind of ironic, is how actual speed on some roads with high posted speed limits can vary so much. Beav-Hillsdale Hwy between Raleigh Hills and Beaverton is for me an example of that. Motor vehicle traffic on this road can get very heavy during M-F rush hours, during which time, mph speed slows way down. Lots of signals, retail, restaurants and other businesses help bring the speeds down.
During lighter motor vehicle traffic use times, the mph speed can get very high. In that case, two lanes in each direction can help a lot towards better conditions for riding, because many people driving in the right lane will at least move to the left of the right lane some to allow people biking more room to ride on this road, much of which doesn’t have bike lanes. And some people driving actually switch to the left lane as they approach someone riding to the right side of the right lane. This is the opportunity that gets lost in a reconfiguration of a road such as is planned for Western.
Despite losing that opportunity, the MUP planned for Western, likely will be better for riding and biking. The MUP not being physically separated from the main lanes means people riding will still easily be able to ride the line, or the main lane itself to escape the inevitable hazardous junk that accumulates on parts of the road on which people driving are not allowed to operate their motor vehicles.
Do you think Bethany is better for cyclists as a 4-lane road with a skinny bike lane than it would have been as a 2-lane road with a middle turn lane and buffered bike lanes?
The rebuilt Bethany Blvd is punishment to the people who opposed the Westside Bypass Freeway project.
The speed limit is 35, traffic is 40.
I ride along 5th from the office park just east of Hwy 217 to the other end (yes, past the homeless camp; they’ve never bothered me). It would be nice if something was done at the south end on Allen. The FCT gets tight and twisty as one gets closer to the Garden Home Rec Center. We’ve been kicked off the FCT intermittently all summer (and coming up again on Oct 23) for the Portland sewer project; I’ve been riding on Garden Home. Now there is a road that could use some help.
But hey, did anyone notice the new PAVED PATH from the east end of SW Millikan Way to SW Lombard? Wayfinding signs and all. I poked the city engineer about it years ago, and was told not likely, but I am sure many of you did the same. No more sucking mud pit desire path!
A Washington County Land Use & Transportation official told me the people on SW Garden Home Road from 92nd to just west of SW Oleson Road do not want sidewalks and bike lanes, but I found that difficult to believe. I’ve noticed Beaverton building more paths, bike parking, and other walk / bike improvements in and near downtown Beaverton lately.
The Washington County offical you talked with about the desire of the the residents of this area is clearly not paying attention. While there are some people in this area who are against side walks/ bike lanes, I know of many people, myself included, who have submitted written comments to WACO on roads in this area and have been told in no uncertain terms that this type of project is beyond the scope of what the county wants to do. Keep in mind we are talking about a section of road that is narrow and bordered by a deep ditch.
And where does Beaverton fit in? Well, one end of this road is in Beaverton, then it passes into Washington County, and then at the intersection of Oleson, where it is is on the border,of Portland, it is again Beaverton. And last year Beaverton! Approved a drive thru coffee shop on their small island of land surrounded by Washington County and Portland. Never mind that this is an intersection that already backs up with traffic into the rec center, the Fanno Creek Trail terminus, a supermarket, and two convenience stores. They aproved a traffic intensive business that empties onto a road for which they are not responsible.
In short, what we have here is an orphan road. Not the usual type where ODOT is responsible for for a city street but one that Washington County probably thinks will become a Beaverton street at some time, as evidenced by their lack of action that dates back decades, and one that Beaverton will not give much attention until the entire street is annexed into Beaverton, which is happening lot by lot in this area.
I went to the neighborhood meeting about that drive-thru coffee plan on SW Garden Home Road. I was angered.
I just noticed that Lombard/Millikan path too! I looked it up and it’s part of this larger project: https://www.beavertonoregon.gov/1628/CIP-3518—Canyon-Road-Alternate-Bike-Ne
Oh c’mon…south of Oleson Rd, eastbound, riding Garden Home Rd is fun! Really helps a person riding to tune up their line holding skills. Downhill westbound too, though not quite as precarious as uphill.
Noticed the Millikan Way connection from Lombard. Not complaining really, but I’d hoped for a path with a little bit of an ‘s’ curve in it, and a little further away from the big privacy wall built for the adjacent apartment complex. I question whether an additional 5′-8′ would have compromised too much, the big drainage basin that was built right next to the creek as part of this project. Overall…much nicer not to have to walk and bike in the mud, and so close to people’s back doors.
I saw a man this morning walking along the westside of Western Ave by Allen Blvd. Perhaps he didn’t know of the adjacent walkway, but maybe he doesn’t like walking on that tree root-broken walkway or he’s just visualizing the future improvements to Western.
Please replicate along the entirety of Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy.
Yes. PBOT will remove the right-turn car lane at Shattuck this winter to make a swale.
The trucks already have difficulties while using two to three lanes (and sometimes all four), what makes you think it will be better if there’s less road? They could just build a sidewalk/bikeway on one side and keep everything else the same.
Western Ave doesn’t have any medians. It needs one. This project will help the employees who use TriMet bus 53 to get to and from work.
With over 100 people moving to the Portland Metro area daily, and a huge new Kaiser complex going in, I cannot believe they are going to NARROW a roadway. Western Avenue is about the only road I can think of where frustration is minimal. It’s about to become just like everywhere else.
Your one shining example of perfect infrastructure is a 1/2 mile de facto highway where people outside of cars aren’t welcome? That’s rather myopic.
The problem is Kaiser blocking the sidewalk on BH Highway for almost 2 years. Western Ave should not be an orphan highway.
A southbound painted bike lane will be built on the westside of Western Ave from BH to 5th Street.
Beaverton plans to have this project done by March, 2023.